How are we to deal with moderator hypocrisy?

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Valued Senior Member
Scenario: we find that a post by a moderator is rife with dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Question: how are we to deal with it without that becoming the focus of the subsequent pages of the thread?
Are we to ignore it?

Between two members one could always report unaddressed dishonesty and hypocrisy, but when the other person is a moderator should we report it rather than raise it in the thread itself, although I am not sure what good reporting a moderator would have?
Is there a thread we can record such, for posterity, discussion etc?

The point is that moderators can usually step in and sanction us mere mortals should there be such hypocrisy and dishonesty within our own dealings with them, or between members, but that is not possible the other way round.
Is this just something we will have to live with, a case of "do as I say, not as I do!"?
Scenario: we find that a post by a moderator is rife with dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Scenario 2: We find a poster on a forum who is angry and wants to lash out, but he cannot post anything that says "I am angry" because he is worried he will be seen as petty or vindictive.

Question: Should he, instead, post his opinion as the form of a question, thus both begging the question and enabling him to lash out under the cover of "hey I'm just asking a question here! What, is THAT illegal now too?"
You can always start your own forum.
Are you suggesting that, in such a scenario, it would be something one just has to accept, that there would be nothing that can be done on this site about it?
Scenario 2:
Let's address one scenario at a time, shall we.
And since your scenario in no way invalidates the question I asked (unless you're attempting to appeal to an assumed emotional state, or guessed motive, which would be fallacious in either case), the question stands unanswered.
Consider the question hypothetical or not, I don't care, but the question is one of process: how should one deal, on this website, with such a scenario, should it ever arise?
The question is also asked in good faith, whether you want to believe that or not.
But your believing it is not required, nor does you not believing it invalidate the question.
Are you suggesting that, in such a scenario, it would be something one just has to accept, that there would be nothing that can be done on this site about it?
Well, it's not a democracy, it's a privately funded venture. Someone is footing the bill for the server space, maintenance and bandwidth for whatever reason they do it. You might be able to track them down and complain to them.
how are we to deal with it without that becoming the focus of the subsequent pages of the thread?
The best and preferred way is to simply start a thread on the subject here. That's what it's for.

SciFo prides itself on Free Speech and I haven't seen a moderator act vindictively against constructive criticism. Not to say they're gonna be super pleased and charitable about it, but presumably if your beef is founded and reasoned, they won't be dicks about it.
My own opinion: it's tricky. Hypocrisy is a tricky thing because Mods responsibilities mean it's NOT a level playing field. They are at once held to a higher standard AND given freedom of discretion.

I would posit that the only way to handle such a case is to do so on a point by point basis. i.e. A blanket 'hypocrisy!' is not a given. Just because it walks like a duck doesn't mean it's a duck.

So, lay it out.
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Are you suggesting that, in such a scenario, it would be something one just has to accept, that there would be nothing that can be done on this site about it?
Yep. You have the right to speak freely here. You can post whatever you like.
The owner of the site ALSO has the right to free speech, and can edit his own site however he likes.

If you like how he edits, great! Stick around. If not - there are lots of other sites out there. It's a free market.
Since this thread was obviously posted in bad faith, following the closure of a previous thread in which Baldeee got angry, it seems unlikely that anything useful will come of it - especially since, a day after that closure, it is very unlikely that Baldeee has regained his emotional equilibrium.

It is therefore closed.
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