I have had dozens of scientists read my theory over the many years. How much time each spent I do not know but some have made good suggestions concerning how certain aspects of the theory or its organization might be improved. On this thread I am responding to questions or specific statements and comments. If there aren't any I won't be commenting much.
I don't think you have been reading my postings very closely. Matter, in this model, could be considered a type of precipitate of the aether. Matter very slowly gets smaller over time by giving off tiny particulate pieces of itself, about 1/000 part every 8 million years. This accordingly is enough to explain the observed redshift of galaxies. As it does so these pieces again become part of the background aether field from which they originally came, which is exclusively made up of these string-like particulate pieces, probably smaller than Planck lengths. Surrounding black holes new matter is being creating at the same time from this background aether field. So the amount of matter is the observable universe, along with matter and field densities of space, would remain the same. Something is not being created from nothing. As you said, it is a type of Steady State model with no expansion of the universe, unlike the original Steady State models.
I haven't published in viXra but I have nothing against it. My last publication, shown
here, was for the Canadian Center of Science and Education in their Journal of Applied Physics Research.
Sorry for saying you published in viXra. Regardless where you published your paper is nonsense. 2nd page in this is what you say
"2. Classifying the Alternative Cosmological Model
The alternative model used herein might be categorized under the broad classifications of Scale-Changing
theories, and “variable mass cosmologies” first proposed in the early 1930s. Alternative models at that time were
proposed to explain the observed cosmic redshifts by means other than by the expansion of the universe based upon galaxies moving away from each other. One of the first of these proposals was made by Paul Dirac when
galactic red-shifts were first discovered. He proposed both “the uniform expansion of matter and space”. Another
proposal was made by Fred Hoyle, Jayant Narlikar (Das, 1998) whereby the diameter of matter accordingly
decreases over time by electrons becoming closer to the nucleus of atoms. One of the latter proposals was by
Robert Dicke (Wikipedia, Robert H._Dicke, 2011) directly related to the alternative model proposed herein,
whereby in 1957 he proposed that “the cosmological redshift is described by a shortening of measuring rods
rather than an expansion of space” (Dicke et al., 2008; Unzicker, 2007) which is the same explanation for the
subject cosmological model.
The subject cosmology is also a type of steady-state model but one contrary to an expanding universe, more like
the many steady-state proposals before the 1920’s. Although Dicke’s model is a gravity based model, both
models propose that the size of matter relatively speaking, decreases over time, simply that matter is getting
smaller as time passes. As to the subject model everything else in the universe would also change in size and
magnitude over time but maintain its same relative proportions to matter. This is based on the premise that matter
can be used to define everything else in the universe which accordingly would maintain its relative proportions
to matter in all time frames. Based upon the alternative cosmology if matter is getting smaller dimensionally at
the foundation level of matter such as atomic particles or smaller, then larger matter in the past would have had
exactly the same number of atoms in them and be identical to the same matter today only that it would have been
relatively larger, but not necessarily larger by direct comparison considering that the foundation particles of
matter were accordingly proportionally the same to matter in the past as they are proportional to matter today."
Complete bullshit. I'm not reading your posts because you're full of crap. Just based on a day to day human interaction level it was a stretch for you to actually believe Id was going to find some respect for you based on this publication. It means you don't have a clue about how ridiculous your paper is. Good luck on the next one.