"No Man" expressions

I have but one request to ask at my departure from this world – it is the charity of its silence.
Let no man write my epitaph.
No man can write my epitaph, for as no man who knows my motives and character dares now to vindicate them, let not prejudice or ignorance asperse them.
Let them rest in obscurity and peace until other times and other men can do justice to them.
When my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then shall my character be vindicated, then may my epitaph be written.
Reminds me of the scripture that first ruined Christianity for me:

-Jesus, John 14:6​
Why? If you came there then you know that it must have been by him. I mean, that is nice to know :)

Like this (not word for word, just the general message);

"you didn't give me water when I was thirsty, you didn't give me clothes when I was naked, you didn't give me money when I was poor, you didn't visit me when I was prisoned."

"But I haven't seen you thirsty, or poor, or prisoned?"

"Whatever you do to your neighbor you do to me."
I thought of that. But apart from the 'woman', it is not really a saying, it is an imperative sentence. It does not describe, it tells someone to (not) do something.
Actually it does describe, at least to my interpretation of it.

It's not that no one would cry if there were no woman (in a bad sense of it), it's that no one would cry if there were no woman (in a good sense of it).
Actually it does describe, at least to my interpretation of it.

It's not that no one would cry if there were no woman (in a bad sense of it), it's that no one would cry if there were no woman (in a good sense of it).

Actually, he is talking to a woman and telling her not to cry.

"No, woman, no cry.
Dear little darling, don't shed no tears."

Listen to the rest of the lyrics.
Yes, it's basically Don't cry woman, but gentle.

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion

Judge no man by his clothes, but by his wife's clothes

No man is a good physician who has never been sick

No man is a hero in the eyes of his valet.

No man is a prophet in his own country.
No man is his craft's master the first day.

No man is impatient with his creditors.

No man is quick enough to enjoy life to the full.

No man sees his shadow who faces the sun.

and for the feminists (sort of)

No woman marries an old man for God's sake.
I recall this, but perhaps imperfectly (doesn't trace on the net).

"No man ever killed himself, who had a good three year old in the stable."
Reminds me of the scripture that first ruined Christianity for me (John 14:6).

Cyperium: "Why?"

OK a brief answer, but let's please avoid a theological discussion here, and I'll try to stay topical.

From an early age, I got to know many exceptionally good people- Devout believers in God, who did not believe in the Trinity. They didn't believe in the divinity of Christ. They just didn't seem to pass muster with Jesus' "No Man Comes Unto the Father, But By Me". I was taught that these people were unworthy of heaven, because it is their belief that no man may stand between God and man; that God is no man, and that God can father no man. Then I learned first-hand how they also believed in helping travelers in need. My family and I were sheltered in trying circumstances, that I'm certain my Western Christian friends would not be so inviting in a similar situation. Pondering that, I realized that Christianity is wrong to exclude Muslims by the "No Man" clause -an exclusion that Islam does not reciprocate, by the way. I too can accept no man as God's booking-agent; no man as heaven's gatekeeper, and certainly no man as God's sacrifice to himself. These thoughts are how I began to lose my religion (in a hasty nutshell).
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Shakespeare, Sonnet 116

Not really a saying but it was the first thing to come to mind.
No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history.

William Hazlitt
Pondering that, I realized that Christianity is wrong to exclude Muslims by the "No Man" clause -an exclusion that Islam does not reciprocate, by the way.

That makes me wonder about the origin of the no man clause and the period of time when it came about
That makes me wonder about the origin of the no man clause and the period of time when it came about
For you biblical scholars, it's John 6:44. Based upon what I've read, the consensus of us outsiders is that what became known as Christianity was derived from Paulist philosophy rather than Johanine. So it may be that remarks attributed to John--or should I say remarks attributed to the fictional character of Jesus through the perhaps equally fictional character of John by the authors of the New Testament--were not necessarily well integrated into the canon of Christianity and may not be reflected in such a mandatory discriminatory attitude.

The Jews also have no directive of this nature. The conditions they believe their god imposes on them are for them alone, and have no bearing on other people. I've never heard a Jewish scholar even consider the question of what's going to happen to other 99.8 percent of us on Judgment Day.
No man asks to be a hero.
No man ever quite believes in any other man.
No man lets his instrument get out of his hands after he gets it right.
No man wants skin & bones.
Every man wants to marry a virgin but no man wants to be a virgin until he marries.
No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be.
Butterfly, who's been grieving all the while, has hoped to lure him with her spanking-fresh tuna, wasabi and shaved radish, a dish no man of the sea could withstand.
Trust fully no man Of England.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Take heed that no man deceive you.
For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world.
Make no man a god.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old.
No man ever listened himself out of a job.
If no man hurts thee, it is the stroke of Jove, and thou must bear it.
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Actually, he is talking to a woman and telling her not to cry.

"No, woman, no cry.
Dear little darling, don't shed no tears."

Listen to the rest of the lyrics.
I see that you are right.

I wonder if he intentionally made it sound like it could be both ways?
Reminds me of the scripture that first ruined Christianity for me (John 14:6).

Cyperium: "Why?"

OK a brief answer, but let's please avoid a theological discussion here, and I'll try to stay topical.

From an early age, I got to know many exceptionally good people- Devout believers in God, who did not believe in the Trinity. They didn't believe in the divinity of Christ. They just didn't seem to pass muster with Jesus' "No Man Comes Unto the Father, But By Me". I was taught that these people were unworthy of heaven, because it is their belief that no man may stand between God and man; that God is no man, and that God can father no man. Then I learned first-hand how they also believed in helping travelers in need. My family and I were sheltered in trying circumstances, that I'm certain my Western Christian friends would not be so inviting in a similar situation. Pondering that, I realized that Christianity is wrong to exclude Muslims by the "No Man" clause -an exclusion that Islam does not reciprocate, by the way. I too can accept no man as God's booking-agent; no man as heaven's gatekeeper, and certainly no man as God's sacrifice to himself. These thoughts are how I began to lose my religion (in a hasty nutshell).
Well, I see your points and do see some points that I would like to make too but I agree that this isn't the topic for that, and that we should - if so - discuss this in a different thread. I respect your decision though.
Well, I see your points and do see some points that I would like to make too but I agree that this isn't the topic for that, and that we should - if so - discuss this in a different thread. I respect your decision though.
In which case I suppose it would also belong in a different subforum.