most dense object?

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by hiimwayne, Dec 12, 2002.

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  1. ProCop Valued Senior Member

    Now I realise that there may be significant differenece between the density of (under)objects in individual brains. It seems now that some brains woudn’t in their capacity to hold info come higher than average 100 GB HD (e.g. brains suffering from logorhea – a condition in which the brain cannot hold info for longer than a couple of minutes, it must find a forum quick...I have mislead some of the readers here into believeing that they can look at the HD of their PC with disdain while envy would be more appropriate attitude....really sorry about that. P)
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  3. On Radioactive Waves lost in the continuum Registered Senior Member

    dvd's.. hard disks....

    strangly I think the question had nothing to do with these and everything to do with mass/volume.
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  5. ProCop Valued Senior Member

    Memories have no mass (though great volume).

    Neverthelees to keep my precious mems available some amount of mass is needed. By me it's the brain, others use possibly some different part of their bodies to process and and store their (un)happy moments...

    Brain has a high level density because it contains a high number of mental objects.

    I tried to translate the capability of the brain to contain the memories in the most developed substitute of some brain functions : the computer.

    Naturaly there are other forms of keeping the memories than digital registration: e.g. folk songs, legends, myths.....But not all people can read these forms of memories, therefore the computer comparision.

    Hopefully I made mysefl clear,

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  7. On Radioactive Waves lost in the continuum Registered Senior Member

    who is to say the brain is anymore information dense than any other form of matter?
  8. chroot Crackpot killer Registered Senior Member

    I argue that my wristwatch is more information-dense. My wristwatch contains approximately two ounces of stainless steel, various amounts of carbon, lithium, radium, aluminum, iron, silicon, copper, titanium, nickel, zinc, sulfur, and other materials.

    If you were to write down a list of each atom in the watch, and its position relative to all of the other atoms in the watch, you would have a list something like 3 x 10^23 pieces of information in a volume I estimate to be about 20 mL. That's something like 1.5 x 10^22 pieces of information per mL.

    And if you wear a block of iridium around your wrist, well, you beat me.

    - Warren
  9. ProCop Valued Senior Member

    Atoms in the brain create structures which contain mental objects (memories). These mental object contained in the brain make the brain the most dense material from all known materials. If you ignore the mental objects it holds (sometimes it is a legitimite act considering that some brains do contain only a negligable amount of mental objects so that a watch is far more developed instrument - some readers have succesfully argued here that their watches posess more (mental) material than the whole of their brain) you wil finds yourself in a situation of "studying dance without music" : To astract the brain from its mental contains is like to astract the the sea of the water...
  10. On Radioactive Waves lost in the continuum Registered Senior Member

    you're still entirly missing the point. Just because information is not of relavence does not mean its not information.

    furthermore, I'll argue that the brain stores information in such a manner that the entire brain is essential to decoding that information, which leads me to believe that their is much more information in the brain than can be made use of by the brain, even if it did work at 100% capacity.

    And anyhow, the question was density, and you've gone into this "information density".

  11. On Radioactive Waves lost in the continuum Registered Senior Member

    by succesful, do you mean thereby nullifying you argument?
    also, he said "density" , not total information.

    do you know what density means, or just have a dense head?
  12. ProCop Valued Senior Member


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    n Radioactive Waves

    my entry earlier at this thread P.
  13. On Radioactive Waves lost in the continuum Registered Senior Member

    My brain is under my scalp. Wouldnt that by your definition make my scalp denser?
  14. ProCop Valued Senior Member


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    n Radioactive Waves

    by sucsesfull, I mean that some readers have convincingly shown that the tissue of their brain contains only a very limited number of mental objects. (I cannot really argue with that - they repeteadly proved that it was/is the case) My argument was/is that GENERALLY the brain contains as many mental object as to be qualified as the most dense material ever.
  15. On Radioactive Waves lost in the continuum Registered Senior Member

    the only visual of mental objects I had so far in this thread was from this statement
    Also you have yet to back up your statements with any solid evidence.

    So why speak in riddles? if thats what you wanted to say, you should have said that in the first place.

    Now i will propose a question to you. How is the brain anymore information dense than any other peice of matter? I could likewise argue that the absence of an orange in my hand implies infitely many things that did not happen, thus the lack of matter posesses infinite information. This is all symbolic of my hands orange sensor. Prove me wrong.
  16. ProCop Valued Senior Member


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    n Radioactive Waves

    You are confusing logical operators with entities: an orange is an entity; "not" is a logical operator; thus ORANGE is NOT in your hand....does not really mean that "infinity of other things" is not in your hand ...

    Please read some Wittgenstein eg.

    Wittgenstein, L. (1953)

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    hilosophische Untersuchungen, Blackwell, Oxford; English trans-lation Philosophical Investigation, Blackwell, Oxford, 1953.5
  17. ProCop Valued Senior Member


    Speaking about density of materials and that of the brain tissue : It was not the "information-density" of its materials that brought Apollo to the moon.
  18. Dwayne D.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Well i can say this

    The brain has a nerological mass of 1 x 10*12th power that is equal to the number 1,000,000,000,000, this many cells contain organization of DNA, and organiizsed catalytic proccese, that operates on elements P, K, Na and the active element sulfur, this establishes each cell as a kind of battery, which conducts electricty in a organized way.
    Each cell is subject to a electric current, that electric current may vary between any number of amperage or micoamperage to say, generally the cell is sensetive to the 13.6 eV or any passage of elecrtical current, the intial chain reaction is conducted by 2.14 attojoules, the level of potenial current gained in the reaction from intial is relvative to the gadient of exchange, meaning how full the cell is with conductive material. Due to the electrical variation of a cell to conduct a current signal, each cell can have as many different electrical signals as 70 millivolts divided by 13.6 ev (2.1 x 10 -12 ergs/13.6 attojoules))as long as the current travels a 1 millisecond, giving the number of signals per cell the magnitude of 10*17. given this estimate of just the electrical signals that can be generated by the single nerve we cab see that each cell has more signals than there are nerves in the brain,(for various reason i find that to our advatage).
    to find the density of mind we must know do simple math to determine the complexty of the mind and brain, i.e density.
    the calculation to find the intereaction of the brains nerves requires that we multiply 10*12th power by 10*12th power written as 10*12 X 10*12 = 10*24
    now that we have the number of connnections possible in complete form, we must look at the event that each nerve has a signal capablity of 10*17 and unify it with the number of connections, here to find the value of the brain/mind, for reasons of sanity in organization it is easier to confirm by finding the signal capcity if the entire brain this is done by multiplying the signal capicty of one cell by the total number of cells and tyhen multiplying to find the total in connections and signals to comprise the density of brain/mind. this is written has ;
    10*12 X 10*17 =10*29 and then the multiple for complete unity or brain/mind written as:
    10*29 X 10*29 = 10*58 as the total density of the mind/brain.

    So then when qouteing the brain/mind and its ablity it makes a numder of connections equal to 10*58 in capcity, as most humans only use 10% for brain funtion and 1% for concsciousness it would seem that humans could memorize alot or think a lot, or think to act to prefrom alot.
    Intersting point is that the DNA of certain humans called hybrids can produce genotypes in excess of 10*68 genotypes (human types). this would say that the chemical ablity of dna to sequence is greater than mind/brain capablity.

    could some one relate to me what 10 to the 58th power would be in gigabytes, or computer hardware memoary.

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2002
  19. On Radioactive Waves lost in the continuum Registered Senior Member

    Thats some very nice handwaving you do there procop.

    Please provide some evidence to back up your brain density statement.
  20. ProCop Valued Senior Member


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    n Radioactive Waves

    You are confusing the things again.

    I have presented a meaning (based on some argument presented above) which you (unsuccessfully) tried to prove as not valid.

    (if a meaning cannot be proved as not valid it remains valid untill disproved)

    Please, use some logic.
  21. susan Registered Senior Member

    I'd say

    the human 'heart'
    (read 'soul')
    is the densist thing I can fathom!
  22. ProCop Valued Senior Member

    Re: Susan

    I think the brain is densier than the hart: it is easier to get into someone's hart than to enter his/her thinking
  23. susan Registered Senior Member


    interesting idea.
    i think what you just said varies from person to person.

    ug, actually that whole question goes into so many
    'grey' areas.......

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