Premonitions for 2013

Next race Team Oracle won fair and square after NZ made some errors 3 - 8 the score so far, but tomorrow will be the decider.

I sensed that Larry Alison's threat to appeal the outcome if they lose, that is in poor gamesmanship spirit. The Wind Gods will blow his boat backwards from now on.
Even if Oracle win all the next 4 races they will still have fewer points than NZ, but then they were going to take it to Court.

"Wind Gods blow Oracle off the face of this Earth."

(Photo:Getty images).
I predict that Richard Dawkins will travel to Saudi Arabia in an attempt to initiate a debate with Muslim leaders.
When you say attempt does that mean fail?

Perhaps it should be seen as a suggestion. Maybe Richard Dawkins could somehow bring peace to the middle east by convincing everyone there that Allah does not exist. It would show that Richard Dawkins is sincere and true of heart.
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Perhaps it should be seen as a suggestion. Maybe Richard Dawkins could somehow bring peace to the middle east by convincing everyone there that Allah does not exist. It would show that Richard Dawkins is sincere and true of heart.
You don't like Dawkins do you! You are hoping secretly that they would kill him and so he leaves the Christians alone.
Did you know that is quite sinful and you will be condemned for that wish. You must not wish evil on your enemies.
America’s Cup Psychic Points.
Who do you predict will win?

Oracle Racing: Psychic Points 1.53
Team New Zealand: Psychic Points 3.75
Artemis Racing: Psychic Points 6.00
Luna Rossa Challenge: Psychic Points 11.00
God bless America but God defends NZ. So unfortunately God is on our side.
My psychic powers are winning.

I heard on the news today that the boats can go three times faster than the wind speed.
How is that possible?
That is when they go side-on to the wind.
I think you were just lucky but I'll let you take the points without a court case disputing it.
Sciforum Psychic Challenge Test

This is the Sciforum Psychic Challenge Test:

Originally Posted by Seattle
How about the next time you have a premonition that is on the national stage you post it here before it happens and with enough specificity to not resemble a horoscope or fortune cookie?

And what would we do after that?

I'll do that, provided we do everything possible to prevent the dream coming true. I'm not going just to sit back and do nothing. Did you follow the "Early Edition series, they were great, and they always tried to turn the future around.
We will guess what would have happened had we done nothing.