My Cosmology

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Cold energy is about resistance , the lack of resistance .( from my post # 117 )
Heat is - by definition - energy.
Cold is - by definition- the lack of heat energy.
A lack of something cannot flow.
A lack of something cannot resist.

You're just making stuff up. Start a blog.
Heat is - by definition - energy.
Cold is - by definition- the lack of heat energy.
A lack of something cannot flow.
A lack of something cannot resist.

You're just making stuff up. Start a blog.
Mind you, when you say a lack of something cannot flow, you might get a laugh out of a semiconductor physicist. There is a quite well-developed theory of the "flow" of "holes" in explaining solid state conduction phenomena, is there not?
Mind you, when you say a lack of something cannot flow, you might get a laugh out of a semiconductor physicist. There is a quite well-developed theory of the "flow" of "holes" in explaining solid state conduction phenomena, is there not?
We must have been separated at birth.
As I was writing that, I imagined you bringing up electron holes as a counter-example.
Here's a more concrete example of the River's erroneous thinking:

There's a hole in my front yard.
I decide to fill the hole by digging up enough dirt from my backyard and dumping it in the hole on my front yard.
Now I've got a hole in my back yard, but no hole in my front yard.

The dirt most definitely "flowed" from back yard to front yard.
But it is not true that the hole flowed from front yard to back yard.
Indeed, the hole in the front yard and the hole in the back yard are two independent holes; there is no connection between them. Contrast with dirt, which physically moves from place to place.

It is true that - from a more abstract point of view - one can conceptualize it as if a hole has moved. This is what we do when we consider an electric current. We can treat it as if positive electron holes are moving in the opposite direction from the actual flow of electrons. But note: this is only useful from an engineering point of view, where we don't care if it's physically correct, all we care about is that it works for our purposes.

In Riv's whimsical example, we are not engineering; we are observing and learning and building models, so it matters what is actually happening.

A hole is not a thing; it is simply a label we apply to the absence of dirt. No hole "flows" from front yard to back yard.
Cold is not a thing; it is simply a label we apply the absence of heat energy. No cold "flows" from cold to hot.
I have this image of river, removing a hole in his front yard.

He scoops up a shovelful of hole from the front yard, and - carefully, carefully - carries it to the back yard.
(If he's not careful and drops some, he'll have to go around after to clean up the small, spilled holes).
He tosses the shovelful of hole in his back yard. A small pile of hole at first, but it grows quickly.
After a few trips, the hole in the front yard is almost gone, having been carried to the back, one shovelful at a time.
Put an ice cube on a hot plate and it will☺
The weakness in that way of thinking is absolute zero.

You can have something as hot as you like, but you can't have something as cold as you like. So in terms of a theory of "cold", you can go on "taking out" more and more "cold" to make something hotter and hotter, without limit. Whereas there is a fixed limit to the amount of "cold" you can put into something. Not a very helpful way of thinking about nature, basically.
A hole is not a thing; it is simply a label we apply to the absence of dirt.
I heard on the news the other day, a "massive" cave has been found in a provincial park. A couple of years ago it was a "massive" sink-hole caused by a subway excavation. I'm tempted to email the CBC to tell them that holes are, by definition, not massive - but I don't think they'd understand.

Cold energy is about resistance , the lack of resistance .( from my post # 117 )

Heat is - by definition - energy.
Cold is - by definition- the lack of heat energy.
A lack of something cannot flow.
A lack of something cannot resist.

You're just making stuff up. Start a blog.

In the Cosmos both heat and cold energy exists . At the same moment of our Universe .

The cold energy is the speed at which protons and electrons can reach , without resistance .

The electric force and the dense magnetic field , become closer together . Give faster speeds
The conservation of energy law is held more true when cold energy is included .

Because the Universe recycles high energy forms .
Also part of River's Cosmology:

Brontosauruses are very small at one end, much much bigger in the middle, and small again at the other end.
Apparently you are wrong .
So far, no.

Hey at least my statement about brontosauri is true, even if it is random and meaningless.

The nonsense about cold energy and resistance is random, meaningless - and false.

A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's. Dog saliva has antibacterial properties, whereas there is a high likelihood of developing a bad infection from a human bite.
So far, no.

Hey at least my statement about brontosauri is true, even if it is random and meaningless.

The nonsense about cold energy and resistance is random, meaningless - and false.

A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's. Dog saliva has antibacterial properties, whereas there is a high likelihood of developing a bad infection from a human bite.

High Energy is both in high heat and cold
Blue galaxies are more buoyant than red galaxies.
Purple galaxies are so buoyant they have floated up and out of our universe altogether.
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