Please help: plant evolution

Discussion in 'Earth Science' started by noob, Dec 15, 2002.

  1. noob Registered Member

    What does plant evolution have to do with extinction of terrestrial vertebrates? Please explain this to me, thank you.
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  3. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    Why do I have the feeling that we are being asked to do someone's homework again?
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  5. Neville Registered Senior Member

    lol@ wet1
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  7. Dwayne D.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    First of all let me say this,
    Plants are among the most quickly evolving life forms on earth, much simular to bacteiral and virus ect... the evoltion of plants occures with every generation of plant, meaning that each new plant goes though the procces of evoltion, this is because only 5% of plant dna is heritary, the other 95% is subject to adation of enviormental conditions, this allows plants of the same species to give fruit at different times in different regions of the world, in some cases it also allows plants to give dubble fruits meaning produce fruit twice a year rather than once a year.
    therefore plants are very dependant on eviormental condtions, if plant life is subject to sudden enviormental changes they may not give fruit that year, and many animals that eat the fruit of that plant will then go hungry that year forcing the animals to move to another region, that new region may have other animals that would eat the animal and therefore cause a change in the numder of those animals that eat from that plant. if there is not enough of those animals that eat from that plant then the animals will inbred and become disfunctional, when disfunctional the animal is helpless to preditors and therfore goes exstinct.
    As plants are subject to genetics that are controlled 95% by enviroment, the plants may go sterile meaning unable to make fruit or pollen, in such cases the plant just grows and gets bigger, unitll one year, 500 yers later the enviorment warms or new minerals are added to the soil by a river ect... that allows the plant to develope cells that cause it to bear fruit, a example is seeds or roots ect... as long as they are in the dirt or frozen they can come back to life after 1,000s of years, given the PH a tivity of the soil is right. if you read about grafting of plants you will find that a apple tree root or stem will feed nutrients to a plum tree or pear tree, in fact you can grow apples, pears, plums,and cherries on the same tree, the proocess is called grafting.
    so then you can see that animals most animals eat from trees, if the trees change due to enviromental condtions that change there genes, the animals have to find some place else to eat or wait untill a different time of the year to eat from that tree, which changes the type of foods the animals eat, this changes the minerals that animals get, when the mineral change in animals, it changes how they reproduce or have babies,called cubs or pups, if they dont have enough mineral the number of pups born that year fall, and there Are fewer animals, which means less and less animals every year, then if they are hunted by preditors or inbreed they will go exstinct.
    nothing like good fruit, oranges provide a good source or the mineral vitamin C which helps fight off dieses in humans, such as cancer, scuvy, as well Vitamin C helps the bone and muscels grow behave properly.
  8. CATT Registered Senior Member


    Dwayne is correct in theory!

    But also look at it this way:

    using the example of fruits and flowers brings me to the point of so called evolution. Theory is, that fruits are not a gift, but a BRIBE. Or to put it another way the plants have a deal going with the animals that consume the fruit or that consume the nectar in the flowers. The deal is that the animals will carry some of the plants seeds away to new places. In the case of flowers, the animal carries pollen to other flowers of the same species. They are paid for this service in food. Its easy to see how this deal works.

    Some plants happened to be more edible than usual and therefore its seeds were spread more than usual. And each seed was deposited inside a nice mound of fertilizer (feces!) the offspring inherited this slight tendency to be edible and the offspring happened to be even more edible. And around and around it went.

    This has a contributed effect on the exstincion of certain species of animals that fed of of certain plants.

    In the meaning of life everything has its purpose! Did G-d make it that way or did life evolve that way is the question? But one can see that it is a delicate balanced system and the subtlest interaction or disturbance can effect mass extermination of a species! (Plants, Animals, Humans, Planets, Solar Systems!)

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2002
  9. pumpkinsaren'torange Registered Senior Member

    but, it seems that we can now over-ride the influences of environment in plant reproduction. don't forget the "silencing" genes...they can be regulated. not that anybody cares or will even bother responding to my words.
  10. chroot Crackpot killer Registered Senior Member

    Dubble your pleasure, dubble your fun... with Wrigley's Dubble Mint gum!

    - Warren
  11. pumpkinsaren'torange Registered Senior Member

  12. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    a change in the composition of the vegetation is usually a major drive in the evolution of the animals living on the vegetation...

    one example is the increase of grasses in the vegetation...this required major adaptations from animals (think of horses)

    also climate can play an important role and the subsequent changes in vegetation...a drying climate has been shown to increase hypsodonty of teeth. Hypsodonty means that the crown hight increases. With the crown the food is chewed. If the food gets tougher the crowns will wear more. Hence one solution would be to increase the crown height.

    Jernvall, J. & Fortelius, M. (2002) Common mammals drive the evolutionary increase of hypsodonty in the Neogene. Nature 417: 538-540.
  13. Dwayne D.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    I would venture to say looking at the mechanics of the life froms on earth that both krill and grass are the base of evoultionary food consumption, diet, mineral resouces. i would go furthur to say that such a diet is eliminates murderous behavior in the life forms of earth, where if life forms maintained this dietary stance or when they did the earth was a peace both animal and human, in the sea and on land. that undersuch condtions the population of many speices grew abundantly and thus began the carnivors and there behavior pattern of murderous consumtption. Here i see that under high density populations less developed brains, or ill functioning brains became confused and began the murderous campaign leading to the development of carnivors, these same population proplems are seen in lab results, with rats and mice. it also appears so on other animals and humans, where there is a given area of space requirement, or ablity to calculate i.e. reason beforte the animal becomes confused with daily events, causing a form of dsylexia/ associated with paranoia leading the animal to kill needlessly, plainly know more widly known as stir crazy.
    The advent of killing other animals increases the caloie in take and makes for less work, therfore it is seen that animals that live on grass and krill are peaceful for the most apart as they spend more time eatting. i given credit of the mastical nerve to the grass and krill eatters.
    i find it very intresting that large animals can survive on vegitation alone and exercise good strentgh, it must be the Vitamin A. And that carnivors are actually a group of inbreds or ill developed group that is stir crazy, or a mental misfit. intreseting enough vegitaion carries microorgnisms that can cause even the sanes animals to become irrational and strir crazy if not completely nuts, a carnivor would not suffer this problem but would suffer from virus passed by consumtion of raw blood products.
    over all this leads to another intresting question how did as the theory goes, did microcondria get in the cells of humans, as i understand it the microcondria is what makes us mammals, with the ablity to adjust to tempture changes, and catalyse energy for the cell, my person thought is that the earth enviorment became very cold and the micrchondria organism which must have been a organism that lived on plant life could no longer survive in the earths cold enviroment and could only live in living organism, gentically such a organism could only pass in to the heritay chain of a animal by effecting the male of the species, so out goes the idea that a sigle woman was the cause of the chagne of the species as was said about the remains found in africa, however what is true is that in order for the organism to maintain in the species such as humans the woman would have made the organism a permanet meber of the human cell, this is because the male may incorporate new gentic material but the in order for it to live succsive generations the organism gentic material must be housed in the ovum. this gives the a chance ration of 50% that the organism would be successful. however once again the organis could have effect the x sex(female) reproductive cell of the male and made it way in to the species, still a 50% chance.
    so then any other views on this and how plant life could effect animals.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2002
  14. CATT Registered Senior Member

    Dear sweet Dwayne,

    I heard men can't get stir crazy or mad cow disease!


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  15. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned


    unfortunately for your theory grass is an example of an organism that appeared quite late on the evolution. Hence it is difficult to see how it formed the 'base'
    I don't know when krill appeared, but i do know that it is not a very 'primitive' animal. Moreover krill eats plankton, both the animal and plant kind...hence it could be considered to be a predator
  16. Dwayne D.L.Rabon Registered Senior Member

    Well it must looking in to the events more deeply planteaters would seem to be the balance of a peace development of animal life, and premote evoltion. meaning that it would appear concreate that at one time it was purly a vegitaion eatter to habit the earth, and the change from that abundant norm was caused by bacteria or viral infection effecting the brain mental functions of the animal causing the behavior of murders carnivors.
    I recommend grass, such as wheats, ectra as they are abundant and seem to have a exstensive history with plains animals ect...
    Alge seem to be a good food supply for crabs abd shell fish and other life form, as well it is very abundant. here we gave a good basis, abundant resources that meet all food requirement needs, minerals ect.
    as greenry is so abundant it would seem that one bases food source would feed and provide for every life form, and from here the groups vary in what they eat. example sea animals eat alge and krill, land animals wheat, grass and tree leaves,.

    Plankton how many animals eat plankton, surly as many animals of the sea eat krill, and krill eat plankton, maby a more delveoped plankton could have exsited that was the basis of the food chain.
    i do not think we can get much more peace ful than grasses ect... as i think after grass comes the dirt, dure the dirt has lots of mineral but no calories, lime stone apatie how tasty, could just lime stone all day, boiling rocks not that bad.

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