Off-topic posts from the "Evidence that God is real" thread

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The "evidence" that WLC employs in his arguments (he "reveals" nothing) is almost entirely a collection of false claims, with a couple of absurdities or errors of reasoning mixed in - including stuff that is just plain stupid.

I'm aware of your atheist opinion.

How do you know it doesn't reveal evidence of God?

I literally see evidence for God all around me every single day. To me His existence is the most reasonable and logical, even the most plain and simple thing. I could not deny His existence unless I were to deny my own existence.

And what would be the point of providing evidence to someone else when the evidence is already so clearly provided to all?

Why do kittens and puppies play fight?

You told us to Google William Craig, and explained that you believe what he believes

1. I told you to google WLC's evidence for God.
2. I said I am ok with his evidence, and that I think it is decent.

Why do you have to blatantly lie bilvon?
Don't you know that we can check if you're telling the truth?
Is denial and rejection of God, that important to you?

1. I told you to google WLC's evidence for God.
Here are your own words:

"I put forward Bill Craig. His arguments are not only well documented over the net, but isolated from his writings. This means you don’t have to sift through tons of literature to finally get to his arguments. I also said any one of them can apply."

So you said, flat out, that any of Bill Craig's arguments apply.

Therefore you support what he does. Therefore you support genocide, think gays are immoral, and believe in evolution. By your own words.

If you want to claim that this isn't true, then list the claims that you believe, and list the claims you don't. Quite simple. If you can't even be bothered to do that, then we will go with what you have said on this forum. Because, despite what you may believe, it's easy to go back to see what you said a few pages back.
Notice that the argument reaches the right conclusion even though the logic is wrong. That's why arguments alone are not reliable.

How do you know those arguments don't reveal evidence of God?
Do you know what evidence of God, is, or looks like?

This post sails dangerously close to homophobic slur. Take care.
...think gays are immoral...

Gays actually can be extremely immoral if they infect and eventually kill each other with the Aids virus and also injure the rectums of others, to the point where they need surgical repair.

Don’t you agree?

Both of these happpened to my own brother.

He was one of the 70 million who have been infected with AIDS, and one of the about 35 million who have died from it.

There is evidence against that lifestyle for you!
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Isn't that the million dollar question, Jan? Who does know? You? Lane? How can anyone know?

So you can't? Is that what you're saying?

People know.
Some people deny and reject.
If you deny and reject long enough, you will eventually accept, then believe what you cultivate.

Gays actually can be extremely immoral if they infect and eventually kill each other with the Aids virus and also injure the rectums of others, to the point where they need surgical repair. Don’t you agree?
Of course. Just as straight people can be extremely immoral if they infect and kill each other with STD's, if they rape people then murder them, molest young children etc etc.

However, that does not make straight people inherently immoral, any more than it makes gay people inherently immoral.
So again I ask. Where in any of his argument are the topics you mentioned?

"1) We are all obligated to do God’s will.
2) God’s will is expressed in the Bible.
3) The Bible forbids homosexual behavior.
4) Therefore, homosexual behavior is against God’s will, or is wrong."

"God knew that if these Canaanite children were allowed to live, they would spell the undoing of Israel. The killing of the Canaanite children not only served to prevent assimilation to Canaanite identity but also served as a shattering, tangible illustration of Israel’s being set exclusively apart for God. Moreover, if we believe, as I do, that God’s grace is extended to those who die in infancy or as small children, the death of these children was actually their salvation."

Do you disagree with WLC's arguments listed above?
So you can't? Is that what you're saying?

People know.

You and I both know that's a lie. Or, am I the one between us with the honesty to admit it?

Some people deny and reject.
If you deny and reject long enough, you will eventually accept, then believe what you cultivate.


Deny and reject what exactly? The illogical, irrational assertion and leap of faith from Lane?
Do you disagree with WLC's arguments listed above?

Where is this in WLC's evidence for God arguments?
I've looked at the list that Yazata posted, and I couldn't locate them.

Where is the argument for the existence of God, in the list you wrote?

Can we just sort that out before we progress any further?
Thanks in advance.

Of course. Just as straight people can be extremely immoral if they infect and kill each other with STD's, if they rape people then murder them, molest young children etc etc.

However, that does not make straight people inherently immoral, any more than it makes gay people inherently immoral.

We agree!
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