Footage of a missile hitting Beirut

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It seems worth noting, a quick check on the t-dot-me link shows other postings at conspiracist website Sic Semper Tyrannis, and, oh, hey, Moon of Alabama.

No, really, that was it. We'll see where else it comes up, but this is tinfoil. Yes, the video is fake. Blatantly.
I don't rule out the possibility that the video was doctored to make Israel look bad. I just think it should be analyzed to be sure. Knee-jerk dismissal is not the scientific method.
This is a fertilizer explosion.

Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Caught on Video

It looks pretty similar to the Beirut explosion. It may turn out that the video with the missile is doctored.
The video is in this article.
(The explosion, as filmed from a boat with inverted colors out on the port waters, is amazing. Watch missile come in on first and second view angle from top left.

You may have to take a test to prove you're human after you click on the link.
I was wondering what was taking so long for someone to post a thread about the Beirut explosion. Glad to know the first concern isn't how the people are doing, but rather how are we going to prove that Israel noticed fireworks going off in a warehouse full of ammonium nitrate and decided to take advantage of the alibi. SMH
Hey here's a fun fact. Did you know the ground you're standing on right at this very moment might not actually be as stable as assumed, and at any moment it could potentially collapse into a 100 foot sinkhole and swallow you up whole? Also there's no guarantee that the roof over your head couldn't buckle and rain hundreds of pounds of crushing debris down on you at any time. You're not in complete 100% control, no one's in 100% control, you can't be in 100% control no matter how much you know, oh no let's all go pee our pants and freak out because sometimes random shit happens! *Twilight Zone music*
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I was wondering what was taking so long for someone to post a thread about the Beirut explosion. Glad to know the first concern isn't how the people are doing, but rather how are we going to prove that Israel noticed fireworks going off in a warehouse full of ammonium nitrate and decided to take advantage of the alibi. SMH
if they gave a fuck about people they wouldn't be conspiracy theorist. over a quarter million people are homeless. and 15000 tons of grain were destroyed the country is at serious risk of famine. so of course people are going be dicks.
This guy makes a point that supports the idea that the missile was photoshopped.
He says it was going too slow to be a missile.

Somewhere out there is a video that debunks your whole life. You start yet another bollocky thread without spending a few seconds to look at how absurd it is.
You start yet another bollocky thread without spending a few seconds to look at how absurd it is.
I said in post #1 that I didn't know if the missile was photoshopped or not. There's no harm in putting everything on the table so other people can contribute to the analysis.

Now I'm leaning toward the idea that it was photoshopped. I'm not one hundred percent sure though.
Now I'm leaning toward the idea that it was photoshopped. I'm not one hundred percent sure though.

think about the colours of the video

think about how the video would have survived the blast
think about why there is no original footage

who would see & track the missile and make it public to gain international public support !
many countries
who has missiles that fast ?

the jump to the pretended scientific conclusion excludes massive amounts of required scientific knowledge
you cant just ignore all the other stuff and jump to an emotive conclusion

middle eastern and some Asian psychology enjoys watching people aimlessly walk around prior to savage events while watching in the third person
it narrates to their indoctrinated conspiracy thinking.

the style of the video shows what type of person made it
and for what type of audience
it is a product made for an audience

many countries would have the capability to blow up the fertilizer and never be detected
using a missile would be like painting it with neon lights and putting up advertising bill boards.

usually the facts are more simple are unbelievable than what most people think
peoples sheer ignorance and carelessness over rules most peoples thinking on common events
explosives & fireworks stored with ammonium nitrate in a hazardous goods storage area ...
no body has the authority to change anything
people must autocratically follow instructions
no money for maintenance
no infrastructure
no fire detection systems
no fire fighting systems
money(assets & expenses) is someone else's problem

dogmatic worship of a single dictator authority model psychology


economic collapse

it might have been someone trying to steel or sell it(or simple electrical fault) who may have started the fire
and all the rest was bystander effect

i have personally witnessed many electrical faults where the modern well resourced highly advanced fast to respond fire brigade have saved large buildings from going up in flames due to unforeseen unable to pre-detect electrical faults

the more disenfranchised the people
the tighter grip on absolute power
the more obedient the people
the less they question authority

the more detached the leadership(the less the people trust & believe & relate to)
the more unstable the country
The more unstable the county
the more the people jump towards extremist ideologies for solutions to fascism & dictatorship

The Merry Go~Round
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