Galactic Dark Matter

Discussion in 'Pseudoscience' started by Contemplation, Feb 19, 2023.

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  1. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    What if the reason galactic dark matter holds the Milky Way together is because the Milky Way is the universe? The universe is just rotating around a singularity that is a supermassive black hole. This supermassive black hole is jumping backwards in time to create more supermassive black holes. Then the Schwazrtchild Radius decreases and the event horizon moves to have a smaller radius, ejecting matter and energy to form spiral galaxies.
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  3. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    That would be a weird universe, I'm glad the real universe isn't like that.
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  5. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Gravity holds the Universe together and the Milky Way Galaxy isn't the whole Universe.
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  7. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    How do you think it is not like that? In what ways? What would prevent it from being like that?
    There is actually more gravity than there is supposed to be holding the galaxy together called dark matter. Then there is a web of dark matter holding all the galaxies together. This web could just be the connections between the galaxies through there supermassive black holes. This connection through time makes them move away from us with dark energy. The matter and energy inside of them could be what is pushing them apart.
  8. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Dark matter isn't holding the galaxy together, gravity is. Dark matter, like regular matter, isn't gravity. Gravity (a force) pulling all matter together.
  9. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    I didn’t say that dark matter is holding the galaxy together. It would be more like a pseudo-force from it being a closed system. The motions of the stars of the galaxy actually more closely resemble an object being spun around that is connected mechanically with itself.

    Pretend that the only galaxy is the Milky Way. How would any observer know if the galaxy was actually rotating? Why would it have a centrifugal force if that was all of spacetime spinning around? If there is no centrifugal force, then there would be no need for an extra amount of force to keep the stars from flying off, out of the galaxy.
  10. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    The physics of the Milky Way galaxy could be more like it is operating like a water sprinkler. If everything is shot outwards from the center, it jumps gives the illusion of the water rotating around in circles. The water actually doesn’t orbit the sprinkler, so there would be no need for dark matter to keep it in orbit. The matter was shot out of a black hole, instead of collecting around in orbit.
  11. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    This looks, on the face of it, very close to being word salad. Can we unpick it please, to try to understand what you are talking about?

    First of all, what do you mean by a "web of dark matter holding galaxies together" ? And can you provide a link to support this idea?

    Secondly, what do you mean by the connections between galaxies through supermassive black holes? What makes you think one black hole is connected to another? Again, please provide a link supporting this idea, to show us what you mean.
  12. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    Word salad is word salad. You have never seen the dark matter map? It’s purple and presented in every documentary on the subject. I suggest you watch a documentary about dark matter.

    The amount of curvature of spacetime at the center of a black hole could be infinite. This would create an Einstein-Rosen Bridge to another location in the universe. The dark matter map could simply be showing these connections. It would be similar to a wormhole but with a closed singularity.

    If the matter and energy in the black hole found some other location to go through time in the universe, then a new balancing act would be performed. The black hole would then have about half the amount of matter and energy contained in it, because it now shares half of its contents with its sister black hole through an Einstein-Rosen Bridge at another location in the universe.

    Everything past the event horizon is time reversed from the gravitational forces making the escape velocity faster than light, so then we would observe the other end of the black hole to have always previously existed. An Einstein-Rosen Bridge is a tunnel through time and space.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
  13. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    The Einstein-Rosen bridge would be completely filled with matter and energy connecting two closed singularities. Since, it does not create a white hole on the other end, the black hole created from it tunneling through time would be physically connected within the black hole to the inside of the black hole which created it.

    This could act like a pressure cap, since nothing can escape the event horizon on the other side. The internal pressures inside of the Einstein-Rosen Bridge could push them farther away from each other, because the tunnel is increasing in size. We could be observing this to be dark energy.
  14. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    One of the leading problems, right now, in cosmology is that the James Webb Telescope found that galaxies on the edge of the visible universe are more underdeveloped as expected. Most of them are smaller and consist of only two premature spiral arms. This new data seems to fit within the current model I am suggesting.

    They would actually be newly formed galaxies from the event horizon changing in size from matter and energy being transferred between an Einstein-Rosen Bridge of a supermassive black hole at the center of another galaxy.

    Most research on Einstein-Rosen Bridges haven’t gone as far to predict what would happen if it was censored by two closed singularities on each end. I believe that is what further research into this type of situation would show.
  15. Janus58 Valued Senior Member

    Two things:
    1. What would keep it from collapsing in on itself due to mutual gravitational attraction?
    2.The various parts of the galaxy do not have the same angular velocity. Those parts closer in to the center take less time to complete a rotation than those further out. So matter what you decided was your "non-rotating" frame, there would large amounts of the galaxy that would be rotating relative to it.
  16. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    The comment you replied to was more of a free thought I had, more than anything else. I haven’t made any progress trying to understand the situation in that way. That is why I think it is actually like one of those old fashioned red water sprinkler tractors that can run along the hose. It gives the same perspective on the situation.

    In the current model, it is assumed that all of the matter in the galaxy gathered together in its current orbit. The amount of dark matter is derived from this scenario. Since, this scenario is different, it wouldn’t require dark matter to achieve this.

    Instead, matter originates from the opposite direction. It would depend if the cosmic jet streams were able to achieve an escape velocity. That should be impossible, because it would require more energy to be created to overcome the gravitational force than what the gravitational force created to cause the cosmic jet.

    The spiral arms of galaxies are the remnants of cosmic jets. They would shoot out in both polar directions as the supermassive black hole rotated. The speed of this rotation would have increased over time as some of the matter fell back into the black hole once it became dormant.
  17. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    I suppose these are more free thoughts? Your free thoughts are not science based and so I guess there is no point in discussing them, have fun with your wild speculations.
  18. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    You really should know this by now for as long as you have been trolling people here in these forums. The theory of cosmic jets was developed by Stephen Hawking, whom was hailed as one of the greatest theoretical physicists of modern times. He became famous from writing about this in his book, A Brief History of Time.

    The problem with his theory is that it predicts that black holes could gain infinite energy past the event horizon. He was able to work around this problem by using different methods to use equations that relate to black holes using different metric units by incorporating quantum mechanics into the theory.

    More recent approaches using the Holographic Principle use only measurements of their proper time. They were unable to solve for distances to describe the situation by completely removing distances from the equations.

    I have derived an equation to determine the distances an object traveled at a constant velocity by solving for distance in an equivalent equation of the proper time in Minkowski Spacetime.

    d = c sqrt( t^2 - t’^2 )

    In Minkowski Spacetime, if you picked up a black box or read a transmitter from another ship, you could determine the relative distance an object traveled by only measuring the difference of squares of their two clocks, where t’ is the proper time. The proper time is always less than time, so the difference of squares of these two values is always greater than or equal to zero. When the difference of squares of an object’s dilated time is zero, it has traveled no distance.
  19. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    So no clarification and no supporting links, just more word salad.

    I'm out.
  20. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    It was? Do you have a source for that?
    If t' is the proper time then t would be less than t' since moving clocks run slower. Therefore your equation would yield a negative distance. So that doesn't seem right...
  21. Contemplation Registered Senior Member


    —->A Brief History of Time<—-

    No, no, no, you have it all wrong. The proper time is always less than an observer at rest. They measure fewer ticks on the clock. They will always measure less time. The observer at rest will always measure more ticks on the clock, so that value would always be greater.

    It is set up so that t’ is the shorter side of the light triangle, as an observer in constant motion would measure a light beam to travel a shorter distance, straight up and down. The observer at rest measures a light ray to travel a longer distance at a diagonal. They use their clock to make this determination of how far the light ray traveled.

    t > t’
  22. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    The standardized units work in the equation.

    km = (km/s) * sqrt( s^2 - s’^2 )

    By taking the difference of squares of the time unit, it ends up getting multiplied by a constant velocity, so the amount of time cancels out. You are left only with a measurement of distance or velocity times time. This is the distance that an observer at rest would measure the ship to travel using their own clock.

    Distance is nothing more than the difference of squares of an object’s dilated time, the speed of light number of times. That is what separates things in Minkowski Spacetime, first conceived of by Einsteins physics teacher.
  23. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    I was able to derive this formula from discovering an alternate equation for the Pythagorean Theorem.

    ( a + b )^2 = c^2 + 2ab

    a, b, and c are the three sides of a right triangle.

    The distance a light ray travels sent to the front of the ship can be expressed as,

    ( vt + ct’ )^2 = ( ct )^2 + 2 ( vt ) ( ct’ )
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