Proposal to Sandy: Does God exist?

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Just to be clear, I take it you wish to argue that God does not exist. Correct?

Would anybody like to volunteer to argue that God exists? (Sandy?)

And will the standard rules be acceptable for this debate?
Thats one of those nagging questions that hurts my head to think about... is there an afterlife? Is there reincarnation? Will I get to see my dead cat in hell? There's just no way to know... :)
Just curious~ Which God are we talking about? The Biblical God, a Pagan God or just the possibilities of a “Super Natural Being” Existing?
Sorry, I'm not debating anyone. Everytime I even say the words "God" or "Jesus Christ" I get warnings. Thanks, but no thanks. :)
Yeah, I quit some time ago. I didn't even debate. I just gave my opinion. Got threatened with banning once for "preaching" by answering someone's question with Biblical answers. :rolleyes:

You ought to know that moderation of Formal Debates is much less strict than in other forums. The rules of a Formal Debate are agreed by the participants in advance. In a debate on religion, if the participants think preaching is just fine, then certainly no moderation action will be taken to prevent it.
In my belief God exists, in many other's belief God does exist. The truth exists unique to each individual.
Just for fun, I can argue for the existence of Hindu gods...

You ought to know that moderation of Formal Debates is much less strict than in other forums. The rules of a Formal Debate are agreed by the participants in advance. In a debate on religion, if the participants think preaching is just fine, then certainly no moderation action will be taken to prevent it.

And she still doesn't debate....
How the hell do you argue that God exists?

Never been a member of the high school debate team? Me neither, nevertheless I think it works that way that teams are assigned to sides and they have to argue them regardless of the team's real position on the issue...

Actually, the hardest part is the non-believer's side because it has the catch of 22, proving a negative...
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