Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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The solution is simple. Just give the Palestinians the same missiles and bombs so they can be more tasteful, like the Israelis.
You are right, let them kill each other :D

123 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,487 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000

This isn't a game and I don't give a damn about the score, 1 life taken is already too much.
Especially the ax murdering of children. This guy was sick and pathetic. He couldn't even manage to actually kill the two unarmed children he attacked with the ax. Then, when confronted with an unarmed man, he was quickly disarmed and ran away. Pathetic. Sick. Cowardly.

Also unbelievable.
Fuck off. The simple fact that everytime a Muslim does something you want teh Muslim community worldwide to acknowledge how bad it was is reason enough to call you retarded.

Yes, I want Muslims to acknowledge (even if only in a personal fashion) that the individual, and only the individual, is to blame, and not try to absolve the individual of blame simply because they happen to Muslim. Is it really that much to ask?

You bitch and moan about how Sam only talks about how everything is the fault of the West, yet you do exactly the same thing when it comes to Muslims and Arabs.

I hold a Muslim accountable for his behaviour. *gasp* The horrorz. :rolleyes:
Seems like the Likudniks are getting ready to implement their new approach. This "incident" plays right into the hands of Leiberman's ilk.
Wheres the cheering and or dancing in the street that you said they were doing? Wheres proof of that? Fact is that this killing is a result of the occupation. that is all thats stated. Ofcourse they think killing is wrong. But theyve been killed for ages and no one cares about them. Why should they find this killing any more sad or cruel than their own children that were killed?

The two Israeli reserve soldiers had accidentally entered PA-controlled Ramallah, just six miles north of Jerusalem, and were arrested by PA police. It was once they were in custody that the lynch occurred.

The two non-combatant Israeli reserve soldiers were lynched and brutally murdered by a Palestinian mob.

Here's your evidence.

Oh my goodness, earlier in this thread you had accepted that he was Palestinian, and were attempting to offload the responsibility for his crime off on the Israelis and U.S.A. If the man does turn out to be an Israeli, will you still attempt to claim the defense of 'insanity' to absolve him of his crimes?

Don't bother answering, S.A.M, we both know the answer to my question.
Oh my goodness, earlier in this thread you had accepted that he was Palestinian, and were attempting to offload the responsibility for his crime off on the Israelis and U.S.A..

Then I remembered we're talking about Israeli "news" and checked the source.

So where is the proof? Any evidence that a Palestinian is involved?
Yes, I want Muslims to acknowledge (even if only in a personal fashion) that the individual, and only the individual, is to blame, and not try to absolve the individual of blame simply because they happen to Muslim. Is it really that much to ask?

I hold a Muslim accountable for his behaviour. *gasp* The horrorz. :rolleyes:

No you hold all Muslims accountable for whatever an individual does. No ones absolving the blame. But how is it condoning the act if youre questioning what might have led him to it? After all, its an entire expertise in the West, trying to figure out why someone did what they did.
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Wheres the dancing and and cheering at this current news that you were so proudly announcing? Why give me a link to something that happened in 2000, and which was avenged by Israeli soldiers by shooting at Arabs while they were in restaurants and out eating? Why do you keep focusing on Palestinians and never mention something that the Israelis do?
Then I remembered we're talking about Israeli "news" and checked the source.

So where is the proof? Any evidence that a Palestinian is involved?

No, apparently the boy stabbed himself to death. God, you're a
lying hypocrite.
Wheres the dancing and and cheering at this current news that you were so proudly announcing? Why give me a link to something that happened in 2000, and which was avenged by Israeli soldiers by shooting at Arabs while they were in restaurants and out eating? Why do you keep focusing on Palestinians and never mention something that the Israelis do?

For this specific case I admit, I don't have any evidence for such behavior. I have for other cases, that is why I posted this link, to show you that it is possible. Although, Hamas still supports this barbaric act, I don't know if you do.
For this specific case I admit, I don't have any evidence for such behavior. I have for other cases, that is why I posted this link, to show you that it is possible. Although, Hamas still supports this barbaric act, I don't know if you do.

Do you support the killing of all those innocent Palestinians? Want me to keep asking you this question over and over? Then stop asking me as well, ok? The simple fact that you and Cop expect every Muslim you talk to to immediately issue a statement denouncing everything the Palestinians do as cruel and horrible and barbaric even though we have nothing to do with these people is exactly which makes people like me and Sam frustrated which means we will continue to talk about all that Israel has done. Just like 9/11. When it happened we were all shocked. But when people found out it may have been Muslims, people asked me 70 times in a single day whether I condemned their behaviour. After living among them for 10 years, growing up with them and being like them, they still had to ask me whether I condemned this behaviour just becuase I was a Muslim. Then I found out no matter what I do, I will always be seen as an outsider when something like this happens. After that I said fuck off. Im not responsible for the behaviour of people I've never met. Do not ask me whether I denounce or condemn the actions of people on the other side of the world that I've never met, just because they may belong to the same religion as me. This is something you and your ilk have a hard tme understanding. If you keep doing that, I will continue to point out your hypocrisy by talking about all the killings done by Israel and why you didnt condemn them.
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War criminals are brought to trial in Western countries, and if found guilty, are punished. They are not popular with the general public, either.

Is this guy a war criminal? Or has he been accused of committing a crime against some children? Does that make him a war criminal?

*gasp* You mean Israelis close ranks as well? Nooo, I would never have thought it! And your relevant point is...?
That both sides are the same..

They don't have to. But if someone does happen to ask their opinion regarding the atrocity (such as often occurs on this forum), I would appreciate a 'I condemn it' response instead of a 'YOU AREN'T OPPRESSED YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'S GOING THROUGH HE ISN'T RESPONSIBLE THE ISRAELIS/USA CAUSED HIM TO SNAP. ANYWAY, THE WEST HAS DONE 10000000 TIMES WORSE MOTHERFUCKER, SO FUCK YOU!!!' response.
Why would you appreciate such a response?

I have read statements that this was a horrible crime, that it was sad that it happened and unacceptable. That's not enough for you?

Do you want a public memorial?

At the end of the day, they are giving the exact same response Baron gave earlier.

No shit dipsy. However, if a Western leader is asked by a political commentator as to how they feel about X atrocity performing by Y Westerner, and the Western leader hums and haws and says 'Ya know John, it really wasn't *that* bad', people all over the world would be kicking up a fuss, and rightfully so. I mean, just imagine if the current prime minister of Germany said "Come on, Bob, the Holocaust really wasn't that bad, hahah! Man, most of those Nazis were only following orders anyway, and those Jews pretty much brought it on themselves."
You mean like the way Western leaders hummed and hawed when confronted with the crimes committed against civilians in Gaza?

*cough* Apologising to the Stolen Generation *cough* *cough* Aboriginal men apologising for domestic abuse of women*
And? Are they still apologising?

Yep. When a Westerner fucks up, he and his entire wretched civilization are culpable. When a Muslim fucks up, everyone except that Muslim and his religion are to blame, and every other Muslim will make sure to remind you of that 'fact'.
What we are seeing is the simple fact that when a Muslim commits a crime, the whole collective is blamed for it. When a Westerner commits a crime, the individual is blamed. Can you see the difference?

I know. It's tragic that you're willing to ignore the facts simply to act as apologist for Muslims. How sad.
The fact that someone has been accused of a crime and before he can even be found guilty or not guilty in a court of law, you expect all Muslims to start condemning?

Yes, it is sad.

Since when does expecting condemnation of an action = wanting someone to feel guilty? If someone asks me what I think about some dude beating the shit out of his wife, you can bet your damn ass I would condemn it, and I would expect any reasonable human being to do likewise. But I certainly wouldn't feel guilty over it. And I sure as fuck wouldn't try to mitigate or absolve blame by going "Well, she was a bit of harridan, ya know, and he did have a rough childhood, and work was a bit stressful bla bla bla..." At the end of the day, only the individual is truly responsible for their actions, except in exceptional circumstances (genuine insanity, which is very rare).
You expressed a comment about guilt. I was merely commenting on it.

I have seen some of the comments that you have made about women in general on this forum, so your spray that you would "condemn" it is amusing at best.

I have highlighted the important part of your post, which goes to the heart of the matter here. So why should all Muslims condemn and/or apologise for what an individual has been accused of doing?

Why is it unacceptable to blame the victim of domestic abuse? Why is it unacceptable for police officers to try and justify the brutality committed by a fellow officer? Why is it unacceptable to try justify the excesses of a soldier because he was placed under the pressures of war?
And yet, many do. All the time. Read through these forums alone and you would see that.

Muslim apologists aren't engaging in honest enquiry, Bells, they are attempting to absolve the sins of their Muslim brethen. It's US vs. THEM. Note how they never attempt to ask 'how, why' when the West and/or atheists fuck up.
Absolve? No. They are trying to find a reason as to what could drive someone to doing what they are accused of doing.

We make it "US v Them" when we expect them to condemn and speak out against every single crime committed by other Muslims around the world. Even before they are found guilty in a court of law.

If a Westerner ever kills two innocent Muslim children with an axe, and anyone on this forum attempts to absolve him of his behaviour by blaming Muslims, I will go apeshit. I promise you that, Bells.
I didn't see you going "apeshit" when accusations of IDF soldiers shooting children or bombing children and blaming Muslims for it.. why is that C66?

Is that because they didn't use an axe? Is that the only standard you are going to apply to voice your condemnation?
Uh? I'm sorry? Do you have ANY evidence that a Palestinian is responsible?

Hamas claims it's a natural reaction to occupation, so yes that might be a PALESTINIAN killing a Jewish boy in the West Bank, after all.
Hamas claims it's a natural reaction to occupation, so yes that might be a PALESTINIAN killing a Jewish boy in the West Bank, after all.

Thats not what the news said. This is the West Bank, remember? Gush Etzion. The jurisdiction is not Hamas, its Israel. They don't allow Arabs in.
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