Logical proof of a deistic "God"


Registered Senior Member
The Electric and Magnetic Forces are undoubtedly “action at a distance” forces what cannot be denied. This means that a “Physics System” would exist “running” the Physics Laws on the elementary particles. This leaves us to think in a mathematically based Universe that would “run” in some kind of “Universal Supra-computer”. There's no other way possible!

The proof of the existence of a deistic "God" follows quite obviously:
Some kind of "Superior Intelligence" must have 1) built the “Universal Supra-computer” machine, 2) programmed the Physics Laws in the machine and 3) setted the numerical values of the parameters of the Physics Laws.
That "Superior Intelligence" can be called the "God" of the Universe in its deistic conceptualization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism).
The Electric and Magnetic Forces are undoubtedly “action at a distance” forces what cannot be denied. This means that a “Physics System” would exist “running” the Physics Laws on the elementary particles. This leaves us to think in a mathematically based Universe that would “run” in some kind of “Universal Supra-computer”. There's no other way possible!
The proof of the existence of a deistic "God" follows quite obviously:
Some kind of "Superior Intelligence" must have 1) built the “Universal Supra-computer” machine, 2) programmed the Physics Laws in the machine and 3) setted the numerical values of the parameters of the Physics Laws.
That "Superior Intelligence" can be called the "God" of the Universe in its deistic conceptualization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism).


a philosophical position which posits that a god does not interfere directly with the world.

Well they got that part right at least for the past 2,000 years



where does the obvious part come in?

And I didn't see any logic in the ramblings

It becomes "obvious" when you extract the essence of the "logic":

If we assume that
the universe is a constructed artifact,
then it follows that
there must be an entity that constructed it.

It's a trivial truism.
The Electric and Magnetic Forces are undoubtedly “action at a distance” forces what cannot be denied. This means that a “Physics System” would exist “running” the Physics Laws on the elementary particles. This leaves us to think in a mathematically based Universe that would “run” in some kind of “Universal Supra-computer”. There's no other way possible!

The proof of the existence of a deistic "God" follows quite obviously:
Some kind of "Superior Intelligence" must have 1) built the “Universal Supra-computer” machine, 2) programmed the Physics Laws in the machine and 3) setted the numerical values of the parameters of the Physics Laws.
That "Superior Intelligence" can be called the "God" of the Universe in its deistic conceptualization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism).
That neither logical nor proof.

You are essentially saying that since 1 coulomb of charge always has the same electric field strength there must be a God. Uh, no.
It becomes "obvious" when you extract the essence of the "logic":

If we assume that
the universe is a constructed artifact,
then it follows that
there must be an entity that constructed it.

It's a trivial truism.

:) spoilsport :) I knew that
I was trying to find out if martillo did

From the link posted in original post



is a philosophical position which posits that a god does not interfere directly with the world. It also rejects revelation as a source of religious knowledge with the conclusion that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a single creatorof the universe

Deism gained prominence among intellectuals during the Age of Enlightenment


It's logical the intellectuals during the Age of Enlightenment had a lot of free time to sit around and pontificate about how smart they were instead of getting busy and doing some real work and start building CERN :)

:) spoilsport :) I knew that
I was trying to find out if martillo did

From the link posted in original post



is a philosophical position which posits that a god does not interfere directly with the world. It also rejects revelation as a source of religious knowledge with the conclusion that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a single creatorof the universe

Deism gained prominence among intellectuals during the Age of Enlightenment


It's logical the intellectuals during the Age of Enlightenment had a lot of free time to sit around and pontificate about how smart they were instead of getting busy and doing some real work and start building CERN :)

That's what is missing nowadays and particularly in forums: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment. For instance: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/René_Descartes.
:) spoilsport :) I knew that
I was trying to find out if martillo did

It becomes "obvious" when you extract the essence of the "logic":

It's obvious he doesn't as per

DaveC426913 got the point. It has logic

That neither logical nor proof.

That's what is missing nowadays and particularly in forums: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment. For instance: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/René_Descartes.

✓ and ✓

And the point is if you assume a baseless idea is true then anything that logically follows from that is also baseless.
Is not baseless. I gave the reason of why I consider the existence of a "Universal Supra-computer" and is that is strictly necessary to implement the concepts of particles' "action at a distance" or "fields" if you prefer. I mean by "implement" for them to actually work in reality.
Is not baseless. I gave the reason of why I consider the existence of a "Universal Supra-computer" and is that is strictly necessary to implement the concepts of particles' "action at a distance" or "fields" if you prefer. I mean by "implement" for them to actually work in reality.
"Intelligent design", why not just say it?
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Is not baseless. I gave the reason of why I consider the existence of a "Universal Supra-computer" and is that is strictly necessary to implement the concepts of particles' "action at a distance" or "fields" if you prefer. I mean by "implement" for them to actually work in reality.

But you did not say who built and programmed this super dooper computer

Who decided the parameters?

Have you a estimate of how many lines of code?

Does the Universe have the equivalent of the Blue Screen of Death?

Is the tech support based in India?

If I call them do I get "Have you tried rebooting it?

"Intelligent design", why not just say it?
Well, as far as I know, for "intelligent design" it is referred to the intelligent creation of beings in this world but more related to religious beliefs like man made from mud. That is not the case.
Well, as far as I know, for "intelligent design" it is referred to the intelligent creation of beings in this world but more related to religious beliefs like man made from mud. That is not the case.
Well, I think you're lying.
Well, as far as I know, for "intelligent design" it is referred to the intelligent creation of beings in this world but more related to religious beliefs like man made from mud. That is not the case.

So after your
Superior Intelligence
1) built the “Universal Supra-computer” machine,
2) programmed the Physics Laws in the machine and 3) setted the numerical values of the parameters of the Physics Laws.
2 and 3 are same same

do you think Physics Laws produced life?

So after your

2 and 3 are same same

do you think Physics Laws produced life?

Yes, I think that the physics laws and parameters values produce some kind of tendency in molecular arrangments which if other environmental conditions are the right ones life can sourge "spontaneously" in a progressively manner begining with basic constructions like some aminoacids which would in some unknown way could have the tendency to combine to some elementary forms of life not yet known or recognized. I mean, If I'm not wrong the most basic recognized form of life would be some prokaryotes cells but I believe other more elementary forms should exist to complete a natural and progressive development of life. Of course evolution takes place in all forms of organisms but I think that if some kind of tendencies could be present in progressive molecular arrangments some types of lifeforms could be predetermined at least in some characteristics which would lead to the different species of beings. The deistic "God" of the Universe design would be in the adjustment of the basic physics' parameters values to produce the kind of projected living organisms and kind of life.