Still Uncivilized

Discussion in 'Eastern Philosophy' started by J.B, Jun 21, 2005.

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  1. J.B Banned Banned

    Nothing new,
    Today more then ever there are "black only" places, in the U.S.

    The difference is there are no longer any "white only" places.
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  3. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    This is ridiculous. Europe and US crime rates are pretty much as bad as third world countries. Not only that, but if you consider the actual meaning of "civilized" you don't actually find that anywhere in this planet. Well.... besides in the "wild", of course....
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  5. Rick Valued Senior Member

    screw you.
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  7. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Your mere existence angers me. I wish I could reach into the internet and strangle people, so I could shut you up and stop your racist spammination of this board.
  8. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    So're a racist hater, huh? Is that so much different to a racist?

    And perhaps you should look around at the world ...racism goes both ways, ya' know. Look at how blacks in power are abusing that power in the same way as the white racists did/do. that DA in the south somewhere -- he was elected, then fired all the whites and hired blacks in their place. Nice, huh? What do you have to say about that?

    Baron Max
  9. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    DUH, yeah.
  10. Rick Valued Senior Member

    Baron Max,

    Total crappy bull shit. Where do you get the idea that blacks in power are abusing whites? or Vice versa? (oh yeah right some people are racists:->doesnt imply that they can practise it!? at least in U.S. you cannot...or if you do and someone sues you over; you"re done with as far as i know) off course that doesnt prevent people using words...well thats being human, i mean you use F*** all the time not implying shit so...
  11. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Well, it's not widely reported ...for obvious reasons! But if you do some checking into the structure of black-owned or black-controlled companies, you'll find virtually nothing but blacks working there ...or if the company is large enough, you'll find that all, or almost all, of the high-level managers are black.

    In New Orleans (I think?) a black was elected as District Attorney ....he then fired most of the whites and replaced them with black attorneys. That one, in particular, made the news ....but very, very few are ever reported. I think there was also a similar issue with a sheriff in North or South Carolina who did basically the same thing as soon as he was elected ....fired all the white deputies and hired blacks. Check it out.

    See? That's no different to what the blacks have been complaining about for generations ....but now that the shoe is on the other foot, they do the very same thing.

    The problem, however, is that this condition isn't widely reported in the news media, so you have to do some digging. If you're really interested, dig ...if not, just malign me and what I've said and everyone will believe you, not me ...'cause that's what they want to believe.

    Baron Max
  12. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member


    Uh. So. Let me get this straight.

    A person can be racist.
    But a person in power can't use that racism to... oppress anybody.
    So. What's the problem?
    Don't like the word 'nigger' then?
    Oh. Boo fucking hoo.

    Baron Max,

    Nice example. And I heard. There was this guy once. In New Jersey, I think.That was vice principal of a high school. And when the principal was out of town and he came into power temporarily. He made all the girls take showers while he sat there and masturbated all over them. And at the same time, he made all the boys stand around having sex with each other. And none of them were allowed to laugh over the size of his miniscule wang.

    Yeah. And also.
    One time at band camp, there was this guy that did this thing and blah blah blah.

  13. J.B Banned Banned

    You see zion, once blacks or hispanics have the numbers they will treat your white ass anyway they feel and there ain't shit you can do about it.

    Todays news:
    The Claimant is a senior citizen who attended a peaceful protest against racism engaged in by the City of Baldwin Park through its support of a monument which denounces white and other non-Latinos. Specifically, there was a protest and counter-protest that took place on May 14, 2005. The issues that evoked the controversy specifically arise from the fact that the tax-supported monument has quotes that read "It was better before they came," and "This land was Mexican once, was Indian always and will be again." The Mayor of Baldwin Park was present in support of the monument and the protesters who support the continued display of these racist, separatist and discriminatory comments."
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2005
  14. Rick Valued Senior Member

    Get a life will ya?
  15. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Jesus... can't you just stop fighting like that? Sounds like a bunch of teenagers or something...

    I can already see the irony... all of you are either white, or black, or whatever... ALL of you the SAME race... and discussing like this... HA!
  16. J.B Banned Banned

    The fight is within yourself as you fight off seeking the truth of this subject.
  17. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    If blacks are so unintelligent and uncivilized, why are many of them that work at my (fortune 500) company in the highest positions of responsibility? How is it they can afford the cars I see in the parking garage that probably cost more than my house?
  18. J.B Banned Banned

  19. J.B Banned Banned

    What kind of car cost more then your house?
  20. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    A new jaguar v-12 convertable.
  21. Rick Valued Senior Member

    Mclaren F1?
  22. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    OK, I exaggerate a little. Still, two of those Jaguars would cost more than my house.
  23. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    They are the lucky blacks ....their family has a lot of white blood coursing through their veins, thus are more apt to be and act more like whites!

    See? There's an answer for it if you just think about it a bit.

    Look at some of the "blacks" in showbusiness and sports ....many of them have so much white blood that you can hardly tell the difference. But they are NOT blacks! Think about it. Even the most racist sonuvabitch on Earth would love some of those "black" women in the movies (I forgot that one broads name, but she's so damned beautiful that it makes many of my friends angry to be racists! ....LOL!)

    Baron Max
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