"Ghosts" implausible.???


+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
I dont thank so.!!!

What some people experience as "ghosts" may be due to a previous technological singularity which allows for such thangs.!!!

At some pont we all might experience existence as a "ghost"... an even have our previous life played over an over (much like a video) for the amusement of current entities.!!!
I dont thank so.!!!

What some people experience as "ghosts" may be due to a previous technological singularity which allows for such thangs.!!!

At some pont we all might experience existence as a "ghost"... an even have our previous life played over an over (much like a video) for the amusement of current entities.!!!

What's a ghost the spirit of a dead body?
I dont thank so.!!!
What some people experience as "ghosts" may be due to a previous technological singularity which allows for such thangs.!!!
You're claiming that something isn't implausible by bringing in something that's also implausible as an "explanation".
Way to go.
An argument that could be made is *if* ghosts were a product of a technological singularity, what purpose would they serve? After all technology for the most part has been forward by capitalism, so what goods or services is a ghost suppose to be providing? would they be "contracted" and if so are they living... deceasing up to it?
I dont thank so.!!!

What some people experience as "ghosts" may be due to a previous technological singularity which allows for such thangs.!!!

At some pont we all might experience existence as a "ghost"... an even have our previous life played over an over (much like a video) for the amusement of current entities.!!!

What's a ghost the spirit of a dead body?

I have never experienced one that i know of... but in the OP i described it as... "What some people experience as "ghosts".!!!

"what goods or services is a ghost suppose to be providing?"

I havae no idea but that woud make a good thred topic... but here im only talkin about the plausibility of "What some people perceive as bein "ghosts".!!!
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His (Einstein's) most descriptive testimony to this faith came when his lifelong friend Besso died. Einstein wrote a letter to Besso's family, saying that although Besso had preceded him in death, that was of no consequence: "Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
I dont thank so.!!! What some people experience as "ghosts" may be due to a previous technological singularity which allows for such thangs.!!!

The god-like computer of Isaac Asimov's The Last Question leaves a few spooky loose ends lingering in its post-BigBang creation [i.e., the future eventually becomes the past]?

"[...] And it came to pass that AC learned how to reverse the direction of entropy. But there was now no man to whom AC might give the answer of the last question. No matter. The answer -- by demonstration -- would take care of that, too. For another timeless interval, AC thought how best to do this. Carefully, AC organized the program. The consciousness of AC encompassed all of what had once been a Universe and brooded over what was now Chaos. Step by step, it must be done. And AC said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" And there was light----"

Or, in a Hippie days: How a handful of countercultural scientists changed the course of physics in the 1970s vein, that Jack Sarfatti stuff about a distant, future archailect technologically descended from us deciding to play Doctor Who?

"After almost a half century of thinking about the meaning of existence I have come to the following hypotheses which can be tested by experiments in physics laboratories. The universe did not come into being randomly by chance. The universe is created by intelligent design. There is a God, but that God evolves from us. That is the deep meaning of the Bible's story of Abraham's Covenant with God. God travels back in time to engineer the Big Bang explosion creating time in an amazingly precise way that ensures that we and God will evolve. Man's role in the universe is vital. We are part of the quantum process that brings the universe into being."

Or we're all being simulated in Frank Tipler's Omega Point, allowing for natural order to be violated with spectres whenever it pleases those darn von Neumann machine* descendents of ours? [*Akin to the black monoliths of ET origin in Kubrick's 2001.]

With computational resources diverging to infinity, Tipler states that a society far in the future would be able to resurrect the dead by emulating all alternative universes of our universe from its start at the Big Bang.

Or who needs those artificial, "humans play a role in theogony" romps above? If there can be Boltzmann Brains randomly fluctuating into existence, then why not whole Boltzmann bodies being ethereally mistaken for ghosts? Hah! :rolleyes:
"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

I thank Einstein was a very smart man... an i also thank thers a lot of illusion goin on :)

I suspect that at some pont on a path to singularity... the ability to reanimate long dead creatures woud be a simple matter.!!!

Tipler states that a society far in the future would be able to resurrect the dead by emulating all alternative universes of our universe from its start at the Big Bang.

Yeah thats the idea... an personaly... i druther stay dead than be brout back but i dout i woud have a choice :(
I dont thank so.!!!

What some people experience as "ghosts" may be due to a previous technological singularity which allows for such thangs.!!!

At some pont we all might experience existence as a "ghost"... an even have our previous life played over an over (much like a video) for the amusement of current entities.!!!
What some people experience as "ghosts" may also just be tricks of the light, and these things are not implausible.

I think you have to be clear as to what you are asking... What do you mean by "ghost"? And are you asking if what we experience as a ghost is implausible, or whether it is implausible that it really is a ghost that we are experiencing?

His (Einstein's) most descriptive testimony to this faith came when his lifelong friend Besso died. Einstein wrote a letter to Besso's family, saying that although Besso had preceded him in death, that was of no consequence: "Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

Besso. I like that name.
Good name for a pet monkey.
Ghosts? For what purpose?

Scare people, see them naked, annoy people?

Hard to say, though the human mind is very powerful. Ghosts can be but a figment of the powerful human mind. A little squirt of juice gets released and theres your ghost.
What some people experience as "ghosts" may also just be tricks of the light, and these things are not implausible.

I think you have to be clear as to what you are asking... What do you mean by "ghost"? And are you asking if what we experience as a ghost is implausible, or whether it is implausible that it really is a ghost that we are experiencing?


Good pont... i will give that a shot.!!!

Im not referrin to "tricks of the light" type of ghosts... im talkin about certain aspects of dead people bein reanimated in such a way that some livin people are able to detect it (this reanimation may be intentional or merely an artifact from a larger purpose).!!!

In Concluson:::

A technological singularity coud be a plausible explination for "Ghosts".!!!
In Concluson:::
A technological singularity coud be a plausible explination for "Ghosts".!!!
Or it could be elves.
Or the invisible pink unicorn in a playful mood.
Or the CIA [sup]1[/sup].
Your "explanation" is not an explanation, nor is it any more plausible than simply claiming ghosts are dead people who've come back just because...

1 Of course, if it's the CIA this would be evidence that they access to time travel, so as to have caused all those pre-technological sightings of "ghosts".
I have had encounters that I cannot explain several times in my life... be they ghost, spirit, or divine intervention, I don't know. What I DO know is that they, at the time, were real to me, and on more than one occasion the spectre in question lead me to safety.

*shrugs* Not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth :)