Make your own god

Michael 345

New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl
Valued Senior Member
Make your own god

It occurred to me, since science has often been called a religion why don't those interested flesh out a science god

Some god a bit closer to reality ie able to appear to us Minions as a god without actually being a god

If we construct a good enough god perhaps we could install (it - her - ??? - not another boring him)

Example - appear to be able perform miracles but given enough information even a Minion could perform same

Some other aspects

Does not die perhaps. Unable to be verified if just waiting for god to die. Could be faked through cloning???

Dies or accidentally killed, clone brought out to replace????

Smotting, able to smote at will. Need to be careful around a god who is able to smote

I have a couple of other ideas but will open thread for SciForum members to add what scientific aspect could fake god be imbued with

GOD created man in GOD's own image
and man, wholly incapable of comprehending/knowing GOD created gods in man's own image.
7 billion people = 7 billion gods
chose one?
GOD created man in GOD's own image
and man, wholly incapable of comprehending/knowing GOD created gods in man's own image.
7 billion people = 7 billion gods
chose one?
Ummmm not a lot of sense there

Also this is not about image. Image is about being 7'3" tall with beard

Making a scientific god is about creating a own god with aspects of scientific nature ie able to manipulate nature to the will of god

As they walked the earth, contemplating the experience of being, she enticed him with a soft rub of her naked breast.

Smiling from ear to ear, complete with the dumbest expression she had ever seen, he in a voice of both utter excitement and in way that seemed to carry with it a loss of masculinity:

"Guuu - dd"

"Guuu - dd"

came from his lips.

"Guuu - dd"
"Guuu - dd"
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It occurred to me, since science has often been called a religion why don't those interested flesh out a science god [...] I have a couple of other ideas but will open thread for SciForum members to add what scientific aspect could fake god be imbued with :)

Historically, deities seem to be personifications of concepts, principles, practices, skills, cyclical patterns of life and nature/world, etc.

So in that context, apparently the goddess of Scientia (ruling over all specific disciplines) would be the anthropomorphization of the scientific method or whatever prescribed general canon that researchers believe they're being regulated or guided by (if conforming to anything at all global).[1]

Of course, Scientia would probably be a pretty useless totem to pray to, if she's looping perpetually in of some kind of existential crisis pertaining to gathering evidence for her own existence or acquiring falsifiable status. "Oh, dear. I'm afraid I'm not even wrong, Karl."

- - - - footnote - - -

[1 ] The local policies of the human administrators of _X_ institute, company/business, etc surely vary enough (especially in this era of swearing fealty to various offshoots of postmodernism) that they'd have to be ascribed to the divine traits of the minor god mascots (godlets) of each specific profession or field of study, along with the idiosyncratic protocols applicable to the latter jobs.
Make your own god

Did you really need a special thread; i.e., at Sciforums, atheists routinely invent their own gods in the course of criticizing religion.

My only advice for a more deliberate attempt is to not try to copy what has already been invented; try to be original.
Make your own god

It occurred to me, since science has often been called a religion why don't those interested flesh out a science god

Some god a bit closer to reality ie able to appear to us Minions as a god without actually being a god

If we construct a good enough god perhaps we could install (it - her - ??? - not another boring him)

Example - appear to be able perform miracles but given enough information even a Minion could perform same

Some other aspects

Does not die perhaps. Unable to be verified if just waiting for god to die. Could be faked through cloning???

Dies or accidentally killed, clone brought out to replace????

Smotting, able to smote at will. Need to be careful around a god who is able to smote

I have a couple of other ideas but will open thread for SciForum members to add what scientific aspect could fake god be imbued with

Excellent idea... an my Science based God covers all the bases you mentioned.!!!

Admittedly its a low bar… but my contribution is an afterlife which is beter than what the Holey Bible God offers.!!!

It will take some advances in science to get ‘er done but it will be a true Heaven whare everybody will have the unconditional afterlife they choose wit eternal happiness available to all.!!!

Can i have a A-Man.???
The problem of evil is obsolete to a messiah, and there can be a God if I will have it. I think God doesn’t have a problem, I think the world must be willing to save the wrath of God, knowing full well it will suffer and with every angel in town on board. In return we can have compassion, and you must know that wrath begets such a demon that we need the angel of omnipotence just to fight it. The fallen angel speaks a truce, where an angel can suffer for a short time, and still righteously go into a blissful hereafter as it is our environment that reaps us. I believe that God is riddled by a maximally, a perfectly amoral angel.
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The problem of evil is obsolete to a messiah, and there can be a God if I will have it. I think God doesn’t have a problem, I think the world must be willing to save the wrath of God, knowing full well it will suffer and with every angel in town on board. In return we can have compassion, and you must know that wrath begets such a demon that we need the angel of omnipotence just to fight it. The fallen angel speaks a truce, where an angel can suffer for a short time, and still righteously go into a blissful hereafter as it is our environment that reaps us.
First com first served... an wit the afterlife i offer... what you wrote above coud even make sinse if you choose it to.!!!