Fundamental or nearly fundamental energy and the origin of Intelligence?

Would Intelligence begin in fundamental or nearly fundamental energy?

  • No

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • I would tend to think so at least????

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
Or... could it be that the beings who are encountered during a near death experience are so much older than us that they are using a technology to revive the actually deceased person to a quality of life that physicians of the year 2021 cannot yet accomplish with our relatively much less advanced medical technology?
No, that's science fiction. There is no evidence other than anecdotal narratives of personal experiences, which can never be duplicated.

There is not a single verifiable account that someone was resurrected from being braindead. If they are resurrected then they were near-dead but not ever fully brain dead. What happens in brain death is that brain cells experience catastrophic disassembly, which cannot be repaired.

Outside the brain there is no known medium that is able to generate controlled hallucinations as Anil Seth posits.

Wait, there is such a thing as a "fata morgana", but that phenomenon is well understood and has nothing to do with conscious sentience.
No, that's science fiction. There is no evidence other than anecdotal narratives of personal experiences, which can never be duplicated.

There is not a single verifiable account that someone was resurrected from being braindead. If they are resurrected then they were near-dead but not ever fully brain dead. What happens in brain death is that brain cells experience catastrophic disassembly, which cannot be repaired.

Outside the brain there is no known medium that is able to generate controlled hallucinations as Anil Seth posits.

Wait, there is such a thing as a "fata morgana", but that phenomenon is well understood and has nothing to do with conscious sentience.

Is it "science fiction" or does the idea of there being Intelligences out there in outer space......
or more likely in "Invisible Dimensions" scare us?

The fact that the most fundamental most basic types of energy would operate at "some trillion" times the energy that can be generated in a particle accelerator would tend to imply that those more ancient Intelligences would probably be so far advanced beyond us humans that we would be like parrots or chimpanzees or crows in comparison to them. (For the record parrots, chimpanzees and crows are quite creative and intelligent relatively speaking).

Ben Stein vs. Richard Dawkins Interview
•Nov 11, 2008

Richard Dawkins Ph.D.'s comments on life perhaps developing in outer space somewhere and perhaps being somehow taken to the earth is quite good....... but postulating the development of Intelligence in higher invisible dimensions as postulated in String Theory is an even more logical next step.
Is it "science fiction" or does the idea of there being Intelligences out there in outer space......or more likely in "Invisible Dimensions" scare us?
No. religious people are scared of the "afterlife". They are the ones praying for salvation.

OTOH, atheists realize that after death there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing at all.
So, atheists aren't afraid of death, we love life and want it to last as long as possible, that's only natural.
The survival instinct is hardwired in all living organisms. It is a part of the definition of being a living organism.
That's how some living organisms have escaped "natural selection" and some not.
Actually some 95 % of all living things that have ever lived are now extinct. Were was that savior race for all those innocent souls?
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No. religious people are scared of the "afterlife". They are the ones praying for salvation.

OTOH, atheists realize that after death there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing at all.
So, atheists aren't afraid of death, we love life and want it to last as long as possible, that's only natural.
The survival instinct is hardwired in all living organisms. It is a part of the definition of being a living organism.
That's how some living organisms have escaped "natural selection" and some not.
Actually some 95 % of all living things that have ever lived are now extinct. Were was that savior race for all those innocent souls?

The existence of what appears to be some sort of higher dimensional RECORDING for every moment of our lives is evidence that perhaps we are living in a Multiverse and perhaps at some time in the future the injustices of what we think of as the past may well be addressed..... in a new time line.. .that could theoretically be spun off from any moment in the past????

If you are interested just do a search for "Life Review near death experiences" and lots of articles should come up.

NDE and Its Rich and Vivid Memory
It is now widely accepted that declarative memory is not crucial for consciousness. Many authors have shown the coexistence of profound deficits in long-term memory formation and conscious states (e.g., patients with advanced Alzheimer’s disease; [
]), or the possibility to be conscious and responsive but under the influence of alcohol causing lapses of declarative memory for example. Similarly, some episodes of connected consciousness such as assessed by the IFT appear to rarely be followed by explicit recall postoperatively [
]. By contrast, episodes of disconnected consciousness inherently rely on memory. Classical NDEs are thought to occur in near death states where brain processes are severely diminished; however, NDEs are subsequently described in great detail and firmly anchored in experiencers’ memory [
]. Importantly, current research shows that the NDE memory can hardly be considered as typically invented because it contains a high amount of qualitative phenomenological characteristics such as contextual and sensorial details (e.g., remembering what one felt or thought during the event; [
]). It is this subjective experience when remembering that gives one the impression that a memory belongs to one’s own past [
] – and is not invented. Using electroencephalography, Palmieri and colleagues [
] further showed the presence of theta activity associated with the recall of NDE memories, as being suggestive of episodic memories of real experienced events. Although memory theories have difficulties explaining NDEs and their resulting rich memory [
], an answer can be provided by theories demonstrating the importance of the medial temporal lobe for memory encoding and retrieval [
If you are interested just do a search for "Life Review near death experiences" and lots of articles should come up.
If you are interested, just do a search for Life Review after death experiences and no articles should come up.
The point is that there are no After Death experiences, only Near Death experiences which can be explained by existing science.
If you are interested, just do a search for Life Review after death experiences and no articles should come up.
The point is that there are no After Death experiences, only Near Death experiences which can be explained by existing science.

You are still scared of the idea that perhaps some of these people were actually dead but......
they encountered beings of such great technological capability that the greatest human scientists of 2021 would appear to be
intellectual dwarfs in comparison.

In a way..... .your fear is a sign of intelligence......
this very real possibility is kind of scary......
That was a nice post and I agree with exception to your very last statement above. It is the brain that generates an abstract conscious mind, a type of hologram. Take away the brain and the mind (YOU) itself ceases to exist.

You posit that it can continue to exist. Can you you identify what generates a conscious mind without a brain?
I have tried to understand the connection of Complexity to Consciousness and have never seen a coherent explanation of it. It always starts with the premise that Complexity is Consciousness so more Complexity means more Consciousness or maybe more sophisticated Consciousness. I don't study Consciousness as a general Phenomenon because I think it is not well defined and I don't really know how to define it even after years of thinking about it. So to me, linking a Phenomenon called Consciousness to a Concept like Complexity makes no sense on the face of it. Rather than a generalized Consciousness, I study Conscious Experience (the Qualia from Philosophy). So I am interested in things like Redness, the Standard A Tone, and the Salty Taste as internal Conscious Phenomena. I think these things can be more tightly defined with most people. Even though we cannot know what other people are Experiencing we must agree that for purposes of study that there is much commonality of Experience among people. But anyway, the point is that I don't see that the Experience of these things can have any connection to Complexity, or as other people claim to Computations. These things are Conscious Phenomena that have an existence as things in some sort of Mind concept.


Complexity is consciousness , awareness , knowledge , communication , language .
Several of the most basic paragraphs that I ever read on String Theory left me with the impression that fundamental and /or nearly fundamental energy would exist for infinite time BEFORE the Big Bang event.
It shouldn't. String theory has nothing to say about conditions pre-Big Bang.

Also, there's no accepted term "fundamental energy".
It shouldn't. String theory has nothing to say about conditions pre-Big Bang.

Also, there's no accepted term "fundamental energy".

The term "fundamental energy" will soon be understood quite well as fear and bias against Energy from Quantum Vacuum decreases........
frankly... a greater understanding of this topic would tend to increase how the Stanley Meyer hydrogen fuel dune buggy WAS NOT violating The Law of Thermodynamics.
The term "fundamental energy" will soon be understood quite well as fear and bias against Energy from Quantum Vacuum decreases........
frankly... a greater understanding of this topic would tend to increase how the Stanley Meyer hydrogen fuel dune buggy WAS NOT violating The Law of Thermodynamics.
Meyer was a deluded crank. As is the website, and its writers, you linked to.
By whom ?

Has any body shown him to be incorrect .? In Concept .

In my opinion ... .the judge who presided over his case risks going down in history as being corrupt...... but I am pretty sure that whoever convinced him to do that probably told him that the order was coming down from influential people????

Fraud charges

It failed to work during a required demonstration of the water-fueled car in a 1990 court case. An Ohio court found Stanley Meyer guilty of "gross and egregious fraud" in a case brought against him by disgruntled investors. The court decided that the centerpiece of the car, his water fuel cell, was a conventional electrolysis device, and he was ordered to repay the investors $25,000.[1]

However, in their 1 December 1996 issue , the London Sunday Times published an article entitled "End of Road for Car that Ran on Water" by Tony Edwards. It upheld the court case, stating that three "Expert Witnesses" were not impressed and decided that the WFC was simply using conventional electrolysis. It stated Stan Meyer was found guilty of "gross and egregious fraud" and was ordered to repay the investors their $25,000. It implied that Michael Laughton, professor of electrical engineering at Queen Mary and Westfield University, London was due to examine the car, but was not allowed to see it. However, not mentioned was that this occurred in 1990 and that the WFC Water Fuel injector tech-base was still under U.S. National Security Review as in accordance to U.S. Patent Law and not available for public viewing. Also not mentioned were the many WFC Patents, verified laboratory and university testing that supports the bases of WFC technology nor the WFC appeal filing to dismiss Judge Corzine ruling due to Judicial default and other relevant information.[2]

On 18 October 1995, a pretrial deposition hearing to inspect the WFC Dealership demonstration units (Variable-plate Electrical Polarization Process (VIC) Fuel Cell and Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequecy Generator Tubular-Array Fuel Cell) was held in the office of the plaintiff's attorney, Robert Judkins. Present were the plaintiff's, their attorneys, plaintiffs expert witness, Michael Leverich (Electronics Engineer), Stan Meyer, Dr. Russel Fowler, WFC witness and defense attorneys Judge Roger Hurley and James Detling, as well as a deposition recorder. During the deposition, Attorney Judkins attempted to have the WFC dismantled prior to implementing proper test procedures, which Stan Meyer refused. Michael Leverich confirmed that his initial measurements of the WFC Fuel Cells showed that it operated exactly as the WFC documentation stated it should, as so recorded on WFC Deposition Video Tape. However, he then added a unknown white substance (powder) for additional testing. Stan objected to this, since the WFC Fuel Cell uses plain tap water and does not require a chemical additive. The plaintiffs also admitted that, during their observances at WFC Dealship Seminars, tap water was always used without any chemicals added to the water. Despite Stan's objection, plaintiff measurements were taken of this chemicallized water-bath and recorded. This illegal act of tampering with WFC Evidence of Records was witnessed by WFC Cameraman, Dr. Russ Fowler, and all others who attended Plaintiffs Deposition To-Test.[3]