Orgone Energy

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by EmptyForceOfChi, Nov 6, 2005.

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  1. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    That's what we're looking for, ideas. We're going to need people to know exactly what they are doing with orgone and people who can form physical theory based on observations. It's pretty rough when a person like James DeMeo can lose his teaching position because of scurrilous attacks on his reputation that even some of the trolls here would be embarassed to attempt, but this means that those of us who support orgonomy need to learn more about orgone and about physics and related fields. Even knowing that a particle about the weight of an atom has enough weight to throw around large numbers of photons is helpful.

    A thing to consider is that, whatever an orgone particle is, it does seem to act like an atom in that it absorbs and re-emits energy. A "hot" atom emits light energy according to the energy levels of its electrons. From direct observation, it seems that an orgone particle literally captures several photons at once of different wavelengths and then re-emits them as flashes of light. It's not like we've never seen other phenomena that do this.

    When you get down to trying to describe the physical theory behind orgone, it helps to read the journals. It's been a long time since I read the Journal of Orgonomy. It's pretty dry reading but it's a good place to start. So are Wilhelm Reich's books.

    To gain the "brilliance" that it takes to do this job, we have to at the very least be able to gain some empirical knowledge like how to photograph orgone, how to concentrate and direct it, the best materials, and so on. I would definitely encourage people to use it for their own benefit too. At best, a number of us have to learn mathematics at least up to the level of Calculus 3, and be good at it, and this takes a lot of work and dedication. We also need to learn physics and not be afraid to see where the physics we are being taught doesn't square with itself or reality. These things are heavy-duty projects. They are worth doing. Ultimately, though, we need to do this for the sake of the art and not for the sake of people like the trolls on this board.
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  3. duendy Registered Senior Member

    and you haven' i spose. shit would I like to be a fly on YOURwall and see what 'mr pure' gets up to. propably wud die of boredom actually....nd up on your windowsill legs up in the air
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  5. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Duendy, there are some things that sane humans are not meant to know, and for God's sake, I am certain that Mr. Perfect's bedroom habits are among those things. I just feel sorry for his cat.

    This is how trolls act to make themselves the central issues on discussion threads and trash them. We've got to ignore them. Even if all for the illusion of hope that they might have something to say, but I think there are at least three of them here who have proven that they don't.
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  7. phlogistician Banned Banned

    I studied physics at University, as part of my degree course. I've also got qualifications in design and engineering, maths, and electronics.

    I think what you mean to say, is that it's best to me on ignore, if you are a pseudoscientist and don't like having your unsupported assertions challenged.

    But, back to the discussion. Are you saying Reich didn't die in jail?

    Are you claiming he had a healthy attitude towards sex?

    Because you seemed to think me calling him a pervert who died in jail was false, and accused me of talking 'nonsense'. Are you going to retract that statement now you've perhaps found out more about Reich?
  8. duendy Registered Senior Member

    YES MetaKron, we must learn to ignnore them whenever possible. i tho am defending Wilhelm Reich from the likes of old goody woody two shoes....cant you just see old phlo in hisrockin chair, with victorian clothes on, all up to his ears and down to his ankes. all hs furnitur legs covered with knickerbockers so as not to remind him of ...errr, sensual feeeelins....? bible in hand!
  9. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    I think I understand the psychology, Phlog. If one has a dramatic, painful event in one's life [and who hasn't?] and has to face it unsupported, it would be tempting to blame 'society'. With that would come the tendency to see anything that conventional society supported as being 'wrong'. Equally, one would feel a strong identity with people or ideas which society rejected.
    It would be attractive to support those ideas or people as a way of challenging society, without having to reference directly one's own painful experience. This would wholly remove the logic of using logic to decide to support the errant idea/person in the first place. Support would be unconnected with logic and wholly connected with the emotional support derived from identifying with other martyrs.

    If this analysis is valid it makes our attempts to reason and persuade, or heckle and cajole, pretty pointless. What do you think?
  10. Light Registered Senior Member

    You are quite correct, Ophiolite, and there are a few other common factors as well. One is a feeling of helplessness, of being powerless. Many think that society is using them for it's own hidden, unspoken purposes and there is nothing they can do about it except attempt to draw attention to the "evil society" and expose it's goals - as they see them. They also tend to think the whole world is controlled by some secret group. A common theme in that respect is the myth that the entire world's money supply is controlled by a Jewish family named Rothschild (there are a couple of different spellings used).

    You can see the same effect operating right now in New Orleans. Many are claiming the levees were bombed to destroy the black population and drive it out. And they aren't rational enough to see that the costs of cleaning up the mess far outweighs any "benefit" derived from it. Once again, the believe it because they feel powerless and oppressed. "Everyone" is against them - for one reason or another. Paranoia takes many forms and this is just one of the lesser degrees in action.

    Most of the people that fall within the types we're talking about are grossly undereducated and all too often by their own choice. They resist authority and knowledge represents authority. They are among the most foolish of the foolish and readily make themselves into the very prey they claim to be. It's a self-fulfilling process. "I have nothing because you took it away from me. Therefore I'll have nothing to keep you from getting it."

    And yes, there's no point or profit in attempting to reason with them - simply because they do not respond to reason. Commonly put, they are simply "dumb." They are right, everyone else is wrong and whatever else is said or explained is a lie. They are the "great deceived" of the world. The truly ironic thing is that in one sense, that's the only fact they have right.
  11. phlogistician Banned Banned

    Well, of course I agree with you guys, Ophiolite and Light.

    Time after time threads have exposed the low self esteem and paranoia that the various conspiracy theorists have.

    And while yes, applying reason does seem pointless when we don't have a common frame of reference with these people, their 'reasoning' being based on subjective feelings, But I feel I have to try and reason with them, hoping maybe to shake them out of their delusion.

    We got an education, and I think that comes with a responsibility to pass some of it on.
  12. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Like any Neanderthal simpletons, those who don't know the Holy Bible very well see that it weighs a few pounds and makes a fair club to hit people over the head with, and they are less likely to hit back. People who don't know science very well, same thing.
  13. duendy Registered Senior Member

    Yip. i have noticed a pattern Met. thpse that stick tp a maerialist view of tings really really trust authority--even these muthafokkers inpower right now....!!!!.....and dissent, which is bor from inyelligence, and insisght is deemed by this grim lot as 'paranoia'.....this means in effetthat way slaves were to qution theilt, and the sheer utter inhumanity of the 'masters' that they too would be called 'paranoid' and then beaten to death.........als when we survey the history of all thiis, any intelligent prson will quickly see the scam agoin on, where it is always the poor who get blamed, the vitims of oppression. this is what thse lot do. ey are actually blind to the real oppressors amd blame the oppressed. tis is why they see nowt wrong wit the whole 'mental health establishment', where peoeple are coercively drugged to obey their authority.

    these idiots wid their science books rammed in yer face done lost their soul

    it is our way to try rejuvenate whilst dodging the inevitable bile of unresolved bitter-ness
  14. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    But you have to admit (Phlog, Light and other like minded individuals) they, the conspiracy clique,the paranoid people, can be quite entertaining.

    It's also worth remembering that just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you.

    Oh, a side note Duendy - if I trusted authority I would not have been considered by more than one acquaintance as slightly to the left of Marx; if I trusted authority I would not be languishing at my present level within my company; if I trusted authority I wouldn't ruddy vote Liberal Democrat or Scottish Socialist. However, because I also don't trust speculative whimsy you decide I am part of the establishment. Big mistake.
  15. duendy Registered Senior Member

    no. what i am suggesting now is you dontgo far enough...Lberal Democrats??...what the fuk are THEY gonna do?....the whole stageed charade is corrupt. Left and Righyt! and Mddle too. all run by centre for propaganda for dead planet
  16. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    So when can we expect you to stand for parliament or take some other form of action to change things?
  17. Mosheh Thezion Registered Senior Member

    I would never go so far as suggesting Orgone "energy"... but an orgone field, maybe reasonable supposing that "orgone" defines the type of field quality, such as its modulation and so forth..... but either way.. we are still dealing with the same fields of energy.. electric and electromagnetic..

    i see nothing to suggest otherwise.. nor do we need to.. as electric fields are more than fundamental enough as to be worthy of any task.

  18. duendy Registered Senior Member

    'other form of action to change things' includes my explorations here. are presented with two choices, 'left' and 'right'. find out WHO is offering these choices. for they might not be REAl choices, it may be a scam that keeps things the SAME, but ismade to make you BELIEVE you is bein given choices to change things!
  19. Light Registered Senior Member

    I can truly understand your thoughts, Philogistician, and they ARE honorable ones. And I'm sure you already know this but just be aware of what's called a "fool's errand." The point being that you can hardly reckon with these people any more than you can with a tree stump. That's because nether they nor the stump have any use for reasoning.
  20. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Well, a law of parsimony doesn't necessarily translate to physical law. There is certainly nothing about physics that forbids a medium for energy transfer that tends to carry energy at certain levels that are "just right" for life. Life itself works by moving energy up and down an intricate series of steps that keep temperatures within bounds and store and utilize enough energy to be useful. Why can't physical reality in a vacuum form some sort of reflection of these functions, or life be a reflection of functions that don't show up as well in a cloud chamber?

    Electromagnetic energy is real usable energy that is easy to convert into usable electrical energy. The energy is stored in "field lines." Actual experiment has shown that collapsing these field lines causes the release of energy as a high energy pulse that can destroy electronics for quite a distance if you have a really powerful electromagnet. Small-scale experiments can also show that collapsing a magnetic field releases enough energy to propel small objects at high velocities or explode wires. Much of our technology is based on just this phemonemon. Much of the energy that we receive from the sun is also released in exactly the same way.

    We also know that sudden collapse of field lines isn't the only way to release useful energy. A few milliwatts, built and released in smooth cycles, is enough to use to communicate across miles of open terrain. Also, of course, we have our AC generators and so on.

    The collapse of field lines on the sun is a very explosive event. It is responsible for things like that flare last year that was like staring down the barrel of a gun. It looked like half the sun had exploded and the only thing that saved our lives was that it was aimed way to the side. A rule of thumb is that in any explosion there are more little pieces than big pieces. The sun's surface explodes all the time in those prominences and the boiling, releasing bits of magnetic field lines. Why can't a piece of a magnetic field line, containing a tiny spark of energy, travel all the way to Earth? There's enough energy in just one prominence to incinerate the entire mass of the Earth. There should be an uncountable number of tiny pieces of the same thing. It's an explosion, and it's like a rubber band snapping back after being cut. The magnetic field line keeps on exploding until it finds equilibrium states. It might also be true that the amount of energy that it can contain is related to its size, something like a square or cube law, so that it has to give up energy when it breaks down. Part of its energy is in a slow-moving form that has a type of inertia. The other part is in a form that can be released as radiation. Forming matter from such particles shouldn't be dismissed as an impossible or "wild" idea. I think they have all the ingredients.

    I don't even know that there are any rules that require a magnetic field line, or a snipped thereof, to be a particular shape, except in relation to the energy it carries, which may or may not be an arbitrary multiple of some kind of quantum number. It's probably better not to know such rules sometimes because they can get in the way of clear thinking and may only be applicable to limited cases.
  21. phlogistician Banned Banned

    Blah blah another ad hom duendy, ''cos that's all you have.

    Reich was a serial adulterer, and was imprisoned for contempt of court, not for being a free thinker.

    Just why do you trust these obviously flawed people more than real scientists? What draws you to these wackos?

    I never claimed I was 'pure', that's just another straw man your stuffing there duendy, which shows just how desperate you are, making stupid allegations.
  22. duendy Registered Senior Member

    cuase you are ya fool. you are callin another person--and one who is dead and cant even defend himself against your relentless slanderous fingers--a pervert. which means/implies you are not, and are so friggin righteous and pure. well yer not. you have an evil approach to everything you say. your words are always full of hate cause YOU are full of hate and full of your pseudoscientific self. just like of old a sanctimonious follower of Churchian dogma would be. total hypocrite!....there are glimmers of warmth. but VERY few and far between
  23. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Well, Duendy, I told Phlogistician what I thought of him doing his name-calling and playing childish games, and I told him to screw off. The rest of the time I'm going to ignore him. He isn't worth that much attention.
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