"I couldn't care less"


Self ******.
Registered Senior Member
When people say "I couldn't care less" there is always someone who says "lolo, actually, it's "i COULD care less, newb".

I can't imagine any reason why that would be correct, but the correction seems omnipresent. There is nothing incorrect about saying "I couldn't care less", it means your caring is already at 0, which is typically the intent.

So plz stop with these false corrections, thx. :)
I hate that they corrected you when they very damn well knew what you were saying. I hate hair splitters. pompous asses, the lot of them.
When people say "I couldn't care less" there is always someone who says "lolo, actually, it's "i COULD care less, newb".

I can't imagine any reason why that would be correct, but the correction seems omnipresent. There is nothing incorrect about saying "I couldn't care less", it means your caring is already at 0, which is typically the intent.

So plz stop with these false corrections, thx. :)

Yeah, anyone who says "I could care less" is wrong. However, I've usually seen it work the other way. I.e., somewhere along the line, the correct phrase got corrupted, and lots of people started saying "I could care less," which doesn't make any sense. Then the smart-alecs caught on to this and started correcting them. Somehow, you've managed to hang out in company where this got twisted backwards...
If I couldn't care less, then I'm telling you I'm already at the minimum that I could care about whatever it is you said. I could care less implies that you may actually care quite a bit, albeit at an unspecified level.

What the hell. I don't give a rats ass... or do I...? :confused:
If someone wins an award for some movie they were in "I could care less". Many things that are happening in the world today that this saying is very good for.
Interesting explanation. I find the sarcasm in "I could care less" to be too subtle for my tastes. And I think it's just plain wrong. That explanation is just a cover-up for all of the weenies out there who screw it up.
How about instead, ''I couldn't give two flying mexican monkeys?''

or, ''couldn't give a rat's arse.''

Or simply... ''Can't be fucked?''
How about instead, ''I couldn't give two flying mexican monkeys?''

or, ''couldn't give a rat's arse.''

Or simply... ''Can't be fucked?''

Oooo, I'm gonna have to remember those. I don't think Peta has heard them yet. LOVE the mexican monkey one.