My Theory


Valued Senior Member
I applied for a copyright for my theory. Title of this thesis/paper is "A Mathematical Theory of Success". Status page for my copyright application can be seen here . Type the code: 9931 , in the status box. Status page for my theory will appear. Its current status is "waiting". It may take some more time for completion of the copyright process.

Here i have developed a math which can explain success. After developing this math, I thought this theory also can be considered as Theory of Everything. As a theory of everything this is already discussed earlier . Though i did not explain my math in that thread. I plan to make my thesis/paper public after obtaining copyright. Its a 3/4 pages thesis. This time I wrote the thesis in a proper format. However I am stuck with the reference section because I am not finding any published paper on this chosen subject.

I plan to give references for Newton's First Law of Motion, some published papers on success, some books on success, the english term "technique", some mathematical terms like function, Integration, Differentiation, Infinitesimal. For the mathematical terms I am thinking of giving references from this site . I will be thankful to know your views on these references.
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Ok imagine you are in a room to address the audience to give a simple run down on your work.
What would you say?
Ok imagine you are in a room to address the audience to give a simple run down on your work.
What would you say?

Initially I was searching for a math which can explain success. Here basically I have developed a math using the principles of set theory. This mathematical model can explain success. This is a new kind of mathematical model. In my opinion, this model also can be considered as ToE. Thanks for your interest with my work.
Then how about explaining it to us. "Success" is different for every person. Some people think success is based on financial terms. Others think success is based on "power" and the ability to subject others to their will. Some people measure success by the number of children they have. While there are some people who think success is just making it through the day doing as little as possible. How do you define success?
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Then how about explaining it to us. "Success" is different for every person. Some people think success is based on financial terms. Others think success is based on "power" and the ability to subject others to their will. While there are some people who think success is just making it through the day doing as little as possible. How do you define success?

As per my thesis, success is subject to its definition. Any way you define success. My math will work for that definition of success.
As per my thesis, success is subject to its definition. Any way you define success. My math will work for that definition of success.

I find that very hard to believe. The definition of success varies SO greatly among people, and the means to achieve this definition of success is so varied, no one mathematical formula could possibly cover it all.
I find that very hard to believe. The definition of success varies SO greatly among people, and the means to achieve this definition of success is so varied, no one mathematical formula could possibly cover it all.

I think you have to see my math. I am waiting for the copyright to make my thesis public.
I think you have to see my math. I am waiting for the copyright to make my thesis public.

If you are unwilling to discuss anything about your "theory" here, then why the hell did you start a thread about it? If you are so worried about keeping it secret, then just print out a copy of it, and mail it to yourself via registered mail. This establishes a date that proves you thought of it first, if anyone tries to use your work.

But I'm guessing you won't do that.

I suggest this thread be moved to "Alternate Theories".
Basically I wanted to know others views on the references for my theory as i explained in the OP.

I'm not sure why you're having trouble with that. The references that you list at the bottom of the paper are the sources of information used in your paper that do not come directly from you. I.E. if your definition of success that you used in your formula is not your own, but something you read in "Dave's Big Book of Success", then you list "Dave's Big Book of Success" as a reference in order to give him credit for his work that you used. If everything in your paper is 100% your work, and no information is derived from other sources, then you don't need references.
I'm not sure why you're having trouble with that. The references that you list at the bottom of the paper are the sources of information used in your paper that do not come directly from you. I.E. if your definition of success that you used in your formula is not your own, but something you read in "Dave's Big Book of Success", then you list "Dave's Big Book of Success" as a reference in order to give him credit for his work that you used. If everything in your paper is 100% your work, and no information is derived from other sources, then you don't need references.

Thanks for your views about the references. I will consider this.
Thanks for your views about the references. I will consider this.

They're not "my views" about references....that's just what references are used give credit to sources of information used in a paper that does not come from the author. What did you think references are for?
I think you have to see my math. I am waiting for the copyright to make my thesis public.
I am curious to know to whom you "applied" to obtain copyright, because, so far as I know, no body awards copyright: copyright subsists in any original published work.

But you cannot copyright an idea, only a particular written expression of it.
I am curious to know to whom you "applied" to obtain copyright, because, so far as I know, no body awards copyright: copyright subsists in any original published work.

But you cannot copyright an idea, only a particular written expression of it.

Apparently, from the OP, he applied to the copy write office of the government of India. Just one other thing he doesn't seem to understand...besides what references in papers are used for. You don't copywrite a new scientific idea, you submit it for publication in peer-reviewed science journal. :rolleyes:
Basically I wanted to know others views on the references for my theory as i explained in the OP.
If you're just now looking for some references after completing your paper and filing for copyright, you're doing it wrong.