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Beer w/Straw

Transcendental Ignorance!
Valued Senior Member
I can be very skeptical about things, after all this is the internet and I have to wonder if you're a troll or are that dumb to think the way you say.

QAnon seems to have used propaganda though. The argument for Tom Hanks being a pedophile doesn't stick:
I could hold some extreme views if there was no internet. Come to think of it, maybe I could kill myself if there was no internet.
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Qanon adherents believe the US government is run by Satan worshipping, pedophiles who sacrifice children.
I think they're nutz.
Qanon adherents believe the US government is run by Satan worshipping, pedophiles who sacrifice children.
I think they're nutz.
They also believed that yesterday's inauguration ceremony was really a clever trap by Trump, and that at the appropriate moment, Federal officers would appear out of the shadows, to arrest Biden, The Obama's etc.*, and take them off to be executed.
Many were perplexed and distraught when nothing of the sort happened, and at least some even began to realize that they'd been conned.

* You know, like in the movies.
They also believed that yesterday's inauguration ceremony was really a clever trap by Trump, and that at the appropriate moment, Federal officers would appear out of the shadows, to arrest Biden, The Obama's etc.*, and take them off to be executed.
Many were perplexed and distraught when nothing of the sort happened, and at least some even began to realize that they'd been conned.

* You know, like in the movies.

The inauguration musta been faked.Have you seen the "Biden'" footage? Not the same stammer
They also believed that yesterday's inauguration ceremony was really a clever trap by Trump, and that at the appropriate moment, Federal officers would appear out of the shadows, to arrest Biden, The Obama's etc.*, and take them off to be executed. Many were perplexed and distraught when nothing of the sort happened, and at least some even began to realize that they'd been conned.
I've seen three directions the Qanon types are going.

One is that "the Storm" is still coming and don't let anyone tell you different. "Be patient!" cautioned the moderator of one Q channel. "Don’t worry about what happens at 12 p.m. Watch what happens after that.” They then threatened to ban anyone who posted anything negative.

The second are the people who are waking up to reality. "It’s over. Wake up! We’ve been had.”

The third have merely switched some minor details of the Qanon conspiracy to keep it alive. From Telegram: "The more I think about it, I do think it’s very possible that Biden will be the one who pulls the trigger.”
I've seen three directions the Qanon types are going.

One is that "the Storm" is still coming and don't let anyone tell you different. "Be patient!" cautioned the moderator of one Q channel. "Don’t worry about what happens at 12 p.m. Watch what happens after that.” They then threatened to ban anyone who posted anything negative.

The second are the people who are waking up to reality. "It’s over. Wake up! We’ve been had.”

The third have merely switched some minor details of the Qanon conspiracy to keep it alive. From Telegram: "The more I think about it, I do think it’s very possible that Biden will be the one who pulls the trigger.”

Lets hope that more wake up .
I didn't know about this. I'd like to hear an interview with one of them from a non-mainstream source as the mainstream media* can't be trusted.

I looked around and found some stuff.
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Each one of these pictures is linked to an article on the subject.

Some of it's mainstream and some of it's alternative.

I'd read about this before.

I don't know if it's true or not but I'm not just going to rule it out just because it's not on the news.

I'm not in a position to be able to know what the truth is on the QAnon issue. This isn't a case where there's physical evidence that proves it one way or the other such as the video and pictures of obvious faking of the moon missions** or the obvious proof that 9/11 was an inside job***. All we have is second-hand info which might be true, or might be bogus.

Knee-jerk dismissal is not the way to go. A serious investigation is needed. People who simply dismiss this with no investigations are the simple-minded ones. Thinking people don't take a stand either way until there's some serious proof.
[advertisements for discussions of other conspiracy theories removed]
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Moderator note: This thread is closed.

While critical discussion of the QAnon conspiracy theory and its believers is allowable on sciforums, we will not be hosting advertisements and other propaganda in the form of links to materials produced by or in support of the conspiracy theory itself.

It is clear that the QAnon conspiracy theory lends itself to disconnection from reality, radicalisation, the promotion of violence and the undermining of democracy.

There is no reason why sciforums should act as a platform to promote that conspiracy theory.
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