
Right, or left-handed ?

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I kinda like you handwriting Clay. Sort of stylized, but then again it's not :)
LOL Thanks people, totally awesome !!
No, this is not an art competition.. although I admit that it's very nice to see these little personal contributions :)
But first and foremost, it's about the writing. I think it's great that we can now see each others handwriting.. :)

Yeah what are you doing secretly profiling us?
Do you want fingerprints next ? :D
Yeah what are you doing secretly profiling us?
Do you want fingerprints next ? :D

I'll make another thread for that.. :D
There is one already.. My palm & finger 'prints' are in there too.. ;)

I was secretly hoping there was a handwriting analyst amongst us..
I'll make another thread for that.. :D
There is one already.. My palm & finger 'prints' are in there too.. ;)

I was secretly hoping there was a handwriting analyst amongst us..

Really I don't think I ever saw that thread.
When I first became a computer programmer 40 years ago we had to block print our code and submit it to the keypunch staff. My handwriting was never very neat so I got in the habit of block printing everything. After all those years, now my handwriting has atrophied way beyond the point of illegibility. I can't slow my hand down enough to write carefully, like a student. Interestingly, I write better in the Cyrillic alphabet because I have to go slow to remember how to make the letters. And my Chinese is actually pretty fair.
I will write and scan it ASAP I'm at work right now so can't do it. I wish to see females handwriting as I feel it would be calming and somewhat joyous to view.
Darky, to reiterate what I've told you many times before: If you keep calling them "females" instead of "women," the closest you're ever going to get to one is a handwriting sample. You talk like a visiting Klingon biologist. It's your life, dude. Make of it what you want.
A joke it was. But I wish someone would take my spot and give their handwriting assments. Not difficult to do if you know how to intepret the languages... (notice how big that sentence was?)... it's possible I say.
When I first became a computer programmer 40 years ago we had to block print our code and submit it to the keypunch staff. My handwriting was never very neat so I got in the habit of block printing everything. After all those years, now my handwriting has atrophied way beyond the point of illegibility. I can't slow my hand down enough to write carefully, like a student. Interestingly, I write better in the Cyrillic alphabet because I have to go slow to remember how to make the letters. And my Chinese is actually pretty fair.
Ah.. so your handwriting is similar to mine then ? I am not alone ? lol ;)

Darky, to reiterate what I've told you many times before: If you keep calling them "females" instead of "women," the closest you're ever going to get to one is a handwriting sample. You talk like a visiting Klingon biologist. It's your life, dude. Make of it what you want.
Darky, take this advice... ;)
A joke it was. But I wish someone would take my spot and give their handwriting assments. Not difficult to do if you know how to intepret the languages... (notice how big that sentence was?)... it's possible I say.

Awww :(
I hope so too :)
What would a handwriting assment of ones handwritting do? Clarify what about them? I mean, I can say "the reason you draw the a in that way is because it reflects off of the other letters written and therefore shows a sign of necessity in the form written. It therefore means that the a is a form of character. A form of quality from the person."

What else would it make. By the way enmos that was a handwritting assment of your first a in your handwritting picture....
[second a, my bad]
Btw here is another related question.
Who is left handed and who is right handed.

I am left handed.
What would a handwriting assment of ones handwritting do? Clarify what about them? I mean, I can say "the reason you draw the a in that way is because it reflects off of the other letters written and therefore shows a sign of necessity in the form written. It therefore means that the a is a form of character. A form of quality from the person."

What else would it make. By the way enmos that was a handwritting assment of your first a in your handwritting picture....
[second a, my bad]

Thanks.. I guess lol :)
I wouldn't know actually.
I think I've read somewhere that the direction of 'leaning' was important.
Btw here is another related question.
Who is left handed and who is right handed.

I am left handed.

Right handed myself.
If everybody states whether they are right or left handed I will include it the next 'big picture' :)
I'm driving right now so I can't scan in my writing but trust me, you do NOT want to see it. I write like chicken scratch because "I just don't care" and I started writing fast and furious in med school. (Before I used the computer.)

When I sign my name, you can read my first and last initial (maybe. On a good day). That's it. Everything else
looks like a two year-old wrote it. :D

Someone analyzed my writing once saying "VERY confident, does NOT care what anyone thinks of her, VERY high leadership skills, very feminine." Hmm. :confused:

If I concentrate and try to write nice, it looks really good. But I never take time for that. :)