Make your own god
It occurred to me, since science has often been called a religion why don't those interested flesh out a science god
Some god a bit closer to reality ie able to appear to us Minions as a god without actually being a god
If we construct a good enough god perhaps we could install (it - her - ??? - not another boring him)
Example - appear to be able perform miracles but given enough information even a Minion could perform same
Some other aspects
Does not die perhaps. Unable to be verified if just waiting for god to die. Could be faked through cloning???
Dies or accidentally killed, clone brought out to replace????
Smotting, able to smote at will. Need to be careful around a god who is able to smote
I have a couple of other ideas but will open thread for SciForum members to add what scientific aspect could fake god be imbued with
It occurred to me, since science has often been called a religion why don't those interested flesh out a science god
Some god a bit closer to reality ie able to appear to us Minions as a god without actually being a god
If we construct a good enough god perhaps we could install (it - her - ??? - not another boring him)
Example - appear to be able perform miracles but given enough information even a Minion could perform same
Some other aspects
Does not die perhaps. Unable to be verified if just waiting for god to die. Could be faked through cloning???
Dies or accidentally killed, clone brought out to replace????
Smotting, able to smote at will. Need to be careful around a god who is able to smote
I have a couple of other ideas but will open thread for SciForum members to add what scientific aspect could fake god be imbued with