Purpose of the universe and our existence..

Yep, in that post, not prior to it.

So you think someone who is seen by others as evil took the decision to be evil?

Of course there is since very few people behave exactly the same way for their entire their life or to everyone alike. For example even Hitler did a lot of good (admittedly early in his career). Even serial killers (probably) care for their relatives.

Roughly. They aren't absolute and they aren't constant.

Post 150, I thought that made it clear I agreed.

Seen by others to be evil and being evil is different as in the root of evil. Everyone knows what wrong and right is, whether you choose to be one or the other is entirely up to you. The reason why you say this is because you are adding personal views in this. I'm talking about root of evil and root of good. We all know what they are. Choices inflicting towards self can also be evil or good.

Lol, he was good but then turned bad. Where is neutral? Where is in between. You can' be a person stuck in between good and evil.

Well if you say that, than that means that you also believe in, my truth, his truth, their truth, our truth, and not just "the truth."
... I'm talking about root of evil and root of good. We all know what they are. Choices inflicting towards self can also be evil or good.

This is the source of confusion here though -ND-.

You believe that there is such an absolute sense of 'good' and 'evil'.

Others do not.

...still not sure why we're on ethics here...
So you're asserting that ethics is a relevant sub-branch somehow related to purposive existence? If so, feel free to elaborate.

"SS" ??

Well, Dywyddyr beat you to it. You can follow along if you like. Won't be hard to catch up since you are already against me :).

This is the source of confusion here though -ND-.

You believe that there is such an absolute sense of 'good' and 'evil'.

Others do not.

...still not sure why we're on ethics here...

To prove that in the end, the only thing that matters is, if you are a good person or bad person. Belief in God or no God is just opinionated. In the end the only choice you truly have is whether you are going to be a good person or bad person. That is the purpose of your life and that is the end choice. Everything else is opinions and personal preferences. This is also called "THE TRUTH."
In the end the only choice you truly have is whether you are going to be a good person or bad person. That is the purpose of your life and that is the end choice. Everything else is opinions and personal preferences. This is also called "THE TRUTH."

Very good. You've made your position clear to me. Thanks.
Look up the definition. I'm scared you are going to give me a warning again. :)


Actually, I was more concerned about you elaborating on the first point.

As to the second, I suppose you'd better not elaborate as, if it does refer to what I think it does, that would indeed be a violation of the site Rules & Regs, and therefore worthy of a suspension, to say nothing of being libelous...
Very good. You've made your position clear to me. Thanks.

Not a problem. That is where it was going anyway with Dywy until you interrupted. If you read the post before you might be able to catch a little bit of the sense I made.

actually, i was more concerned about you elaborating on the first point.

As to the second, i suppose you'd better not elaborate as, if it does refer to what i think it does, that would indeed be a violation of the site rules & regs, and therefore worthy of a suspension, to say nothing of being libelous...

Seen by others to be evil and being evil is different as in the root of evil.
Is it? How so?

Everyone knows what wrong and right is, whether you choose to be one or the other is entirely up to you.
People rarely choose to be evil: they choose to do actions that are considered evil by others.

The reason why you say this is because you are adding personal views in this. I'm talking about root of evil and root of good.
There are roots of evil and good?

We all know what they are.

Lol, he was good but then turned bad.
Nope, he continued along a line of actions and behaviour.

Well if you say that, than that means that you also believe in, my truth, his truth, their truth, our truth, and not just "the truth."
Wrong. Totally wrong. If it's your truth and not mine then it isn't true.

To prove that in the end, the only thing that matters is, if you are a good person or bad person.
Which has nothing at all to do with the OP. You haven't proven at all there's a purpose, simply shown that you believe there is one.
Either way the person has a purpose, but it is STILL self-defined.

In the end the only choice you truly have is whether you are going to be a good person or bad person. That is the purpose of your life and that is the end choice.
No it's not the purpose of life.

This is also called "THE TRUTH."
Really? How so?
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Is it? How so?

People rarely choose to be evil: they choose to do actions that are considered evil by others.

There are roots of evil and good?


Nope, he continued along a line of actions and behaviour.

Wrong. Totally wrong. If it your truth and not mine then it isn't true.

Which has nothing at all to do with the OP. You haven't proven at all there's a purpose, simply shown that you believe there is one.
Either way the person has a purpose, but it is STILL self-defined.

No it's not the purpose of life.

Really? How so?

If you don't know right from wrong, you should blame your self and your parents, I on the other hand know my right for left. If you are too scared to assume that being good is being good and being evil is being evil, I don't know how you survived.
If you don't know right from wrong, you should blame your self and your parents, I on the other hand know my right for left. If you are too scared to assume that being good is being good and being evil is being evil, I don't know how you survived.
More assumptions on your part again?
Where have I said that I don't know right from wrong?
And still you fail to show there's a purpose...
The purpose has been already set down in the comments before. You are too blind and too into your own situation to see anything else. There is no point in this arguement since neither of us can provide evidence as you claim in order for something to be true. This means that you can't prove to me whatever it is you are trying to prove and I can't prove whatever it is I am trying to prove.
You have a weak mind. How about that for a true assumption.

That's it for the insults -ND-.

If you can't formulate an argument, or even post without them, you have no place here.

Consider this a Warning.
False again.
And resorting to (attempted) insults doesn't do much for your credibility either, little boy.

You get offended because it's true. I am not a little boy, I am 21 years old, however you can call me a young adult/adult.