Religion and women.

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Jan: Do away with classifications in sport. Don’t have men’s events and women’s events. Let men and women compete equally.
Xelas: Excellent idea.
Jan: Errr.. no! It’s not an excellent idea. It’s a horrible idea. Only in a godless society would this be allowed.

Then you should talk to that horrible, godless Jan about his idea.
I think Jan meant it as a sarcastic comment. Sexist sarcasm?
I think Jan meant it as a sarcastic comment. Sexist sarcasm?
You think? It both seemed reasonable and in line with what's happening right now. In my sport, for example, there are no longer separate categories for women and men in competitions.

(Edited to add - perhaps "it seemed reasonable" should have been a clue coming from him . . .)
Men should stop telling women what they’re capable of, what they should be doing, what they’re good at, etc.

How funny that two men are debating this right in front of our eyes this thread.
Yea, the exchange above reads like they’re talking about horse racing or something - “who ya gonna bet on, Bill?”

That’s what James meant by “everyday sexism.” It’s insidious, but happens every day.

Just to be clear, Wegs...I was not trying to tell women anything along the lines of their abilities, talents or what they should be doing.

Nor was I attempting to debate anyone about womens abilities, talents or what they should be doing.

I apologize profusely to you, Wegs, and any other person - male or female - that interpreted my Posts to be doing that.

I assure you and anyone else that possibly misunderstood or misconstrued my Posts that that was not my intention.

I am not a Professional writer and I freely admit that my abilities when it comes to expressing my thoughts or feelings are well below the abilities that are exhibited by most of the other Posters on this Forum.

Again, I apologize to you Wegs - and to anyone else that may have viewed my Posts as Mysoginistic, Sexist, Demeaning, Abusive or in any other way Offensive - Please, Please, Please believe me when I say that that is not how I am and that it was not my intention to present myself as that kind of person.
Just to be clear, Wegs...I was not trying to tell women anything along the lines of their abilities, talents or what they should be doing.

Nor was I attempting to debate anyone about womens abilities, talents or what they should be doing.

I apologize profusely to you, Wegs, and any other person - male or female - that interpreted my Posts to be doing that.

I assure you and anyone else that possibly misunderstood or misconstrued my Posts that that was not my intention.

I am not a Professional writer and I freely admit that my abilities when it comes to expressing my thoughts or feelings are well below the abilities that are exhibited by most of the other Posters on this Forum.

Again, I apologize to you Wegs - and to anyone else that may have viewed my Posts as Mysoginistic, Sexist, Demeaning, Abusive or in any other way Offensive - Please, Please, Please believe me when I say that that is not how I am and that it was not my intention to present myself as that kind of person.
No worries and you don’t need to apologize. I was referring to Jan and Alex - going back and forth about women in competitive sports. I’m not looking for any apologies tbh, nor do I think men need to walk on egg shells. I just think it’s funny when examples pop up of “everyday sexism” in a thread about everyday sexism men who don’t believe themselves to be sexist. lol

Thank you, though for what you posted.
I think Jan meant it as a sarcastic comment. Sexist sarcasm?

On my way out Weggs but thought you might like to know why I responded that way.

It was my view that Jan was being silly but trying to manouved me to saying that you can't have women boxing and get me to explain why...given his religious beliefs it would not surprise me at all to find that Jan may favour the biblical approach to putting women down..I would be surprised if I am wrong I mean why else would he say such...anyways that was my view and I thought the best way to cause him grief was to exaggerate his position such that he would have to pull back..and I think his response shows he did indeed pull back...his flustered reply that "they are not adults" shows he was entirely lost for something sensible to say.

As I just told Bells I have to go and not sure if I will get back ...I wish you all the best and I am very sorry that no one here can face the finding of the reaseach that I posted very disturbing..ignoring the problem won't fix it but just make it worse.

Happily as exchemist pointed out some religions accept there is a problem and are working to fix could make their job easier if you at least saw that there is a problem as they clearly do.

No REAL MAN would Blame a Book, a Movie or a Non-Existent Mythical Entity to condone mistreating, abusing or killing women...Period!!!

Although I basically agree with all you say I do think you fail to take on board the implications of the reseach which clearly says that religion is very much part of the problem..and I agree men should not claim the bible gives them the right to mistreat women but clearly that is what is happening...

You take care of yourself and thanks for becoming involved and make no apologies for your expression as it shows an honesty that is refreshing.


Errr.. no! It’s not an excellent idea

I am glad to see that you had the good sense to come clean before you made a complete fool of need to be careful playing with sarcasm..its a nasy business and usually backfires as we see it did with DMOE.

I am going and thought I would say goodbye...we have had some great times Jan, times that I will remember until the day I die.
Goodbye to you.

Goodbye Billvon it is refreshing to know someone is here with a level head and vast worldly experience who remains..please help them.

Do away with classifications in sport.
Don’t have men’s events and women’s events.
Let men and women compete equally.
That way women can show us how it is they are equal with men.
I think boxing should be the first sport to give women that opportunity
It seems you have a very limited notion of what "equality" means, in this context.

It's like you think that equality refers only to physical strength. Maybe you include other physical attributes as well; I can't really tell.

Do you think there could be any other senses in which men and women could be "equal"?
It seems you have a very limited notion of what "equality" means, in this context.
Does it really matter?
Men and women aren’t equal.
It's like you think that equality refers only to physical strength. Maybe you include other physical attributes as well; I can't really tell.
When it comes to growing babies in wombs, women are totes superior.
Does that make you feel better?
Do you think there could be any other senses in which men and women could be "equal"?
Given that the only difference between man and women, is the body. I don’t think we need to try and invent reasons.
Are you going to give links about abuse in black families in the US? It is terrible.
I bet you won’t, for fear of being branded a racist.

Funny you should mention that...about a week ago I tried to find such...after sifting thru material on what seemed an appropriate site I gave up because I could not nail them down. I thought that odd and it would seem even a site there to provide statistics are careful not to be at all confronting.

I meant to have a look around but finally I came to the conclusion that to point out any figures here would as you say bring claims of has become clear to me that some of the folk here will not indulge rationality in any form ...

We have the BLM thing...I wanted to compare the the number of deaths from cops against the deaths from domestic violence which I suspect given the rate over here would be much higher and ask why is the focus on cop killings and not on domestic violence...anyways I wont bother because it would be like driving a stick into a wasp nest.

I think the avoidance of folk here agreeing that the research points to a problem with the roll of the church in domestic violence shows just how blinkered folk are.. what we have is a mob who have their dogma and rational observation will not be permitted ...that much is obvious.

I always thought of myself as a leftist as I thought it was all about being fair but the left now is just a hateful bunch of non thinking arseholes who have no interest in preserving justice and addressing real social is entirely about unproductive bluster.

Their hate and bitterness is evil and I from now on will not call myself a lefty ... And you watch..they will jump on me saying you never were and then I can prove they are liars...not that it is hard to do with folk who profess mind reading abilities.

Anyways thank you for contributing to this thread as the longer it goes without anyone saying that they have looked at the research and find there is a problem that really does need work, the more it shows the rampant hypocrisy on this site and the determination of good christians to turn the other cheek well away from the reality that christian men are more likely to engage in domestic violence than anyone else....and why they do so.

I am confined to bed now, for a while it seems , but need to get away from here to learn stuff and not become frustrated that the links I provide are ignored.

The city's transport department welcomed "the [Moscow metro's] first female electric train drivers" on Sunday, likening it to a new era. Twelve women joined the network in the Russian capital on 1 January 2021. Moscow's metro stopped hiring women drivers in the early 1980s.

Returning to the old ways

The Irish government is to apologise after an investigation found an "appalling level of infant mortality" in the country's mother-and-baby homes.

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Yes I too have been waiting and waiting and waiting..not one comment..not one..but look at the outrage in the everyday sexism thread..bloody hypocrities...but clearly we need to address the important issue of evil old folk running around calling folk specifically, as I see with Bells recent is all about Paddo boy.. that evil bastard...until we get on top of that evil practice the small matters you point to will just have to wait unfortunately...after all it is Paddo ..lets get him and see who hates him the most...the evil bastard..I know what he is thinking...I know what James is thinking...looks like what one would expect to see if you went to a strip club or watched a porno is terrible but I blame his poor choice of dictionary.

My Irish grandmother was sent insane with grief at the loss of her last baby because she refused to go to church having lost all faith why that could be we dont know.... my grandfather allowed the priest to visit her on a regular basis (against her wishes) and badger her saying that god took away the baby because she would not accept the "mother"church...(great councillor so supportive)...can you imagine being in grief having lost your baby and having a priest tell you on a weekly basis it is all your fault that it is gods way of punishing you for not going to church..I think he did a wonderful job of telling her why god had killed her baby ... I dont think she probably really went crazy but finally worked out a plan to escape the crazy world by hiding in the crazy house cause my father said when visiting her she was very rational and always told him that there are a lot of different people in the world so dont give out respect until you determine it is deserved..crazy for sure..but the priest told him that he should learn that if he did not have god in his heart that he could expect I said to Weggs how many turds in the pool do you tolerate before you get is just like a are high but dont realise the bed is on fire..( Richard Prior referrence) ....probably the best thing one can do at church is count the number of women who run into doors...they must just not be thinking I guess...when I went to church I would hear them say to the minister.."oh I ran into a door" but I knew they got a bashing the previous Friday night cause the kid would tell me.

To go to church supports the evil by ignoring the high turd count...more evil is to ignore these real established problems and witch hunt folk inoccently being too family for the mind reading fun police.

And just as no one will look at your link and express outrage no one will look at my evidence..well not until we stamp out this inappropriate familiarity with old folk calling people luv...rather keep kicking Paddo until he can no longer Bells said its not about old folk calling each other is about Paddo..the title should be Paddo and his terrible ways not Everyday sexism...well I thought it was about addressing social issues but no just another witch hunt..just normal stuff for around here.
The city's transport department welcomed "the [Moscow metro's] first female electric train drivers" on Sunday, likening it to a new era. Twelve women joined the network in the Russian capital on 1 January 2021. Moscow's metro stopped hiring women drivers in the early 1980s.

Returning to the old ways

One of the reasons good christians feared Russian influence was because the Russians actually seemed to treat women as equals...they even let them fight in the WW2 ...and they were damn lady sniper had 370 kills..I need to check that figure as it may be higher..or lower..but you can see why Russia would worry a good christian...
Thanks for the link I will look later...but I am guessing why they initially dropped female drivers already...with the fall of the Soviet Union the damn church wiggled back

Edit addition..I wonder who decided there should be a list.
The statistics on domestic violence in the United States are disturbing. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Each year, domestic violence is estimated to affect 10 million people in the United States.

Yet for Black women, the numbers are even more stark. More than 40% of Black women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, according to the Institute of Women’s Policy Research’s Status of Black Women in the United States. In comparison, 31.5% of all women will experience domestic violence


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