The first experimental measurement of God; to a 2-decimal point accuracy

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Being identical to the OP, it is garbage, as your OP has been shown to be over the past 64 pages.
Do you not have anything that, you know, addresses the multitude of challenges, the shortfalls, the logically fallacious reasoning, the inconsistencies, the factual errors, that your OP is littered with?
Or is this really all you've managed to put together?

I can summarise it with the following title:-
It is garbage.

Which also has the alternate title:-
It is pseudo-scientific nonsense.

Including the title, a more-than-adequate summary of your "proof" is either 3 or 4 words long.
You can re-read this thread for explanations of why, and maybe this time you'll have the decency to address the issues/challenges raised.
The first paper on the website !

– it is IDENTICAL to the OP
(original first post) of this thread.
Poor George, he's got nothing and that means 65 pages of his tripe will be locked, or better yet tossed into the cesspool. I hope he doesn't call the FBI...
[GE Hammond MS physics]
When Gustav Eiffel erected his famous tower
in 1889 in Paris there was an engineering
Assistant nicknamed "Luckeee" who was very
critical of Eiffel.

He published his own critique listing
hundreds of "so-called" important FLAWS
in Eiffel's design and construction, including:

Rusty rivets
dented trusses
cracks in concrete
rust stains from rain
nesting pigeons
tourist graffiti
snarled kites and balloons
blowing newspapers
etc. etc.

In fact he claimed there were "thousands
of flaws" in the Eiffel tower
, and that Eiffel
was delinquent in not addressing them.

On Sciforums a character named "Baldeee"
has claimed the same thing about Hammond's
Scientific Proof of God (SPOG). Of course, truth
be known, Baldeee's criticisms are just as
inconsequential and meaningless as Luckeee's
in the opinion of any competent scientist.

Meanwhile, it is becoming clearer and clearer
that Hammond's SPOG is in fact a genuine
(and indeed miraculous)


Which reminds me that 2000 years ago a
kid was born in a barn in Israel and was
believed by the locals to be "the son of God".
Many of the locals insisted that the infant
was actually a devil – and urged the Inn
owner to drown the baby in the Inn's

Not much unlike the present situation with
Hammond's SPOG – where several of the
Sciforums participants are chanting the
forum's administrators to cast the SPOG
into the Sciforums "cesspool".

Hammond would only point out what a
devastating historical turn of events it
would have been had the Inn owner
drowned the "son of God" in the Inn's
cesspool –

And I would only suggest to the administrators
of Sciforums – that casting the world's first
SPOG into their cesspool could turn out to be
a devastating publicity debacle somewhere
down the road, in the near future.

Just a friendly piece of cautionary scientific

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Ah, the Galileo Gambit is played once again. :rolleyes:

Guess which part of the diagram you fit into, Mr. Hammond?

(Credit to for the diagram)

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Na Baldeee – you're 2 centuries off –
this is the "FARADAY gambit" not the
"GALILEO gambit".

Hammond ACCIDENTALLY discovered the world's
first Scientific Proof of God (SPOG) just like Faraday
accidentally discovered the electromagnetic field.

Hammond noticed that the psychometrists had
noticed that the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 Factor
Personality Models were CUBICALLY
intercorrelated in 3-D space.

Being a physicist, he set about finding out WHY.
He soon discovered that it was caused by the
embryological cubic cleavage of the brain –
and over the years discovered that there was
a (cubic) decussation in Jeffrey Gray's
septo-hippocampal system thus confirming
the existence of "13 cubic symmetry axis
Factors" in the long sought for
Structural Model of Personality (SMOP).

Since it was known by then that there were
exactly 4 orders Of Personality Eigenvectors,
it was clear that only the 2nd orders were the
Personality Types and according to Cattell
there were 12 of them – and quite obviously
were the "12 Olympian gods" of antiquity.

This indicates directly that the single 4th
order eigenvector is obviously the
"God of the Bible" – since the "age of the gods"
directly proceeded the "age of God" – which
immediately superseded it.

Simply using evidence from the "Movie
Projector Picture Fusion Frequency"
(Edison) for "mental speed" and
simple size measurement for growth
shows that the psychology metric
(ENPg) is a "space-time metric"
of "subjective space-time" just like
the ordinary metric (XYZt) is the
metric of "objective space-time".

And since the higher order factor
(square root of) the (ENPg) metric
is the "GFP" (single 4th order factor)
the GFP (the God of the Bible) is
obviously a: –


Which shows that I ACCIDENTALLY
discovered the world's first
Scientific Proof of God just like
Faraday ACCIDENTALLY discovered
the electromagnetic field !

PS – please excuse typos
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this is the "FARADAY gambit" not the "GALILEO gambit".
Once again you seem to fail to grasp things.
Ah, well.
Only to be expected.

I'll now reply to anything new you have to offer in the rest of your bloated post...
Oh, look at that: nothing new.
Why don't you go back and actually start addressing the issues and challenges, Mr. Hammond, rather than just vomiting up the same garbage again and again.
That's all we ask of you.
Or continue to be the delusional dishonest crank that you clearly want us to believe you to be.
Once again you seem to fail to grasp things.
Ah, well.
Only to be expected.

I'll now reply to anything new you have to offer in the rest of your bloated post...
Oh, look at that: nothing new.
Why don't you go back and actually start addressing the issues and challenges, Mr. Hammond, rather than just vomiting up the same garbage again and again.
That's all we ask of you.
Or continue to be the delusional dishonest crank that you clearly want us to believe you to be.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
I'm not to spend my time explaining why
there are a few loose rivets in the Eiffel tower,
as I said in post #1285

You're way in over your head Baldeee
with no scientific credentials, to the
point of sounding ludicrous.

Head for shore before you drown yourself !

Meanwhile, it is becoming clearer and clearer
that Hammond's SPOG is in fact a genuine
(and indeed miraculous)
Clearer to whom?
Hammond ACCIDENTALLY discovered the world's
first Scientific Proof of God (SPOG)
So the lesson for today, kids, is: It's a good idea to have insurance to minimize the bad effects of accidents.
I'm not to spend my time explaining why
there are a few loose rivets in the Eiffel tower
SOMEBODY has to look for loose rivets or the Eiffel Tower would fall down.
Great. Where can I find the shortest complete "proof" of God? Which article should I read?

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Message to – James R, moderator

James, the "shortest complete proof of God"
is now contained in my post #1287 on
page 65

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Message to – James R, moderator

James, the "shortest complete proof of God"
is now contained in my post #1287 on
page 65

I'm kinda surprised this thread is still here. Post 1287 has no proof of God, as a matter of fact there is not even any evidence of God in that post.
I'm kinda surprised this thread is still here. Post 1287 has no proof of God, as a matter of fact there is not even any evidence of God in that post.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
The discovery of the world's first
scientific proof of God (SPOG) will
ecumenically spearhead world
Religion for a millennium.

Will probably be instrumental in
solving the problem of
Global Warming.

It's over your head because you
wouldn't know a Christoffel
symbol from Christopher

June 12, 2022

Directeur de Rcherche Émérite au CNRS
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique /
French National Centre for Scientific Research

You replied to me on sci.physics.relativity
and then I saw the director of CNRS Marseille
had hit my website – and I figured out it was
you !
I have posted 2 new messages to you on
they are copied below
please reply on sci.physics.relativity
since I prefer talking in public.
George E Hammond MS physics Cape Cod Massachusetts
George Hammond
Jun 11, 2022, 7:41:01 PM (5 hours ago)
> And this is published where? Web of
Science doesn't seem to know about it.
> > –
[GE Hammond MS physics]
Dear Prof. Bowden –
I know you are the author of –
so I have a couple of questions for you: –
1. Why are you reading sci.physics.relativity ?
2. Do you have any idea what "Personality Psychometry" is ?
3. What on earth is your interest in the fact that some Physicist
has discovered that: –
With best professional regards,
George E Hammond MS physics Cape Cod
George Hammond
Jun 11, 2022, 9:06:47 PM (4 hours ago)
[POSTSCRIPT GE Hammond MS physics]
June 11, 2022
We are the same age – I turned 80 last month
so – time is of the essence.
While the scientific explanation of "God" has
been signed sealed and delivered: –

there still remains the question of "life after death"
(LAD). My research shows that there is better than
1 chance in 3 that there IS such a thing.
Your expertise in Quantum Mechanical Chemistry
would be extremely useful in evaluating this
microtubule phenomenon.
GE Hammond MS physics Cape Cod Massachusetts
[GE Hammond MS physics Hyannis Massachusetts]
June 12, 2022
Dear Prof.Bowden –
Look, you're a bigshot chemist, Oxford graduate,
emeritus director of research at CNRS, have
published 200 papers and books, some of them in
the 4th edition.
I'm a nobody MS physicist, who has made an
ACCIDENTAL scientific discovery.
The situation has a well known PRECEDENT in
history. Michael Faraday threw a switch on an electric circuit and noticed a nearby Compass jump.
He realized the electric current was causing a
magnetic field.
Faraday's boss was Sir Humphrey Davy, and Davy
had nothing but contempt for Faraday, in fact he
tried to publicly crucify him professionally for
becoming famous.
Chemists answer to the Nobel committee – but
physicists answer to God – don't forget it !
You have made the following comments to me on
sci.physics.relativity: –

1. – What have you published in the physics
I haven't been able to find anything.
I've only been able to find this (psychology, not
George E. Hammond: New Ideas in Psychology
"The Cartesian theory: Unification of Eysenck and
Hmm. A grand total of one citation in 28 years..
2. – "Scientific Proof of God" – Web of Science
doesn't seem to know about it..
3. –Do you have any idea what "Personality
Psychometry" is ? Yes. So what?
4. –In what sense are you a physicist. No PhD;
no published research in physics? Where did
you get your MS in physics? Bob Jones? Biola?.
5. –I have no recollection of "hitting" your
website. When do you think I did this? What is
its address? I haven't found it.
Are you calling Academia your website?
>> And this is published where? Web of Science
doesn't seem to know about it.
No answer to this simple question, but I'm not
holding my breath..
Okay – let me answer your questions: –
My CV is publicly posted here: –
I published my only peer-reviewed paper in 1994
– but then in 1997 – I realized that led to the
World's first scientific proof of God.
It took me 28 years to PROVE IT – now I've got
the proof, and here I am, wondering what to
do with it?
No reputable journal in the world would published
a "scientific proof of God" – therefore, my only
alternative is to post it all over the
Internet – and that's how you heard about me!
Yes, is my only "website": –
[GE Hammond MS physics Hyannis Massachusetts]
Okay, so here's where we are: –
You're probably the most influential scientist I've
met since I met Hans Eysenck in Montréal in 1996.
He was a lot more sober and scientifically/politically
aware than you are. He was also a lot more famous.
He was of course the world's leading authority on
"Personality Psychometry" – and frankly I am quite
surprised to find out that you even know what
Personality Psychometry is !
... A worldwide army of academic Psychometry
researchers using desktop computers for the last
50 years have discovered the entire eigenvector
structure of Personality.
... The eigenvector pyramid ends in a SINGLE
EIGENVECTOR (dubbed the GFP – Gen. factor
of Psychology) at the top of the pyramid – and they
don't know what it is – the top factor, the GFP, is a
... What I have discovered is that the entire
eigenvector pyramid is caused by the underlying
embryological cubic cleavage of the brain – and
since a cube has 13 rotational symmetry axes –
there are EXACTLY 13 personality types
at the 2nd order – which turn out to be the
12 Olympian godsof antiquity.
... This immediately tells us that the mysterious
top eigenvector (the GFP) can be nothing other
than "the God of the Bible".
... Knowing this – it is easy to show, the top
eigenvectoris in fact: the God of the Bible and
that –

Of course this will come as no surprise to the
religious people who have suspected since 1915
that "Einstein's theory"was probably a scientific
proof of God – and now we see that in fact it is!
Finally – some people may wonder "so what"?
What practical use the scientific proof of God
... Well, let me tell you, it may become very
important vis-à-vis the ultimate existential
challenge we face with GLOBAL WARMING.
...The scientific proof of God will de facto
ecumenically unite all 5 of the world's major
religions – Christianity, Islam, Judaism,
Hinduism and Buddhism. It is the only scientific
discovery that can possibly get them all on the
same page. And this is important because
ultimately it will probably require a unified global
human effort to stop global warming, may even
require social engineering on a global scale – and
the discovery of the world's first scientific proof of God (SPOG) can do nothing but help matters in
that regard.
George E Hammond MS physics
Hyannis June 12, 2022

Faraday's boss was Sir Humphrey Davy, and Davy
had nothing but contempt for Faraday, in fact he
tried to publicly crucify him professionally for
becoming famous.
One anecdote about criticism does not demonstrate that everybody who is criticized is right.
One anecdote about criticism does not demonstrate that everybody who is criticized is right.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Dr. Athel Cornish-Bowden
Directeur de Rcherche Émérite au CNRS
(French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Marseille France

Has apparently had 2nd thoughts about making
any further wiseguy comments about my
post #1297 which was originally posted on
sci.physics.relativity on June 12, 2022

After making his preliminary wiseguy
remarks, my last post apparently has
scared him off – and apparently he has
thought better of his wiseguy remarks
and realized that he was in far deeper
waters then he assumed.

I guess I'm still looking for
Sir Humphrey Davy
and Prof. Athel Cornish-Bowden
turned out to be just another useless
window shopping tourist like the
rest of you.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
Dr. Athel Cornish-Bowden
Directeur de Rcherche Émérite au CNRS
(French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Marseille France

Has apparently had 2nd thoughts about making
any further wiseguy comments about my
post #1297 which was originally posted on
sci.physics.relativity on June 12, 2022

After making his preliminary wiseguy
remarks, my last post apparently has
scared him off – and apparently he has
thought better of his wiseguy remarks
and realized that he was in far deeper
waters then he assumed.

I guess I'm still looking for
Sir Humphrey Davy
and Prof. Athel Cornish-Bowden
turned out to be just another useless
window shopping tourist like the
rest of you.

You didn't respond to what I said. Here it is again: One anecdote about criticism does not demonstrate that everybody who is criticized is right.

I was talking about Davy's criticism of Faraday, not Bowden's criticism of you - my point being that Davy's criticism of Faraday did not make Faraday right and Bowden's criticism of you does not make you right.
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