More Liberal-Controlled Media BS

Mixed views create a more balanced thinking in the nation as a whole. One view that was dominating (religious dogma) is what led to the crusade. Weather you be left or right, be thankful we are so diverse and have the right to express are selves. Sandy’s view is just one of many, just like your view is one of many. It would wise to not think of are selves as “God” in this political scheme of things.
exiled said:
Most Conservatives complain that CNN is way to left
Most Liberals complain that FOX is way to right
The "conservatives" are wrong.

It is possible to be wrong, in these matters. There are definite characteristics of political approach that are meant by "Left", such as a focus on organized labor and lower income economic issues generally, and a sceptical or negative approach to official PR from corporate or capitalist sources, that CNN does not have. Take illegal immigration: CNN does not spend most of its time and footage on covering the MAI or NAFTA effects, hours of prime time interviewing and dramatically covering law officers about their policies and tactics for apprehending and prosecuting large American business owners who encourage and prey on illegals, fancy visual techniques exaggerating the wealth and shady doings of large corporate entities who set up and benefit by illegal immigration, etc.

At the recent Republican debate, moderated by CNN, the only candidate I recall even mentioning large business interests with reference to illegal immigration was Fred, and that was both voluntary and in passing. Not one of those candidates had to answer any tough questions about the role of corporate power in their approach to illegal immigration, the influence of their major corporate backers on any of their proposed policies, etc.

CNN itself, the moderators or questions, did not even bring up Left issues or viewpoints, at all, at any time in the whole debate.

It's not that there is more truth or insight in a Left approach, necessarily - it's just that delusions about the biases of the major corporate media are dangerous in a democracy. They are Right Authoritarian biased. If you don't allow for that, you will sucker for lies and propaganda.
MSM stands for MainStream Media, thus most everybody is watching it...

Please explain and expand, more notably on the word "dangerous".

Although you didn't ask me, it is obvious:

If you are ignorant and don't know how let's say AIDS spreads, you can endanger yourself if sexually promiscuous. etc,etc.

In politics, if you are ignorant and vote for idiots, you get wars that you don't want. etc.etc.etc.

Mixed views create a more balanced thinking in the nation as a whole.

They also create civil wars... :)
MSM stands for MainStream Media, thus most everybody is watching it...

Although you didn't ask me, it is obvious:

If you are ignorant and don't know how let's say AIDS spreads, you can endanger yourself if sexually promiscuous. etc,etc.

In politics, if you are ignorant and vote for idiots, you get wars that you don't want. etc.etc.etc.

They also create civil wars... :)

My bad, for some reason I had MSNBC stuck in my head.

1. Wrong. The war in Iraq we get has little to do Conservatism vs. Liberalism view points. Yes, even Hillary voted for the war(she must have been watching Fox News :p), now everybody wants out one way or another. It has to do with the MORALS of the president we elect.

They also create civil wars... :)
That is true.... But would you prefer to have the pope breathing down your neck, telling you how to breath?
If the media is so liberal, why wasn't Kucinich on the Democratic debate last night?

If the media wasn't heavily slanted toward liberals, then Dr. Paul wouldn't be constantly shut out by the media.

Instead the media just feeds those with the most liberal forgien policy, and the most liberal spending plans for the government.
there is no huge liberal control of the media it is a myth and has been debunked more than once. if people keep spouting this bs i am going to ask for some real proof ( which does not exisit)
there is no huge liberal control of the media it is a myth and has been debunked more than once. if people keep spouting this bs i am going to ask for some real proof ( which does not exisit)

Oh for God's sake, watch/monitor the channels. Most of them don't even try to hide it. They are blatantly liberal. Most of them donate to liberal causes/politicians. They have anointed Obama the new POTUS and the election is 10 months away. Get a clue. :rolleyes:
I'm surprised this hasn't been capitalized more by the nominees.

You mean like how the bulk of Dr. Paul's message in the past few months has been focused on the destruction of the currency and how to reestablish our economy?
Oh for God's sake, watch/monitor the channels. Most of them don't even try to hide it. They are blatantly liberal. Most of them donate to liberal causes/politicians. They have anointed Obama the new POTUS and the election is 10 months away. Get a clue. :rolleyes:

i have a clue you don't first the media seems to be in favor of hillary the least liberal dem. i watch the news most channels don't even have one show devoted to a liberal view point all have ones for the conservatives. they show blatant bias toward the conservative view point mainly most of them are owned by conservatives.
Are you suggesting that Hitlery isn't a liberal?

Since when does Hitlery not want to expand federal authority, be it stripping local agencies of their power over education or stripping everyone of the power over their own healthcare?

Since when did Hitlery speak out against the liberal concepts of forgien policy, I didn't see her say anything in 1998 about Iraq Liberation Act or the stationing of troops in Yugoslavia or in 2003 about Operation Iraqi Freedom?
The liberal media crowned Hillary the new POTUS as soon as she declared her candidacy. They didn't expect Obama to do as well as he has. Once they realized they had another option they jumped on the Obama bandwagon. NBC said it was hard not to fall in love with him.:eek: The drive-by media LOVES the liberals/liberal candidates. They DESPISE the Republicans. They gave Romney about 2 seconds of coverage on his HUGE win in Michigan. They were choking as they did. :(
Are you suggesting that Hitlery isn't a liberal?Since when does Hitlery not want to expand federal authority, be it stripping local agencies of their power over education or stripping everyone of the power over their own healthcare?Since when did Hitlery speak out against the liberal concepts of forgien policy, I didn't see her say anything in 1998 about Iraq Liberation Act or the stationing of troops in Yugoslavia or in 2003 about Operation Iraqi Freedom?

Hillary is a TOTAL liberal. She also saw the same evidence EVERYONE ELSE DID about the musims before we went to war.
1. Wrong. The war in Iraq we get has little to do Conservatism vs. Liberalism view points.

Are you arguing that Kerry would have attacked Saddam too?

But here, I will give you another example, if you still don't get the ignorance is dangerous part:

The US government was ignorant on history, that most occupying powers are not greated with roses and sooner or later got kicked out/fight against. That ignorance caused dangerous political missteps...