The first experimental measurement of God; to a 2-decimal point accuracy

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Stop lying, Mr. Hammond.

The entire span of academia from a worldwide army of Psychometry researchers for 50 years to the most competent mathematical Relativists have now confirmed that HAMMOND IS CORRECT: –
They really haven't, you poor delusional crank.
Maybe if you stop with the narcissistic delusions of grandeur for just a second and, you know, bother to respond meaningfully and honestly with those that have taken the time to review your "proof", you would realise that your "proof" is nothing of the sort, and has flaws that even a cursory review by anyone of competence will reveal (and have been revealed).
It is only your pathetic, dishonest, delusional narcissism that prevents you from recognising the reality of it.
The world's first Scientific Proof of God has been signed, sealed and delivered !
It's a work of fiction.
Treating it as anything other, given the demonstrable flaws, is delusion on your part.
No different from claiming "The Lord of the Rings" is an accurate history of Medieval England.

The longer you go on, Mr.Hammond, the more you extract pity from your audience, at the issues you are clearly suffering from.
Please seek help.
George E Hammond said:

[GE Hammond MS physics]
The entire span of academia from a worldwide
army of Psychometry researchers for 50 years
to the most competent mathematical Relativists
have now confirmed that HAMMOND IS

The world's first Scientific Proof of God
has been signed, sealed and delivered !

God is a (large) Einsteinian

curvature of subjective
spacetime reality.

QED – there is a REAL God !


[GE Hammond MS physics]
And I dare anyone, simply DARE anyone
to (competently) challenge my scientific proof
presented in this thread.

And when I say "competent" I mean you
better have some advanced academic
credentials in Science – preferably Physics.

Bear in mind that this result is IMPORTANT
to the ecumenical unification of world religion
which is going to be required to ultimately
solve the problem of Global Warming!

In the final analysis, it's the only thing that
can save us !

Stop lying, Mr. Hammond.

They really haven't, you poor delusional crank.
Maybe if you stop with the narcissistic delusions of grandeur for just a second and, you know, bother to respond meaningfully and honestly with those that have taken the time to review your "proof", you would realise that your "proof" is nothing of the sort, and has flaws that even a cursory review by anyone of competence will reveal (and have been revealed).
It is only your pathetic, dishonest, delusional narcissism that prevents you from recognising the reality of it.
It's a work of fiction.
Treating it as anything other, given the demonstrable flaws, is delusion on your part.
No different from claiming "The Lord of the Rings" is an accurate history of Medieval England.

The longer you go on, Mr.Hammond, the more you extract pity from your audience, at the issues you are clearly suffering from.
Please seek help.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
You're full of it Baldeee – you don't have any
bona fide scientific credentials – much less
any credentials in Physics. Your scientific
comments are at the Junior High school
level and are ridiculous !

If you think a serious credentialed scientist
like me it's gonna sit here and spoonfeed a
lifelong crank and putrid heckler like you with
Junior High School argumentation –
your also nuts ! You wouldn't know the
Riemann tensor from the Ringling Bros
circus !

You're just an opportunistic crank looking for
a soft target to heckle and name call. You picked
the wrong boy this time Baldeee – I'm holding
a Royal Straight Flush in Spades scientifically –
and I'm calling !

And I dare anyone, simply DARE anyone to (competently) challenge my scientific proof presented in this thread.
They already have, Mr. Hammond.
This thread is littered with challenges, competent ones, that you have consistently failed to address, through such evasions as appeals to authority.
And when I say "competent" I mean you better have some advanced academic credentials in Science – preferably Physics.
Your reliance on such an appeal to authority to help you evade addressing criticism of your "proof" is why you are considered dishonest.
As has been explained to you several times, it is the words someone writes that matters, not their credentials.
My, or other's, challenges to your "proof" are no less legitimate, no less valid, than the words that have been written, upon which the challenges stand or fall.
The challenges as written don't change whether I have no credentials whatsoever, or a list of credentials as long as your arm.
But you are too dishonest, too much of a crank, to accept that.
Bear in mind that this result is IMPORTANT to the ecumenical unification of world religion which is going to be required to ultimately solve the problem of Global Warming!
Your narcissistic delusions of grandeur is once again noted.
In the final analysis, it's the only thing that can save us !
As long as that's what you want to believe, Mr. Hammond, and you do so in the privacy of your own home, and don't hurt anyone else, then who are we to take that delusion from you.
Other than recognising that it may a symptom of a far greater malady, of course.

Needless to say, your continued argument from confidence is as telling as your lack of addressing of the countless issues/challenges raised against your so-called "proof".
You're full of it Baldeee...
"it" being the ability to pull your "proof" to pieces, as has clearly been done.
... – you don't have any bona fide scientific credentials – much less any credentials in Physics.
So you keep asserting.
Without proof, I might add.
Ironically much like your so-called "proof".
Your scientific comments are at the Junior High school level and are ridiculous !
Yet you still haven't addressed the flaws identified in your so-called "proof".
Most of which are not actually related to the underlying science.
As has already been explained to you, your major flaws are in taking disparate areas of science and trying to link them, but doing so with logical fallacies, quite often just asserting the link as a given.
One doesn't always need to address the underlying science to recognise such flaws in the logic.
You're simply too pathetic, and suffering from narcissistic delusions of grandeur, to address such flaws honestly.
If you think a serious credentialed scientist like me...
You may have an MS in Physics (or at least so you assert) but you are patently not a "serious... scientist", nor "seriously credentialed [sic]".
(Hint: an MS in Physics is not that serious a credential).
That much is demonstrable through your dishonesty in this thread alone.
For one, serious scientists are open to the identification of flaws in their ideas, and their work, which they then subsequently look to address.
You, sir, clearly are not.
... it's gonna sit here and spoonfeed a lifelong crank and putrid heckler like you with Junior High School argumentation – your also nuts !
I expect no spoonfeeding, Mr. Hammond, just you addressing the demonstrable flaws in your "proof".
Which you haven't done.
You wouldn't know the Riemann tensor from the Ringling Bros circus !
If you say so.
You're just an opportunistic crank looking for a soft target to heckle and name call.
I'm looking for someone to support their "proof", to address the obvious flaws in what they have posted, and to do so honestly.
You picked the wrong boy this time Baldeee – I'm holding a Royal Straight Flush in Spades scientifically – and I'm calling !
You are unfortunately delusional, Mr. Hammond.
You have lain your cards down, and you clearly have nothing.
Demonstrably so.
Irrespective of what you might believe about your hand.
The pot you saw getting ever bigger has done so from your delusions in thinking that a two, four, six, seven, and nine, across four different suits, is the best hand possible.
And you're not prepared to listen to explanations of why your thinking is wrong.

I only call you names that succinctly but accurately describe your character as shown in this thread: dishonest delusional narcissistic crank.
The way you may refer to a table as "a table", for example.
I don't do that in lieu of actual argument against your so-called "proof", because such arguments have been posted across the last 62-pages of this thread, and remain unaddressed by you.
I refer to you as those descriptors because they describe the character you have presented.
The character you are using to evade / avoid addressing those arguments.

Every post you continue to make without addressing those most basic of flaws in your "proof" just adds to the wealth of evidence that you are a dishonest delusional narcissistic crank.

And so it is that feeding time ends for another day.
They already have, Mr. Hammond.
This thread is littered with challenges, competent ones, that you have consistently failed to address, through such evasions as appeals to authority.
Your reliance on such an appeal to authority to help you evade addressing criticism of your "proof" is why you are considered dishonest.
As has been explained to you several times, it is the words someone writes that matters, not their credentials.
My, or other's, challenges to your "proof" are no less legitimate, no less valid, than the words that have been written, upon which the challenges stand or fall.
The challenges as written don't change whether I have no credentials whatsoever, or a list of credentials as long as your arm.
But you are too dishonest, too much of a crank, to accept that.
Your narcissistic delusions of grandeur is once again noted.
As long as that's what you want to believe, Mr. Hammond, and you do so in the privacy of your own home, and don't hurt anyone else, then who are we to take that delusion from you.
Other than recognising that it may a symptom of a far greater malady, of course.

Needless to say, your continued argument from confidence is as telling as your lack of addressing of the countless issues/challenges raised against your so-called "proof".
"it" being the ability to pull your "proof" to pieces, as has clearly been done.
So you keep asserting.
Without proof, I might add.
Ironically much like your so-called "proof".
Yet you still haven't addressed the flaws identified in your so-called "proof".
Most of which are not actually related to the underlying science.
As has already been explained to you, your major flaws are in taking disparate areas of science and trying to link them, but doing so with logical fallacies, quite often just asserting the link as a given.
One doesn't always need to address the underlying science to recognise such flaws in the logic.
You're simply too pathetic, and suffering from narcissistic delusions of grandeur, to address such flaws honestly.
You may have an MS in Physics (or at least so you assert) but you are patently not a "serious... scientist", nor "seriously credentialed [sic]".
(Hint: an MS in Physics is not that serious a credential).
That much is demonstrable through your dishonesty in this thread alone.
For one, serious scientists are open to the identification of flaws in their ideas, and their work, which they then subsequently look to address.
You, sir, clearly are not.
I expect no spoonfeeding, Mr. Hammond, just you addressing the demonstrable flaws in your "proof".
Which you haven't done.
If you say so.
I'm looking for someone to support their "proof", to address the obvious flaws in what they have posted, and to do so honestly.
You are unfortunately delusional, Mr. Hammond.
You have lain your cards down, and you clearly have nothing.
Demonstrably so.
Irrespective of what you might believe about your hand.
The pot you saw getting ever bigger has done so from your delusions in thinking that a two, four, six, seven, and nine, across four different suits, is the best hand possible.
And you're not prepared to listen to explanations of why your thinking is wrong.

I only call you names that succinctly but accurately describe your character as shown in this thread: dishonest delusional narcissistic crank.
The way you may refer to a table as "a table", for example.
I don't do that in lieu of actual argument against your so-called "proof", because such arguments have been posted across the last 62-pages of this thread, and remain unaddressed by you.
I refer to you as those descriptors because they describe the character you have presented.
The character you are using to evade / avoid addressing those arguments.

Every post you continue to make without addressing those most basic of flaws in your "proof" just adds to the wealth of evidence that you are a dishonest delusional narcissistic crank.

And so it is that feeding time ends for another day.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Dear Baldeee, it has been explained
to you before, but let me explain it to you
again – why you are utterly in over
your head.

Your assumption was, still is, and will
indubitably remain – that you
are talking to some incompetent
delusional religious crank.

And since it is quite obvious that your
favorite sport is heckling delusional
cranks – you are maniacally at work
attacking Hammond.

The problem is that you do not have
scientific ability via academic credentials
in SCIENCE to tell the difference

between real science and pseudoscience.

So you got caught napping with your
favorite (aberrant) sport – you got
caught in the act as it were when you
inadvertently began heckling a

Of course it is enjoyable to see a
malevolent ad hominem ranter
hoisted on his own petard, but
that's the ultimate dénouement
of such malevolent motivation
in the first place.

I suspect you're ranting condition to
continue until the bitter end – as it
usually does with such objectionable
pastimes – but watching the crumbling
fall of Baldeee's ranting obsession in
the face of cold scientific fact, has always
been quite inevitable.

I only wish you were a worthy opponent like
Richard Dawkins perhaps, rather than a
run-of-the-mill anonymous Internet clown.

George E Hammond said:
[GE Hammond MS physics]

Duh.. Making what secret ?


Your ultimate knowledge!

[GE Hammond MS physics]

The Bible is the main reason.

A scientific proof of God will prove
that the Bible is scientifically true.

Some people don't believe that,
and it makes them mad !

Some people believe all kinds of stupid shit. It makes me mad.


[GE Hammond MS physics]

Buck up sport – the Marines have landed.

The Physics department and the Psychology
department have united to discover the
world's first scientific proof of God, which
will ecumenically unite the world's 5 major
religions and an all-out attack on
Global Warming, global pandemics and
other existential threats can begin in earnest.

GE Hammond MS physics]
The Bible is the main reason.A scientific proof of God will prove that the Bible is scientifically true.
Some people don't believe that, and it makes them mad !
You have been spouting this for twenty years now on the web, you have believed for twenty years in a god.
As I said earlier, you're so desperate to make your belief in a god real, you are preaching George that's all, nothing else.
You are lucky, you can preach away on this site.
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Your assumption was, still is, and will
indubitably remain – that you
are talking to some incompetent
delusional religious crank.
It's not an assumption. It's a conclusion based on your posts.
A scientific proof of God will prove
that the Bible is scientifically true.
But the Bible has been proven to be false in so very, very many ways.
the Marines have landed.
You're confusing yourself with the Marines.
The Physics department and the Psychology
department have united to discover the
world's first scientific proof of God
And you're confusing yourself with the Physics department and the Psychology department.

But you've already admitted that neither the Physics department nor the Psychology department agree with your ravings.
Dear Baldeee, it has been explained to you before, but let me explain it to you again – why you are utterly in over your head.
Regardless of what you think of me, the flaws in your "proof" remain, as explained numerous times.
And those flaws remain unaddressed by you.
Please try to respond to the flaws, rather than avoid by arguing against the person.
Your assumption was, still is, and will indubitably remain – that you are talking to some incompetent delusional religious crank.
It never started as an assumption, and has not since become one.
It is unfortunately an undeniable conclusion of your posting history: you categorically, demonstrably, and factually, are a dishonest, delusional, narcissistic crank.
You are certainly incompetent when it comes to addressing the flaws and issues that people have raised with your "proof".
Or maybe your gross dishonesty is preventing you from displaying the necessary competence.
As to the religious part, I couldn't care less about that, and don't give it a moment's thought.
And since it is quite obvious that your favorite sport is heckling delusional cranks – you are maniacally at work attacking Hammond.
I've already posted countless issues with your "proof", that remain unaddressed by you.
I raise comment against your character because it speaks to your continued refusal and/or inability to address them.
Note that at no point do I try to address your "proof" by reference to your character.

You, however, claim I have no credentials (still unproven by you) and use that to avoid addressing those issues.
You are the one committing the ad hominem fallacy, Mr. Hammond, although I am certainly concluding you to be a dishonest, delusional, narcissistic crank.
Address the issues that have been raised, Mr. Hammond.
It is the honest thing for you to do.
The problem is that you do not have scientific ability via academic credentials in SCIENCE to tell the difference between real science and pseudoscience.
Firstly, ability does not come from credentials.
Credentials can come from a demonstration of ability, but they don't always.

Secondly, you are the only one who claims I have no academic credentials, as you are the only one here who is appealing to authority.
You do so to try to avoid having to face the issues that have been raised.
Issues that will remain as written, because it is what has been written that matters, not the credentials of the writer.
So you got caught napping with your favorite (aberrant) sport – you got caught in the act as it were when you inadvertently began heckling a REAL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY.
The only person napping, I'm afraid, Mr. Hammond, was you in thinking that this site would give you an easy time to post and run, and not identify you as the dishonest, delusional, narcissistic crank that you clearly are.
Most reputable sites have never given you the time of day.
For good reason.
We, however, tend not to ignore the delusional cranks the way we really should.
Probably a result of this site not having too much on-going discussion, so when the trolls, the cranks, the delusional raise their heads, they get the attention they crave.
But none of that helps you with your "proof", alas.
It remains the garbage it was when posted in post #1, and all the flaws, issues, challenges, remain unanswered by you.
Because you lack the ability, and the honesty, to do so.
Of course it is enjoyable to see a malevolent ad hominem ranter hoisted on his own petard, but that's the ultimate dénouement of such malevolent motivation in the first place.
While my comments as to your character are certainly ad hominem in as much as they are aimed at you, they are not raised in lieu of argument against your "proof".
Your "proof" has been assessed, has been found to be garbage, and many of the reasons why (I'm sure there are far more issues with it than have been raised here) have been adequately documented across the past 60 or so pages.
All unanswered by you, who instead opts to ignore the challenges due to matters of the person (an appeal to authority on your part, but also a genuine ad hominem fallacy - arguing against the person rather than what they have said).
Rather ironic, don't you think?
I suspect you're ranting condition to continue until the bitter end – as it usually does with such objectionable pastimes – but watching the crumbling
fall of Baldeee's ranting obsession in the face of cold scientific fact, has always been quite inevitable.
There has been no ranting, Mr. Hammond.
Just clear dismantling of your "proof", that you clearly have no answer to.
Hence your continued avoidance.
I look forward to the day that you present a proof absent of such basic logical flaws that your current "proof" contains in abundance.
I only wish you were a worthy opponent like Richard Dawkins perhaps, rather than a run-of-the-mill anonymous Internet clown.
Given that you can't address the issues raised by such as myself, what do you think that says about your "proof", and your ability (and character) to be able to defend it, let alone from someone who you might consider a "worthy opponent".

Unfortunately you have become a laughing stock, Mr. Hammond.
Over the past few pages almost a caricature of even yourself.
You are, and will always be, a dishonest, delusional, narcissistic crank.
But you've already admitted that neither the Physics department nor the Psychology department agree with your ravings.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Okay you're pretty much of an aggravated
no nothing so I'm not about to argue with
but this thread has gotten upwards of
16,000 views so for the benefit of innocent
onlookers I'll address this post to you –
even though you won't understand a single
word of it – I consider you to be what the
legalists call a "HOSTILE WITNESS".

Anyway – neither the physics department
nor the psychology department "disagree"
with me – the problem is that psychologists
don't know any Physics and physicists don't
know any Psychology ! So it's impossible
for them to agree or disagree with me !

And needless to say you and the rest of the
moronic hecklers on this thread don't know
enough physics nor psychology to even
understand the theory!

Baldeee doesn't know any physics or
psychology either – but he's smarter
then either you or foghorn – in fact smart
enough to actually comprehend the structure
of the discovery in its entirety
– even though
he has no expertise in any of the relevant

The fact that the physics department recognizes
my competence is evidenced by the fact that
I can go on sci.physics.relativity and immediately
obtain the cooperation of highly educated and
competent PhD level physicist as evidenced
by this recent exchange reported by foghorn
in his post # 1217 : –

And in the field of PSYCHOLOGY I
would point out that Prof. Peter
Merenda (Chairman URI Psy. Dept.)
invited both me and Hans Eysenck
to speak to the same audience from
the same podium at the XXVI
International Congress of Psychology
in Montréal in 1996, and snapped this
picture of me talking with Hans Eysenck
who at the time was the world's most
famous living psychologist
: –
Hans Eysenck Montréal 1996 George Hammond

So it is clear that both the Physics department
and The Psychology department are well aware,
respectful of, and are cooperating with
George E Hammond on his research.

A scientific proof of God will prove
that the Bible is scientifically true.
Your supposed "proof" does nothing of the kind, though. Your claim is that God is just a curvature of psychological spacetime. That has nothing at all to do with the bible, and doesn't describe a God who is remotely like the one described in the bible.
The Physics department and the Psychology
department have united to discover the
world's first scientific proof of God....
You're not a department, George. Your posts come across as if you have some kind of deluded megalomania. Doesn't it concern you that you come across as an unreformable crank? In 20 years, why have you made no effort to try to support your ideas with a logical argument and supporting evidence? Too much time spent getting yourself kicked off internet forums, perhaps? No time left for any actual effort?
Anyway – neither the physics department
nor the psychology department "disagree"
with me – the problem is that psychologists
don't know any Physics and physicists don't
know any Psychology ! So it's impossible
for them to agree or disagree with me !
Who are these nameless people you mention?

Even if it were true that no physicist knows anything about psychology (which it isn't) and that no psychologist knows anything about physics (also false), it only takes a physicist to knock down your physics nonsense and a psychologist to knock down your psychological mumbo jumbo. Then your "proof" is dead in the water.

In fact, though, no particular specialist knowledge is necessary to refute your "proof". It is self-refuting, as it is devoid of supporting evidence or logical argument. Your "proof" consists of a set of largely unconnected claims, some of which are obviously wrong and others unsupported. Most of your effort is spent trying to big-note yourself with supposed "credentials" and an ancient selfie, as well as making claims about other people's supposed lack of credentials which you similar cannot support in any way.

And this is how you've spent 20 years of your life - shopping this bullshit around internet forums one by one, being banned from one after another? Is that time well spent? Life is precious and short, George. Have you really got nothing better to do?
And needless to say you and the rest of the
moronic hecklers on this thread don't know
enough physics nor psychology to even
understand the theory!
It's obvious that you desperately hope this to be the case. Unfortunately for you, the required level of physics and psychology knowledge that is needed to dismiss your theory as baloney is almost negligible. Any moderately-educated critical thinker can see through your nonsense almost immediately.
Baldeee doesn't know any physics or
psychology either...
You can't possibly know that. I understand that you desperately hope your guess is true.

Regardless, Baldeee has demolished your "proof" anyway, with or without physics or psychology knowledge. You are unable to answer even the most simple and obvious questions about it. All you seem able to do is to reproduce a few stock claims, and to throw insults around. When you've got nothing else, I guess that's what you're reduced to.
The fact that the physics department recognizes
my competence...
Which physics department? Please name a physicist who will vouch for your competence.
And in the field of PSYCHOLOGY I
would point out that Prof. Peter
Merenda (Chairman URI Psy. Dept.)
invited both me and Hans Eysenck
to speak to the same audience from
the same podium at the XXVI
International Congress of Psychology
in Montréal in 1996...
That's rather a long time ago. What was the title of your talk? (Did you give a talk?) Is there a record of the proceedings of that conference, where we can find you listed as a speaker?

Did your talk have anything at all to do with your "proof" of God?
, and snapped this
picture of me talking with Hans Eysenck...
Why do you imagine that anybody cares about the selfie you took with Eysenck? If I show you my selfie with Tom Cruise, does that prove I'm a big important movie star?
Your claim is that God is just a curvature of psychological spacetime. That has nothing at all to do with the bible, and doesn't describe a God who is remotely like the one described in the bible.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Okay – I'm truly amazed and impressed
that you have discerned that I claim that: –

God is just a curvature of
psychological spacetime.

I couldn't have said it better myself !

But, I also identify God as the "GFP"
(General Factor of Psychology) of
Psychometry since I prove that the 13
2nd order factors are the "gods"
antiquity. (The 12 Olympian gods)

And the GFP DOES fit the "description
of God given in the Bible".

The GFP is the "higher order factor" of
the Psychometry "metric" (ENPg)
which is a "spacetime" metric (spatial
brain cleavage and mental speed).
The Curvature of ordinary spacetime
(XYZt) is the "higher order factor" of
spacetime, while the GFP is the curvature
of subjective spacetime (ENPg).

Therefore I conclude that:

God is a (large) Einsteinian curvature
of subjective spacetime reality.

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Einstein's Field Equations are consistent in and of themselves no matter what numbers you feed in at the start, you will get a result, even a zero result has meaning.
Just like 2+2=4 or 2-2=0
George Hammond's feed in numbers come about from George assigning a god to each of the axes of symmetry of a cube. According to George the Einstein Equation popping out a result for George's input means a god exists.

And then Hammond comes along and says look; because of the cubic cleavage of the brain, since a cube has 13 symmetry axes, there must be exactly 13 2nd order factors, and obviously they are personality types and just as obviously they are the "12 Olympian gods" of antiquity.

And, it should be noted in the links I gave, that George does not tell those on that site why he is using the Field Equations.
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Okay you're pretty much of an aggravated
no nothing...
I know how to spell "know".
... so I'm not about to argue with
You never have.
... but this thread has gotten upwards of
16,000 views so for the benefit of innocent
onlookers I'll address this post to you –
Thank you. Your own posts make you look much worse than I ever could.
... even though you won't understand a single
word of it – I consider you to be what the
legalists call a "HOSTILE WITNESS".
I'm not a witness. I'm a prosecutor.
Anyway – neither the physics department
nor the psychology department "disagree"
with me – the problem is that psychologists
don't know any Physics and physicists don't
know any Psychology ! So it's impossible
for them to agree or disagree with me !
The Psychologists can disagree with your psychology and the Physicists can disagree with your physics.
And needless to say you and the rest of the
moronic hecklers on this thread don't know
enough physics nor psychology to even
understand the theory!
I know enough logic to see that your conclusions don't follow.
The fact that the physics department recognizes
my competence
Recognizing your competence is not the same as agreeing with your conclusions.
... this
picture of me talking with Hans Eysenck
who at the time was the world's most
famous living psychologist
: –
I can beat that. I shook hands with Red Skelton once.
So it is clear that both the Physics department
and The Psychology department are well aware,
respectful of, and are cooperating with
George E Hammond on his research.
And yet they don't agree with your conclusions.
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