i Hate YOu AL|_ !

ready for covid 2.0 ?

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  • no thankyou yes

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Valued Senior Member
but not enough to marry you

im back
you know you must have been bad to deserve that

did you survive covid ?

tell all

best & worst covid story's ?

have you been vacinated ?
what with ?

i have pfiser(already a raving lunatic so it probably wont change me much)
did you survive covid ?

So far YES. Stranded in Bali for 18 months. No symptoms

Holed up in hotel room with girlfriend with only occasional out for shopping (once a week) and attendance at Indonesian Embassy (once a month to renew visa)

best & worst covid story's ?

Holed up in hotel room with girlfriend, Inul

best & worst covid story's ?

Helping out Indonesians who have no means of earning. Inul and I would buy a bunch of individual meals from the people who set up pavement tables and give out to those in need when going to and returning from supermarket

Like this gentleman
Indonesian COVID-19 2021~01.jpg
Mask down because we were chatting at a distance

Worst, not the very worst, in Australia, the idiots here who say they cannot tolerate a mask in a shopping centre

have you been vacinated ?
what with ?

YES AstraZeneca (all 3). First dose in Bali (dispite me not being Indonesian with a Indonesian ID card and number) thanks to Inul filling out a ton of paperwork
Inul with my ticket place in the queue and some of the paperwork
0001 vaccinated 29 July 2021.jpg

2nd my local clinic, 3rd booster local clinic

Helping out

you are awesome !

im yet to get my 2nd dose

1st dose didnt feel the needle go in
then felt it run down my nerves into my hand & a little up some veins
then decided to turn off my senses a bit so i didnt get all weird on it

then about an hour or soo later the injection site started to hurt like a small bruise
then by the evening my entire arm started to ache like i had strained the tendons working out too much
almost like a bone break type of pain
deep dull but with a touch of bite

arm pain stayed for about 2 to 3 days (went away completely about day 5 maybe day 6)

not getting my 2nd yet
massive infection im trying to get rid of

my best story
still alive & moderately healthy
worst got screwed by my employer lost my job
so its still a good story i guess..
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<--- got the booster(1/2 dose) shot this past Tuesday.
I was due for it almost 2 months ago, but, being a recluse, I did not see it as urgent.
An opinion not shared by my beloved spouse who was bugging me, almost constantly for several weeks.
So, I succumbed.
It seemed that every place that offered the vaccine within 15 miles wanted me to register online.
The first offered me an appointment 5 weeks out. The second made the process unnecessarily complicated.
Tiring of the new fangled dystopia.
I picked up the phone and called a clinic close to me.
I spoke with a woman named Tanika----she asked me when I wanted the appointment---I said 3 oclock this afternoon would be nice---and she responded: " would 6 pm work for you?"
"Yes, wow thank you"

It turned out that this clinic was an underutilized facility that had started out as a pediatric clinic, and then adder 3 family medicine doctors----------------WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE-----Tanika described it as a best kept secret.

I had been driving 25 miles(each way) to see a doctor
There were 3 within 7 miles of me
I'll likely switch facilities---caveat: I have found that I can tolerate the attitude and service of less than 1/3 of the doctors I have interacted with.
So switching might become a frustrating rewardless effort.

but, then again
I am a recluse
(so, there is an attitude there)
One of the ladies, known for 15 years, work at a expat school

When they had a session at the school for the first vaccine they found had quite a number of doses remaining

Sent out taxies, Grab (taxi motorbike) and rounded up enough people to fully use their allocation

Well done. We had some controversy here about wasted drops in the bottom of vials, so they started putting together about six remainders to make another full dose.
<--- got the booster(1/2 dose) shot this past Tuesday.
I was due for it almost 2 months ago, but, being a recluse, I did not see it as urgent.
An opinion not shared by my beloved spouse who was bugging me, almost constantly for several weeks.
So, I succumbed.
It seemed that every place that offered the vaccine within 15 miles wanted me to register online.
The first offered me an appointment 5 weeks out. The second made the process unnecessarily complicated.
Tiring of the new fangled dystopia.

but, then again
I am a recluse
(so, there is an attitude there)

finding a good doctor is key
you dont have to share the same ideological perspectives
instead have a common process & goal that is seeking knowledge using the tools & never afraid to test things(testing alternative meds safely but also bloods & scans).
i have an amazing Doctor
i also have a couple of others who i know & are comfortable with.
1 of which i would confidently recommend to anyone as top quality.

usa private health system with its insurances & vouchers co-pays & add on's
such a tangled mess when people must extract a living wage from insurance companies via their doctor

0 trust

everyone is out to screw everyone else

i validate your hesitancy :)

what they probably want is patient switching & people to companion purchase as a bribe to get in sooner

probably waiting for you to ask if there is any way to have it done sooner
they then up sell you the special package

its all about the money that's why im pro universal health care
you still get all the private clinics plastic surgery optional cosmetic surgery & small private hospitals making money
but your primary system is saving billions & delivering the health care when its needed instead of only to those who can afford it at the time they have money.

i digress

your best kept little secret probably dose not want to be used by insurance scammers to line up whining & moaning trying to get pills like a vending machine
finding a good doctor is key
you dont have to share the same ideological perspectives
instead have a common process & goal that is seeking knowledge using the tools & never afraid to test things(testing alternative meds safely but also bloods & scans).
i have an amazing Doctor
i also have a couple of others who i know & are comfortable with.
1 of which i would confidently recommend to anyone as top quality.

usa private health system with its insurances & vouchers co-pays & add on's
such a tangled mess when people must extract a living wage from insurance companies via their doctor

0 trust

everyone is out to screw everyone else

i validate your hesitancy :)

what they probably want is patient switching & people to companion purchase as a bribe to get in sooner

probably waiting for you to ask if there is any way to have it done sooner
they then up sell you the special package

its all about the money that's why im pro universal health care
you still get all the private clinics plastic surgery optional cosmetic surgery & small private hospitals making money
but your primary system is saving billions & delivering the health care when its needed instead of only to those who can afford it at the time they have money.

i digress

your best kept little secret probably dose not want to be used by insurance scammers to line up whining & moaning trying to get pills like a vending machine

When I was in the army, the army shrinks decided that I was completely fucking insane and gave me phenomenal amounts of drugs to curb my insanity.
Mostly, I saw it as me being able to see---finally
eg: I was trudging across the parade field on my way to class when some officer called out to me
by this time I had adopted the habit of not responding until forced to do so
so, this major went out of his way to stand in front of me and demand why I was not in formation
to which I responded "I missed the formation"
and then, he demanded "Aren't you going to salute an officer?"
"yes sir" I began as I raised my hand to render a salute
and I said
"Wait a minute. cubscouts salute with 2 fingers, (and I did so), boyscouts salute with 3 fingers, (and I did so), and explorer scouts salute with four fingers, (and I did so) and in the army, we salute with all five fingers".
As I rendered the salute, I exclaimed---"Oh my god, I've been programed!"
obviously. the army and me were not an ideal match
the dumbfounded major stared blankly at me for a few seconds, then turned and walked away(without returning the salute against ucmj regulations).
I ended up with an above top secret clearance, stationed at a top secret under-mountain communications facility.
Perhaps, I had finally gotten crazy enough to fit well within the military's constant state of insanity?
Ever since those well meaning(?) military shrinks over prescription of psychotropic drugs

I have opined that I think that people should not do nonrecreational drugs
stationed at a top
level crazy
because the world is fucking mad as fuck & it takes a specially crazy mother fucker to be able to recognize & the different flavors of bat shit crazy bunny boilers

old world compliance is still a mainstay of conformist control dogma as a linear system of cognitive doctrine
its only use is to maintain some form of relative functional expression in financial numerical terms

im guessing your probably bi also
there appears to b a strong correlation to bi & gay in the upper ranged capability's
probably more a "fluid sexuality" thing than a specific orientation
but people love their labels & names

Ever since those well meaning(?) military shrinks over prescription of psychotropic drugs

I have opined that I think that people should not do nonrecreational drugs

soldiers were experimented on
thats what you sign up for
when you join the military
you sign away your right to life & right to human rights
the military own you as a material possession with which they can do anything they like
and they do.

old psyche drugs were blunt hammer to a Swiss watch
all they wanted to see was you to stop ticking
psychedelics were used as experimental alternatives as well as purely experimental

as well you should know beyond doubt
im guessing your probably bi also
old psyche drugs were blunt hammer to a Swiss watch
actually, no, I tried homosexuality, and found that I could not ejaculate to a blow job.
I needed the contractions of an orgasm to reach climax.
(maybe, I just never had a really good blowjob?)

Yeh, the psyche drugs of the 60's were a combination of central nervous system depressants, and mood elevators
and, in my case, wholly ineffective
except that they almost killed me...the routine was---you report to "sick call" and get some drugs, then they send you to the hospital, and get some drugs, then they send you to the shrinks and get some drugs
and the total was almost

I tried homosexuality,

experimentation is mainstream

when it comes to consistent orgasm it's not a hard fast 3 step program (lol)

there is considerable #'s of women who cant orgasm from normal generic copulation

the brain over rides the body

if the brain is elsewhere ...
things become different
there is genetic pre-disposition for males to behavioral adapt to fast copulation to reduce their level of risk while having sex

its a very complicated subject

Yeh, the psyche drugs of the 60's were a combination of central nervous system depressants, and mood elevators

benzo & ecstasy ?

like helcion & alcohol ?

flipping the breaker into reverse works on some

not that they care
they want a product
your just a dispensable resource or cost

thats why i never signed up
never wanted to give away my right to not be abused & not be murdered for someones entertainment
not that i didnt get abused anyway
but thats a different story

Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra) was the code name of an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[1][2][3] The experiments were intended to develop procedures and identify drugs such as LSD that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture. MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects' mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks,[4] hypnosis,[5][6] sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture.[7][8]

CIA is just a name blaming thing
it was generic military
cia was just office administrator as a government function

they also needed test groups
to work off as control groups
you may have been used in & through those etc
but im sure you know your own story now

modern anti psychotic drugs & SSRI's & generic neural dampeners are significantly more accurate & slightly less fatal
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i still hate you all(im joking this comment is satire, hating everyone is far to much effort)
& i am only 1 Singularity (not many)

You may only be one

However to hate everyone takes no more more effort than to hate one person

You do not hate one person, then if you decide to hate another divide hate down the middle to make two hates

Your hate is capable of encompassing everyone and even inanimate objects, although hating inanimate objects is not a wasted effort, it is not rewarding, since inanimate objects elicit no response

i think if you allow yourself to hate a person it chemically changes how you think
which then changes how you act toward with & around people
which then defines your socialization

i dont want to be hated(translates as fear, & when the apes fear you they will be constantly looking for ways to kill you)
& i dont want to feel hate toward anything or anyone
so i seek to not hate