Proof there is a God

I predict you can find it.
Regardless, your assertion about what some hypothetical people might think is simply pulled out of thin air.

If we can makes assertions on what we think, why do;t we skip the middle man and just say "I'm pretty sure we will not find God out there". It's a fine ting to say, not it's not defensible.
None of the people I've talked with are hypothetical.
Nonetheless, their views are being filtered through your bias.
I sure wouldn't be pleased if I talked to a theist about atheism, and then he went to some theist forum and mangled my ideas as he presented them to this compatriots.
Ideally, some rational theists there would pipe up and say "It's a pity that atheist isn't here to make his own assertions and defend them. We're hearing this through your filter. Of course they're going to sound silly."

Put another way, I'm not prepared here, to take interpretation of someone's views - particularly someone of which you have little respect for their opinions - as impartial or accurate.

Such a one-sided discussion just ends up being a circle-jerk.
Nonetheless, their views are being filtered through your bias.
I sure wouldn't be pleased if I talked to a theist about atheism, and then he went to some theist forum and mangled my ideas as he presented them to this compatriots.
Ideally, some rational theists there would pipe up and say "It's a pity that atheist isn't here to make his own assertions and defend them. We're hearing this through your filter. Of course they're going to sound silly."

Put another way, I'm not prepared here, to take interpretation of someone's views - particularly someone of which you have little respect for their opinions - as impartial or accurate.

Such a one-sided discussion just ends up being a circle-jerk.

ALL that applies to your claim which I simply replied to with another view.

The difference is, strangers get the benefit of the doubt.
They're not fools unless you can show they are.

I did not call them fools or try to show they are fools.
I do not expect anyone to simply believe anything & everything I say any more than I believe everything said here without any doubt.

You made a claim which my experience & research indicates is false. I cannot prove it here & you cannot prove your claim here. I have the right to express an alternate to your claim.
I can list many websites which indicate your claim is false. Or you can Google it for yourself.

I did not call them fools or try to show they are fools.
Granted. There was some conflation of discussions with others.

You made a claim which my experience & research indicates is false. I cannot prove it here & you cannot prove your claim here.
I have the right to express an alternate to your claim.
Well, my only claim is that that your claim is weak. I didn't make any claim about what hypothetical people might be thinking.
The nonliftable rock is silly. May as well say God is not omnipotent because it cannot exist & not exist at the same time. Or because it cannot make X happen yet not happen. Or because it cannot make 2 +2 = 77. Or because it cannot make a square triangle.


In recent times, C. S. Lewis has adopted a scholastic position in the course of his workThe Problem of Pain. Lewis follows Aquinas' view on contradiction:

His Omnipotence means power to do all that is intrinsically possible, not to do the intrinsically impossible. You may attribute miracles to him, but not nonsense. This is no limit to his power. If you choose to say 'God can give a creature free will and at the same time withhold free will from it,' you have not succeeded in saying anything about God: meaningless combinations of words do not suddenly acquire meaning simply because we prefix to them the two other words 'God can.'... It is no more possible for God than for the weakest of his creatures to carry out both of two mutually exclusive alternatives; not because his power meets an obstacle, but because nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk it about God.

Now there's a revelation

Talking about god is nonsense even when you are talking nonsense about god

Did I get that right please?


When you are talking nonsense about god you are talking ... ...
Where was I going with that?

The point is about omnipotence. We shouldn't use logic impossibilities to argue against god.

When you are talking nonsense about god you are talking ... ...
Where was I going with that?

The point is about omnipotence. We shouldn't use logic impossibilities to argue against god.


I would have thought god would be the

ULTIMATE logical impossibility

With that in my mind as a starting point

and by my logical calculation from that

point makes god his own worst enemy

Imagine him sitting there thinking

By all logic I should not exist WTF

He is arguing against himself

If he had any conscience he would

apologise to us and all the aliens out there

for the Cowpat mess he made of Creation

slink off to his Fortress of Infinity and

never be heard of or preached about again

