The Capitalist Conspiracy.

Discussion in 'Conspiracies' started by Blackrain, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. Blackrain Registered Senior Member

    The Capitalist Conspiracy. ****MUST WATCH****

    This is one the best documenteries ever. This is an old Documentery made by Ed Griffin. The basis of the Documentary is that History is saturated in Conspiracies. He said man has allways been involved in Betrayal, Secret plots to overthrow a leader, Wars, Assasinations, From John Wilks Booth,Benedict Arnold, Kennedy Assasination, He goes back to Roman times and how Conspiracies infected those socieites. And what puzzles him is how people acknowledge that "Conspiracies" have plagued our past, but refuse to believe they can happen today. Definately worth the watch.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006
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  3. Blackrain Registered Senior Member

    Come on guys, this 1960's documentery will breed a fantastic debate. Trust me, you'll thank me later. Here's one of the more interesting facts he covers.

    He mentions that the Elite are mostly behind civil wars, because it will weaken the Country, which provides them an excuse for establishing a dictaorship. And If you look at the African Countries, especailly in the Congo reigon. You'll see that it's a civil war between tribal factions. But what's more interesting is the fact the people themsevles didn't come up with the tribal labels. They were instituted by Belgium. And they placed this caste system upon the people. This way it was easier for them to control and rob the rich continent of it's vast resources.
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  5. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member

    Sounds interesting. I'll check it out later tonight.

    - N
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  7. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    At a conference once I heard a guy named David Eicke whom I would call the king of conspiracy theories. He has managed to weave this all together into one continous cabal that goes all the way back to Gilgamesh! He puts to shame the "little" theories about the Bilderbergs, Rosicrucians, Masons, Trilateral Commission, and all the rest.

    All of what's going on in Africa and the Middle East is the result of the actions of the colonial powers. This is not exactly late-breaking headline news you've got there. They drew some arbitrary lines on the map, broke tribes up into small, manageable pieces, then tossed them together with pieces of other tribes with whom they had nothing in common but hatred, and told them they would never earn their freedom until they learned to get along with each other. That's why we have a "nation" called Iraq full of Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds who all want to kill each other. Afghanistan is even worse. The African "nations" are preposterous.
  8. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    How very true.
  9. Blackrain Registered Senior Member


    Just using Arfica as an example. Because people always wonder how the richest continent can be the poorest continent. It's because they don't control any of thier rescources.
  10. Zephyr Humans are ONE Registered Senior Member

    But thanks to things like the Southern African Development Community, and the African Peer Review Mechanism, we're beginning to pull ourselves out of the muck. I hope. It will take decades though.

    I suppose colonialism is a rather obvious manifestation of the 'take over the world' conspiracy, only Britain, France and others made no bones about the fact that they wanted to grab as many pieces of the other continents as they could. So it was too open to be a 'conspiracy' as such

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  11. Blackrain Registered Senior Member

  12. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member

    Conspiracies exist, and you can do nothing about it to stop them. Just knowing about it doesnt stop it because people who are powerful enough to do huge conspriacies are not to be fucked with.
  13. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member

    Correct, but during Egyptian times they did control their resources. Society is organized by military might, not by simple intelligence of individuals, but by the collective military power of gangs and tribes.

    A tribe is simply people who group up and who have the same moral values. Race prevents tribes from forming because it keeps people apart. Gangs are groups that operate within tribes, so for example

    Your tribe is your global family. Your gang is your local family. Most people don't know tribes exist and don't know what they are, but the world is tribal, it used to be that it was based on nations and race, culture etc, but it's not like that anymore as you have tribes of all sort.

    Example, artists can form an artist guild, like the screenwriters guild. Hollywood is tribal, and as much as people like to say hollywood is Jewish, Hollywood is tribal and the Jews are tribal, but not all in hollywood are Jewish. Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson are not Jews.
  14. Ganymede Valued Senior Member


    Nope, we're trully living in a prison planet. But if more people become aware of the nafarious actions orchestrated by the elite. It would be much more difficult for them to execute their plans. But this is the best Conspiracy Doc I've ever seen. Very revealling and frightening.
  15. lixluke Refined Reinvention Valued Senior Member

    Great Movie!
    It has been one of the most informative I ahve ever seen about real history.
  16. lixluke Refined Reinvention Valued Senior Member

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2006
  17. Ganymede Valued Senior Member


    To bad we don't have Journalist like Mr. Griffin today. Todays Journalist are nothing but establishment appeasers. Supposedly fair and balanced voices that end up working for the White House.
  18. lixluke Refined Reinvention Valued Senior Member

    They are nothing but untillectual Working Class Plebians who all follow the same exact mentality based on group think.
  19. q0101 Registered Senior Member

    The Capitalist Conspiracy is one of the few documentaries pertaining to conspiracies that I was able to watch without quickly losing interest. I believe that most conspiracy theories were created by people to sell books and make money. I also believe that some conspiracy theories are conspiracies within themselves. I can imagine that some people that are involved in nefarious acts would create a conspiracy to scare the public and protect themselves. People are much easier to control when they’re scared.

    I was not troubled by any of things that learned from the documentary because I was already aware of the various illuminati conspiracies. I don’t know if the existence of the illuminati is fact or fiction, but I can tell you that I agree with some of their goals. I would like to see the creation of one world government. I would also like to see the eradication most religions. (Everything except Buddhism)

    The only problem that I have with the illuminati is the methods that they are using to achieve their goals. (I am assuming that everything in the documentary was true) We are living in a culture of misery and pain, and the actions of the elite is perpetuating the pain and suffering that most of us are forced to live with. There are a few people in this world that have the power to make this world a better place for everyone, but their ignorance is preventing them from taking the necessary steps. Most of these people were raised to live, think and act a certain way. Most of us (the poor and the wealthy) embrace irrational cultural beliefs and traditions. We are all slaves to our genetic code. We are a self-destructive species. We are no better than the monkeys and apes that fight each other to become alpha males. (Fuck, I really hate the current state of humanity)

    I am hoping that our technology will change the way that we live during this century. I believe that nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence could used to create better humans. I wouldn’t mind being at the mercy of a group of elite people that are guided by logic and rational thought rather than the emotions that are responsible for most of our illogical decisions. I also hope that some major cultural changes occur during this century. I would like to live in a world where excessive suffering was abolished. Unfortunately I don’t believe that humanity will change for the better as our technology improves. I am hoping that it will happen, but we will probably continue to be the same primitive self-destructive apes that we have been for thousands of years.
  20. Ganymede Valued Senior Member

    Excellent reply. Sounds like you're looking forward to the Singularity as I am.
  21. Communist Hamster Cricetulus griseus leninus Valued Senior Member

    Yumm, technological singularity. I want cyborg implants, zoom+nightvision, internet streamed into my eyetap and to be linked to people via some hyper-borg-myspace.
  22. lixluke Refined Reinvention Valued Senior Member

  23. Blackrain Registered Senior Member


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