People created god?

How would it answer...and the bigger question would be could it hear a single question out of the billions that asked to non-existent creation of man's imagination.
It doesn't make sense to say "man created God". For the first person to tell another there was a god would have been laughed at for the rest would be like the atheists are today.

Unless the first person was like the wisest person in the land and was able to control things with his mind and had unnaturally refined powers of psychic ability, and could foretell the future (the sort of things I can do) no one would take any notice.
This wise person would explain these things as "they come from God", for there is no obvious explanation as to how these things are possible if there wasn't some form of help. For that is why I say there is a God, for how can I do what I do?:)

Note that we are using the plural of Homo Sapiens, and that "man" is general term for all of humanity, and if they did laugh as you put it at the first individual who proposed the idea of god then why do we have religions today and high percentage (which is 95% by the way) of people who do believe in an archaic notion and explanation for natural phenomena. In addition does it not go against your very own religion to have god-like powers such as fortune telling and the ability to manipulate matter at will? (Seems contradictive). Do I believe that the human brain could achieve telepathic powers, maybe,( if we can harness all its full potential, we only use 10%)will be because of fairytale character that lives up on cloud… I don’t think so. Personally I laugh at you Christians all the time…and your little post gave me a giggle. Love your enemy Mr. Non-Believer :p
Societal control is not my only thought why man created god, there is more to go with it. But imo that is one of the big factors. Do you believe that everything you see on tv is just to "entertain" you? That what you see on discovery channel is from the current year? Do you believe that we are not kept busy to keep us from thinking? regarding if its religion or not, we are being controlled that is nearly certain. Religion is just a very good tool to win the other 20% that do not work or are criminals. Like thugs or mafia. Maybe im thinking to much about it.
. If there was a god even in the form of an energy with conciousness, why would it have the need to not show or fix this cruel idiotic world. Letting nature take its course? how.. he created the nature... he already knew what the course was.

As the metaphor of Adam and Eva say Man was in the paradise , but he made a choise to do its own thing , Man had to live the paradise and go into the natural world , so here we are .
Commandments were give to us so that would have peace among our self, do we obey and follow the the teaching , hell not we do our things, and as if doing our thing there are consequences.
I think we should blame any body but our self .
Adam and Eve story is boring me since i was 7 years old.
The story with the tree of life wich was not to be eaten from.
How could a being that was just formed and not aware of all emotions know the difference between right and wrong? Did they not choose wrongly according to most religions? How cruel is it to give something that doesnt know the difference a choice in that matter? Its like putting down a book and some candy in front of a 1 year old.... Wich one would HE chose you think? You dont know if something tastes good or bad if you havent tasted or smelled it before. Even smell can be decieving.
Note that we are using the plural of Homo Sapiens, and that "man" is general term for all of humanity, and if they did laugh as you put it at the first individual who proposed the idea of god then why do we have religions today and high percentage (which is 95% by the way) of people who do believe in an archaic notion and explanation for natural phenomena. In addition does it not go against your very own religion to have god-like powers such as fortune telling and the ability to manipulate matter at will? (Seems contradictive). Do I believe that the human brain could achieve telepathic powers, maybe,( if we can harness all its full potential, we only use 10%)will be because of fairytale character that lives up on cloud… I don’t think so. Personally I laugh at you Christians all the time…and your little post gave me a giggle. Love your enemy Mr. Non-Believer :p
I was feeling like I was being left out till your reply. Thank you very much for being a friend Mr. Non Believer.
I was watching a program about development of weapons and it was covering some of the old historical stories, and the two I can remember their names were King Arthur and Emperor Constantine. Both of these stories are embellished with supernatural aspects and the achievements of powerful warrior types.
So when the leader feels anointed by "God" and the people see it works for them, who are they to question?

And that is why the power is given to me, to lead, right. Now have another little chuckle
On the energy thing, i know we havent reached anywhere near what we want to know. Like how we still dont know how the brain completely works or whats on the bodem of the ocean. If there was a god even in the form of an energy with conciousness, why would it have the need to not show or fix this cruel idiotic world. Letting nature take its course? how.. he created the nature... he already knew what the course was.
What makes you think the idiocy of this world is not being addressed?

Not to mention how many other beings are in god stories. I have read the catholic bible and the jehova whitnesses bible and it speaks of angels and higher beings. How come in those days energy did contact humans?
Maybe they weren't so idiotic
How come people that claim to have voices in their heads are just plain lunatics these days?
could be the idiot factor yet again

No more miracles. Not to mention that all miracles Jezus performed where mentioned numerous times in different religions with different profets.
How would the performance of miracles deal with idiocy? Science can do many "miraculous " things that run parallel quite nicely with many contemporary forms of idiocy .....
I was feeling like I was being left out till your reply. Thank you very much for being a friend Mr. Non Believer.
Ironic how you were for moment a pariah, but it took another pariah to pull you back in from being an outcast in thread where everyone else ignored you...that is my life... always being ignored...wanting to befriend others, but only ending up with rejection. It's funny how opposites like us attract. Your Friend, Mr. Non-Believer:wave:

Sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn.

An outcast.

Any person or animal that is generally despised or avoided
Ironic how you were for moment a pariah, but it took another pariah to pull you back in from being an outcast in thread where everyone else ignored you...that is my life... always being ignored...wanting to befriend others, but only ending up with rejection. It's funny how opposites like us attract. Your Friend, Mr. Non-Believer:wave:

Sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn.

An outcast.

Any person or animal that is generally despised or avoided
'Hey thanks for explaining the origin of your name, I have genuinely wondered what it was about. What a pariah was? I kept getting the image of a Piranha fish with sharp teeth going around savaging Christians.
I don't have many friends as such either. I'm well known and respected but friends are few.
Adam and Eve story is boring me since i was 7 years old.
The story with the tree of life wich was not to be eaten from.
How could a being that was just formed and not aware of all emotions know the difference between right and wrong? Did they not choose wrongly according to most religions? How cruel is it to give something that doesnt know the difference a choice in that matter? Its like putting down a book and some candy in front of a 1 year old.... Wich one would HE chose you think? You dont know if something tastes good or bad if you havent tasted or smelled it before. Even smell can be decieving.

Pal I did not tell you a story , I said a METAPHOR , the methaphor does not tel us how old Adam was he could be 100 or 500 or 5 years old . The point of the metaphor " don't do that because there are consequences "
Pal I did not tell you a story , I said a METAPHOR , the methaphor does not tel us how old Adam was he could be 100 or 500 or 5 years old . The point of the metaphor " don't do that because there are consequences "
So there take that Puddy Tat!:)
I like how easily bablical believers switch between metaphor, interperation and literal belief.
How would it answer...and the bigger question would be could it hear a single question out of the billions that asked to non-existent creation of man's imagination.
The Holy Spirit answered my question so don't give up hope of being answered in the course of time. There was 18 year between my question and the answer.
One day I may even share it with you Pariah.:)
So, bibbitybobbity, you believe in the bable, do you?

I take it you read it in the original English?
I have read the Bible from front to back a couple of times and found the whole thing really confusing. It was a King James Version. A special cross referenced version that a previous owner of my house had left behind when I bought this house.
But I gave it a go! Try and work out what "Seek and ye shall find" really means?
Seek faith, and ye shall find it. Seek Jesus and ye shall find. Seek gold and ye shall find...