Quotes to remember

“I drive a motorbike, so there is the whiff of the grim reaper round every corner, especially in London.”
― Benedict Cumberbatch
“What I'm asking you to entertain is that there is nothing we need to believe on insufficient evidence in order to have deeply ethical and spiritual lives.”
― Sam Harris
“What I'm asking you to entertain is that there is nothing we need to believe on insufficient evidence in order to have deeply ethical and spiritual lives.”
― Sam Harris
I'm OK with believing in being ethical since there is evidence of people acting in such a manner in their lives

Not the spiritual. I do see people who claim to have a spiritual life which, from my viewpoint, mainly consist of believing in god

However claiming a belief in god has no manner in which the belief can be proven. Such persons who make such a claim have actions identical to others who make claim god does not exist

I cannot distinguish the groups apart. I can distinguish a ethical group from a non ethical group

“Perhaps, it is not necessary to have so many things. Perhaps, it is not necessary to do so many things. Do we really need it all? Or are we drowning ourselves in things and busyness?”
― Akiroq Brost
“I had to admit, sometimes I sensed the strangeness of the world tugging at my sleeve, like a mischievous toddler, and I wanted to follow it.”
― Troy H. Gardner, Wakefield
Not the spiritual. I do see people who claim to have a spiritual life which, from my viewpoint, mainly consist of believing in god

I feel like there are alot of spiritualities that don't believe in God. Buddhism is an example of an atheist spirituality. Various other occult and mystical traditions as well. I believe atheist Sam Harris is a big proponent of Buddhist beliefs.
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My problem with spirituality is, I don't know what, apart from believing in god and as you point out Buddhism is an example of an atheist spirituality. Various other occult and mystical traditions as well I fail in seeing WHAT Buddhism and / or various other occult and mystical traditions bring to the corporal body

Those with Buddhism and / or the other stuff walk / talk etc the same as those without

Can you point out any aspect which enables the withs to be distinguished from the withouts?

"Night had come—night that she loved of all times, night in which the reflections in the dark pool of the mind shine more clearly than by day."
— Virginia Woolf, Orlando
Artwork: Kim Gryun
Those with Buddhism and / or the other stuff walk / talk etc the same as those without

Can you point out any aspect which enables the withs to be distinguished from the withouts?

I don't know any Buddhists. I imagine they are calmer and more compassionate than people without it. Maybe less materialistic too.
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“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”
― Hermann Hesse
“We have solved the problem of not having enough information by creating the problem of having too much information.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“But hope is no less realistic than despair. It is still our choice whether to live in light or lie down in darkness.”
― Rick Yancey, The Isle of Blood
"There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.”

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“I used to think I was unstable, because I had this thirst for something. I could never figure out what it was. I couldn’t sleep at night, and I always wanted to be somewhere else. I have a window tattooed, this little box, and it’s because wherever I was, I wanted to be somewhere else. And, I always saw myself, wherever I was in life, staring out the window.”
― Angelina Jolie
“Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.”
― Allen Ginsberg
“To be human is nothing less than to be caught in the great congested pilgrimage of existence and to join ourselves freely to it in the face of the evidence of its never-ending troubles.”
― Eugene Kennedy, Joy of Being Human
“and we laugh and laugh and
all I know is
at this moment I feel like
I can do anything I want
and be anyone I want
and go anywhere on the globe
and still call it home”
― Kirsten Smith, The Geography of Girlhood
“When magic through nerves and reason passes,
Imagination, force, and passion will thunder.
The portrait of the world is changed.”
― Dejan Stojanovic, Circling: 1978-1987