"Ghosts" implausible.???

Your just making my sentences in fragments and confusing things. I don't follow any of this anymore.
Oh right.
You're incapable of reading what YOU wrote followed by my reply.
I'll make it simpler for you: you're spouting crap about "magic".
Oh right.
You're incapable of reading what YOU wrote followed by my reply.
I'll make it simpler for you: you're spouting crap about "magic".

They said it was that which we don't know, magic, but its not that we don't know, we just have to follow the scientific process to acquire the pallpable knowledge, which takes time. We are following the natural process of knowledge, called learning.
They said it was that which we don't know, magic, but its not that we don't know, we just have to follow the scientific process to acquire the pallpable knowledge, which takes time.
Nope. Again.
You're assuming - with zero evidence - that there's something there that we can learn (unless it's better knowledge of how the mind plays tricks on us).
And it doesn't, in any way whatsoever, support your first claim: Faith is like magic.
Faith isn't knowledge.
Nope. Again.
You're assuming - with zero evidence - that there's something there that we can learn (unless it's better knowledge of how the mind plays tricks on us).
And it doesn't, in any way whatsoever, support your first claim: Faith is like magic.
Faith isn't knowledge.

I have first hand accounts of magical essence and aura's. knowledge, logic, wisdom... It's all magical. It becomes so great and overwhelming that you explain it as magic.

Knowledge lights up your face if you ever noticed. With enough fire in my belly I can light a room. Just magical. Of course there's an explanation for my phenomenon, but its essence is magical.
I have first hand accounts of magical essence and aura's.
Anecdotes aren't evidence.

knowledge, logic, wisdom... It's all magical. It becomes so great and overwhelming that you explain it as magic.

Your definition of "magic" is so tenuous and undefinitive as to encompass almost anything at all.

Of course there's an explanation for my phenomenon, but its essence is magical.
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kx000... I really haven't the foggiest idea what you are getting at...

Anywho, as for the encounter I detailed - as I said, I don't know what exactly it is that happened, or who it was that lead me back to camp. All I know is that something was off in a way I can't rightly explain.
kx000... I really haven't the foggiest idea what you are getting at...

Anywho, as for the encounter I detailed - as I said, I don't know what exactly it is that happened, or who it was that lead me back to camp. All I know is that something was off in a way I can't rightly explain.

Can you even be certain that any of that actually happened? Didn't you say that there was a picture of her up at the camp? Maybe you noticed it previously, and that night you had a vivid dream that included the "ghost" of Rachel Hartman. You did say that she looked "almost washed out".Kind of like an old photograph, maybe? Even if something like this happened to me, I would be very skeptical that I was remembering the events they way they actually happened.
Can you even be certain that any of that actually happened? Didn't you say that there was a picture of her up at the camp? Maybe you noticed it previously, and that night you had a vivid dream that included the "ghost" of Rachel Hartman. You did say that she looked "almost washed out".Kind of like an old photograph, maybe? Even if something like this happened to me, I would be very skeptical that I was remembering the events they way they actually happened.

I can rule out having seen the picture before - the Stone Cabin is only used by the Music and Drama camp, and I had never been in it while at Pioneer Camp. As for it being a vivid dream... I am doubtful about that for two reasons:
1) I had not been to the lake before that incident; while not impossible to dream (accurately) of a place I had never been too, I find it implausible that I would know nuances like where the path leading to/from the lake was, and the bridge across the narrowing of the lake that allows access to the other side without walking around the entire thing.

2) I never re-buttoned the flap of the a-frame "door" (heavy tarp-like material that covers the entrance - is buttoned closed at night to help keep the chill out) and as such, it was rather chilly in the morning - nobody else said they had used the restroom over the night from our a-frame, so it stands to reason I was the one who unbuttoned it when I left.
Ha! He's an actor and expert bullshitter, so how could anyone tell if he's lying?

Unless actors are like politicians and lawyers... :D
Nope..actors aren't devious liars trying to subvert science. They're just everyday people like all of us..

I think they have far more practice with their Jungian Mask compared to "everyday people" which only for the most part play one role throughout their lives.
I think they have far more practice with their Jungian Mask compared to "everyday people" which only for the most part play one role throughout their lives.

It doesn't mean they are liars. Acting is an artform, a means of arriving at the truth. When an actor portrays a character, he is not lying or trying to deceive anyone. He is expressing aspects of human nature in the service of truth. So to say all actors are liars is well frankly insane.
Unidentified lights in the sky are just that.
Everything else is fear, fantasy, and speculation.

Scenario. You look out of your kitchen window at midnight.
There is a light in the sky and you don't know what it is.
You say to yourself: "Ooh, that must be some being from another planet."
"If not, then it's a ghost"
Correction to the above -

I simply say to myself - oh look, a USO... an unidentified skyward object

It is a USO to me, as I don't know what it is, and it is skyward compared to my location :)
You are half a mile away from a deserted road at night.
You see a light from something travelling along it.
You use your camera to zoom in on it but you can't make out the shape properly.
It's really difficult to figure out what it could be.
Mmmh......could it be a motorbike or a car or a small truck?
"No" you say to yourself. "I can't make out the shape,"
"I can't tell what it is, so it must be an alien, or perhaps a cryptobeast".
That's really the only conclusion you could come to in the circumstances.
Or... you could be intelligent and come to the conclusion of "I don't know what it is"...

Again, extraordinary claim, extraordinary evidence.
It doesn't mean they are liars. Acting is an artform, a means of arriving at the truth. When an actor portrays a character, he is not lying or trying to deceive anyone. He is expressing aspects of human nature in the service of truth. So to say all actors are liars is well frankly insane.

Did I call them liars??? Although on this (offtopic) subject, what exactly is a liar? Isn't a liar someone that tells you something false as true and does so in a believable fashion? If that is the case then actors are suppose to be good liars, after all they sell you a story and to do so it has to be convincing (so much so some actors literally become the parts they place to add more conviction to the role).

I guess you can apply it's "semantics".
Did I call them liars??? Although on this (offtopic) subject, what exactly is a liar? Isn't a liar someone that tells you something false as true and does so in a believable fashion? If that is the case then actors are suppose to be good liars, after all they sell you a story and to do so it has to be convincing (so much so some actors literally become the parts they place to add more conviction to the role).

I guess you can apply it's "semantics".

So you ask where did you call actors liars, and then explain how they are all liars. Nice..I hope none of your friends are actors.