Presenting Free Energy


Reality is the ultimate source of energy. It realizes itself in a neverending cycle of creation and destruction. By creating new universes in the lab we can generate a neverending cycle of free energy. Quantum tunnelling is one example of how to create a neverending cycle by renewing available resources of energy. It manifests itself in the form of light. By renewing the mass-energy equivalence / conversion it creates new light to be available for renewal and regeneration. God is a form of this energy. This recombinatorial energy requires recombinatorial mathematics to create. God mathematics is also required. E=hf is simply Reality =hf.

Now, mass has typically been used to create energy. But what if if an entirely new universe can be used with unparalleled proficiency?

P.S. Hydrogen is one of the best ways to create energy.

Any thoughts on this new approach?

Reality is the ultimate source of energy. It realizes itself in a neverending cycle of creation and destruction. By creating new universes in the lab we can generate a neverending cycle of free energy. Quantum tunnelling is one example of how to create a neverending cycle by renewing available resources of energy. It manifests itself in the form of light. By renewing the mass-energy equivalence / conversion it creates new light to be available for renewal and regeneration. God is a form of this energy. This recombinatorial energy requires recombinatorial mathematics to create. God mathematics is also required. E=hf is simply Reality =hf.

Now, mass has typically been used to create energy. But what if if an entirely new universe can be used with unparalleled proficiency?

P.S. Hydrogen is one of the best ways to create energy.

Any thoughts on this new approach?
I think you're on to something. Tell me more.
Reality is the ultimate source of energy.
Seems fair enough. After all, what else could be the source?

What do you mean by "ultimate"? What would a non-ultimate source of energy be?
It realizes itself in a neverending cycle of creation and destruction.
Reality realizes itself? Er... okay. Happy to let that pass, for now.
By creating new universes in the lab we can generate a neverending cycle of free energy.
Do you know how to create new universes in the lab?
Quantum tunnelling is one example of how to create a neverending cycle by renewing available resources of energy.
That sentence doesn't scan. Tell me how quantum tunnelling creates a neverending cycle of renewing available resources of energy, please. I'm a details guy.
It manifests itself in the form of light.
What does?
By renewing the mass-energy equivalence / conversion it creates new light to be available for renewal and regeneration.
Sorry, but you're not explaining the process very well. Can you outline the process step by step for us, please?
God is a form of this energy.
Which God is that?
This recombinatorial energy requires recombinatorial mathematics to create. God mathematics is also required.
How do you know this?
E=hf is simply Reality =hf.
You're saying "reality" is the same thing as the energy of a photon, then, are you? How so?
Now, mass has typically been used to create energy.
Typically? Can you give us an example?
But what if if an entirely new universe can be used with unparalleled proficiency?
Used for what?
P.S. Hydrogen is one of the best ways to create energy.
Hydrogen is a substance, not a method. Isn't it?
Any thoughts on this new approach?
What's new?

Sorry, but this whole thing sounds incoherent to me. Can you do better?

Welcome to sciforums.
Great idea, you should definitely run with it down the freeway with a bag over your head, arms flapping and screaming like a chicken.

Can't even remember what crazy idea ((?) or would brain fart be a better description?) epicurus_splendicus first came up with about energy but it appears it was swiftly dismissed for

- God is a form of this energy. Any thoughts on this new approach?

My thoughts - attention seeking - not serious - not worth bothering with

Q suggestion would solve attention seeking ✅
