Series of bleach and blood based experiments

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by EddyNashton, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. EddyNashton Registered Member

    Can you give blood sucking creatures blood bourne pathogens such as Aid's?
    What happens when Bleach touches blood?
    If you injected Bleach directly into a tick that just ate blood what would happen?
    If you injected bleach into a mammal such as a rat what would happen?
    What happens if a person drinks bleach?
    What happens when animals drink soda?
    If you inject bleach into a creature with rabies what would happen?
    If you mix Bleach and Anifreeze what would happen?
    If you mix Bleach and Soda and Antifreeze what would happen?
    Does mixing bleach and Urine really make mustard gas?
    If you infect rats with aids in order to kill them would they end up giving aids to creatures that ate them and creating an academic of Aids?

    I dont have a lab or equipment to test any of these. Does anyone here know the subjects well enough to guess what would happen?

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