The Post Whatever Thread

Does that mean a stop at Minori? Say hello to Leone if he still works at Crystal Bar. (By now, surely as likely as palm trees growing in Antarctica.)
yeh Minori
Nice little town
didn't see the bar
Had an enormous ham sandwich on the beach ---basically a loaf of bread and a 1/2 inch by 7 inch by 7 inch piece pf tender ham.
then stayed at a lemon farm b&b ---b&b & multi course dinner---to much food--- fat city
steep hills-lots of stairs and steep slopes- spouse and I both use gimp sticks(canes)---gave them a work-out
--chair ride to the top of local mountain and back down
scary shit
lots of fun

highly recommend
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A New York Minute, If You Please

Dear New York City Democrats:

This is just to take a moment in which we might remind—

Mr. Adams, a former police captain who campaigned as a Democratic crime fighter, quickly sought to humanize the killings. The loss of the officers, he said, reminded him of the 1987 line-of-duty death of a friend, Officer Robert Venable.

“I still think about Robert,” Mr. Adams said at a news conference at City Hall. “I keep a picture of Robert in my wallet.”

A week later, Mr. Adams posed for a portrait in his office, holding a wallet-size photo of Officer Venable after The New York Times had requested to see it. Mr. Adams has since repeated the moving anecdote in media interviews and at a Police Academy ceremony last June, where he again displayed Officer Venable’s picture.

But the weathered photo of Officer Venable had not actually spent decades in the mayor’s wallet. It had been created by employees in the mayor’s office in the days after Mr. Adams claimed to have been carrying it in his wallet.

The employees were instructed to create a photo of Officer Venable, according to a person familiar with the request. A picture of the officer was found on Google; it was printed in black-and-white and made to look worn as if the mayor had been carrying it for some time, including by splashing some coffee on it, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.


—you could have had Maya Wiley.


Fitzsimmons, Emma G. "The Mayor Had a Photo of a Fallen Officer. Was His Story About It True?" The New York Times. 6 July 2023. 6 July 2023.
I am excited about the prospects of virtually unlimited free energy from Nuclear Fusion technology. All we need to fuel Nuclear Fusion is Hydrogen, which is plentiful on Earth and throughout the Universe. The only biproduct is Helium, which we are currently in short supply of.
Fusion's The Bomb, Baby !!! :tongue:
I am worried about the military applications of nuclear fusion research, because in order to maintain peace we must prepare for war, but the payoff of virtually free, unlimited, greenhouse gas free energy is enticing.
I am worried about the military applications of nuclear fusion research, because in order to maintain peace we must prepare for war, but the payoff of virtually free, unlimited, greenhouse gas free energy is enticing.
What military applications have you in mind? We have had the fusion (hydrogen) bomb for 70 years.
I am worried about the military applications of nuclear fusion research, because in order to maintain peace we must prepare for war, but the payoff of virtually free, unlimited, greenhouse gas free energy is enticing.
We are still miles from a commercially viable application for energy. As has already been said they are plenty of things that have already been weaponised on a mass destruction scale including a fusion bomb.
Not that we needed it, plenty fission weapons on the planet for annihilation already.
What military applications have you in mind? We have had the fusion (hydrogen) bomb for 70 years.
On a positive note, I believe fusion energy may be useful for powering powerful lasers that can wipe out incoming nuclear ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles. On a negative note, I am afraid we could find a way to fuse Hydrogen, use the surplus energy to split Helium created from the fusion, and then fuse the Hydrogen again and repeat to create a chain reaction of fusion that could power a never dying nuclear fusion bomb.
On a positive note, I believe fusion energy may be useful for powering powerful lasers that can wipe out incoming nuclear ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles. On a negative note, I am afraid we could find a way to fuse Hydrogen, use the surplus energy to split Helium created from the fusion, and then fuse the Hydrogen again and repeat to create a chain reaction of fusion that could power a never dying nuclear fusion bomb.
No. There is no "surplus" energy.
Every reaction uses up its fuel and the waste product is heat, which is lost from the equation.
No. There is no "surplus" energy.
Every reaction uses up its fuel and the waste product is heat, which is lost from the equation.
Heat can be used to generate electricity. We use heat from fossil fuels and fission energy to power electricity generators. We may be able to use that heat waste product from Hydrogen fusion to generate electricity to split the Helium atoms, somehow, for continued Hydrogen nuclear fusion.
On a positive note, I believe fusion energy may be useful for powering powerful lasers that can wipe out incoming nuclear ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles. On a negative note, I am afraid we could find a way to fuse Hydrogen, use the surplus energy to split Helium created from the fusion, and then fuse the Hydrogen again and repeat to create a chain reaction of fusion that could power a never dying nuclear fusion bomb.
That makes no sense from an energy conservation viewpoint. The energy required to split helium is identical to that released when it formed. What you are proposing is some kind of perpetual motion, free-energy device, which is ruled out by the laws of thermodynamics. So you don't need to worry about that.
Heat can be used to generate electricity. We use heat from fossil fuels and fission energy to power electricity generators. We may be able to use that heat waste product from Hydrogen fusion to generate electricity to split the Helium atoms, somehow, for continued Hydrogen nuclear fusion.
You cannot convert more that a limited proportion of heat energy into other forms (2nd Law of TD). For instance, the most efficient thermal power generators (combined cycle) can only convert 50-60% of the input heat into electricity. The rest is waste heat. So you can never get a perpetual loop going.
Heat can be used to generate electricity. We use heat from fossil fuels and fission energy to power electricity generators. We may be able to use that heat waste product from Hydrogen fusion to generate electricity

I misspoke before; I was oversimplifying.

Heat is used to generate electricity - the heat of fusion, which is used to drive turbines, which generate electricity. If there's any heat left over, that means your system has wasted it and is not capturing it for useful work.

to split the Helium atoms, somehow, for continued Hydrogen nuclear fusion.
You miss the point here. To split the helium back into hydrogen would take more energy than you have just produced by fusing.

What you're trying to do is the nuclear equivalent of a perpetual motion machine like this:
1. Drop a bowling ball from a tower. Use the energy created to power a house.
2. Also use any "extra" energy to lift of the bowling ball back to the top of the tower.

Guess how much energy it takes to lift a bowling ball? More than you got from dropping it.
Heat can be used to generate electricity. We use heat from fossil fuels and fission energy to power electricity generators.
Well, no. We use heat FLOW to generate energy. Heat flows from high temperature to low temperature.
We may be able to use that heat waste product from Hydrogen fusion to generate electricity to split the Helium atoms, somehow, for continued Hydrogen nuclear fusion.
Also no. You cannot recover 100% of that energy. Even with the very best combined cycle plants we have now you can barely recover 60%. So you lose energy at every step.

In the future, proton-boron fusion (100% aneutronic) may allow more efficient conversion of fusion to energy, but we are a long way from that. And it still won't be 100%.
According to the laws of entropy, does heat flow decay from high frequency wave lengths to low frequency wavelengths?
No. For a number of reasons:

1) There isn't actually a "law of entropy". There are laws of thermodynamics, some of which can be expressed partly in terms of entropy. The 2nd Law can be stated in the form that, in spontaneous processes, entropy never decreases, i.e. it either increases or, at best (and only in the special case of reversible processes), remains constant.

2) A wavelength does not have a frequency. A wave has both a wavelength (λ) and a frequency (f) , the two being related by the speed (v) of the wave, as follows: v = fλ. So the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency, for a given speed of the wave.

3) Heat does not have either a frequency or a wavelength, as heat is not a wave. Heat is the internal kinetic energy associated with thermal motion of atoms and molecules, that flows between bodies at different temperatures.

But the idea of decay has some validity. Entropy is a measure of how statistically spread out, or diffuse, energy has become. The more spread out it is, the harder it is to get it to do mechanical work. Given that spontaneous processes involve an increase in entropy, over time energy gets more spread out and unavailable to do work. In this sense one could describe it as having "decayed".