Should I report this?


This sentence is a lie
Valued Senior Member
There is this Ugaibu guy who trolled me on this thread:

from post 29 to post 65. Should I report him?

I PMed Fraggle and pormetheous for advice but neither replied. What am I supposed to do? I saw the other posts by him and he seems to be either be a troll or have the IQ of housefly. Any advice pls? I dont want to risk getting banned for abuse of report button or be acused to stalking him.

This whole business is giving me a headache.
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And why is gendanken acussing me of report him on this thread:
One, I don't go a cussin' just 'cuase. Profanity's a valuable resource.

Two, if you meant accusing you, there's a difference: I asked you if you reported me. I didn't accuse you.

And three:
And what should I do now?
Quit writing "u" for "you" and put the fucking vowels back in pls, please.

It will make it easier to read your dilemma, and form a working opinion as to why you're so wrong.
One, I don't go a cussin' just 'cuase. Profanity's a valuable resource.

Two, if you meant accusing you, there's a difference: I asked you if you reported me. I didn't accuse you.

And three:

Quit writing "u" for "you" and put the fucking vowels back in pls, please.

It will make it easier to read your dilemma, and form a working opinion as to why you're so wrong.

Sorry. You didnt accuse me, you asked me.
And will You Please tell me what to do about this guy?
If it bothers you then report it. If you're just reporting for the sake of reporting, then don't. Simples. :)
I reported him. :D
Plus challenged him to support his de facto counterclaim that genes do not influence behavior.
Dunno if I'll get spanked for the latter, we'll find out...but the guy was disregarding your evidence and not posting any of his own, classic troll behavior.
I'm in a bad mood, having had one of those migraines that entail tossing cookies...and he was trolling mercilessly.
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I reported him. :D
Plus challenged him to support his de facto counterclaim that genes do not influence behavior.
Dunno if I'll get spanked for the latter, we'll find out...but the guy was disregarding your evidence and not posting any of his own, classic troll behavior.
I'm in a bad mood, having had one of those migraines that entail tossing cookies...and he was trolling mercilessly.

Thx. Btw, how do u hyperlink some words? And how do u use pictures in ur posts?
Thx. Btw, how do u hyperlink some words? And how do u use pictures in ur posts?

To hyperlink words:
Type the words in, highlight them, then click on the little globe in your toolbar.
Paste the link in.
Do note that some posters have been dense enough to not realize there was a hyperlink there...:bugeye: Really.
This is why I tend not to do it.:rolleyes:
To insert pictures, you click on the little yellow mountain cartoon in your toolbar, the one just next to the quote feature. It will pop up a mini-window into which you paste the appropriate URL.
You get a max of 3 images per post, as they suck up bandwidth.
I PMed Fraggle and prometheous for advice but neither replied.
I did not receive a PM from you. You must be doing it wrong. Do you see it in your "Sent" queue?
What am I supposed to do? I saw the other posts by him and he seems to be either be a troll or have the IQ of housefly. Any advice pls? I dont want to risk getting banned for abuse of report button or be acused to stalking him. This whole business is giving me a headache.
It's difficult to apply the scientific method to philosophy. So you're going to have to accept the fact that what you consider trolling may be regarded by somebody else as brilliance. Since I didn't get your PM I don't know which of his posts you're complaining about. I did a fast review of the thread and I didn't see any specific points where he insulted you so badly that the Moderators need to intervene. There are a lot of young people here so trash-talking goes on all the time; we don't waste our time trying to make children behave like adults, when even the adults don't always behave like adults.

I notice that Bells gave him a warning, but it was about his abysmally poor scholarship, not the way he was treating you.

You can (sometimes) make ignorant people more educated, but you can't make stupid people smarter. That's a hard lesson to learn.
Thx. Btw, how do u hyperlink some words? And how do u use pictures in ur posts?

Uh, hate to say it bud, but none of the words in that post are hyperlinked... it looks like your web browser may be infected/corrupted with software attempting to redirect you/trick you into clicking on links for sites that... well, you probably wouldn't really want to go to...
I notice that Bells gave him a warning, but it was about his abysmally poor scholarship, not the way he was treating you.
It was more a case that his poor scholarship and trolling was the way he was treating aaqucnaona, who had posted numerous links which he had refused to click on, instead being abusive and a tool to aaqucnaona, who he accused of not providing links... Yes, the irony.
he had refused to click on
This claim is false. I clicked on all links posted by Aaqucnaona, none was to a resource dedicated to the issue of concern.
he accused of not providing links
This too is false. I accused him of failing to support his position. Sticking up a bunch of links, regardless of their content, is not supporting a position.