The Scole Experiments

That's not good enough, that doesn't constitute reliable testing. Were these published in a peer reviewed journal?

(cue screed against establishment science)

I'm sure it was published in many peer-reviewed journals. I'll research that and get back with you.

"Some stir has been caused in psychical research circles by activities which began in 1993 at the Norfolk village of Scole. These resulted in a dedicated book, The Scole Experiment; a 300 page account in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research; the issue of a quarterly journal, The Spiritual Scientist, from 1994; and a Study Day on December 11th 1999 of talks, discussion and debate by the S.P.R., attended by a larger audience than most such days attract."
Thanks. Apparently there is selective enforcement of the "no insult" rule here. Only skeptics get to belittle and flame, but woe unto you if you flame back.
I think part of your problem here is that your response, which you said was comparable to the initial "insult", looked absolutely nothing like the initial "insult". And everything that you described as being in the initial "insult" just plain wasn't there. You may have thought certain things were implied, but even if you are correct, that still isn't the same as saying them outright like you did. I'm not sure if you are aware of that or are incapable of distinguishing or why, but whatever is causing it, the fact is that you are the one doing the overt insulting and flaming.

Indeed, youth as a cause of gullibility (among other behavioral issues) would be a compassionate explanation of your behavior. Implying you may be too young to think clearly isn't insulting because it is the nicer of the options. So I disagree with origin saying refusal to answer implies you are young. Since not being young is worse (ie, if you are older, you should know better; if you are younger it is ok not to), I think not answering implies you are old enough to know better.

Also, it is important to note that not all logical fallacies are always actual fallacies. Ad Populum and argument from authority are fallacies only if abused. If used correctly, they are logically valid. Look at it from the other direction: in order for the one who stands alone to be correct, he has to be the smartest person in the group. Is that likely?

Non-fallacious examples of the ad populum: the appeal is not irrelevant when what most persons believe or what the select few believe does in fact determine what is true. Conventional truth such as the definitions of words, standard use of symbols, and clothing styles, or voting in juries, meetings, or political elections are typical examples where the appeal to the majority , the experts, or the people-in-the-know would be relevant and so would not be fallacious.

Science utilizes ad populum and the related appeal to authority: expert opinions matter more and the accepted correct answer is a matter of consensus (majority decision).
I think part of your problem here is that your response, which you said was comparable to the initial "insult", looked absolutely nothing like the initial "insult". And everything that you described as being in the initial "insult" just plain wasn't there. You may have thought certain things were implied, but even if you are correct, that still isn't the same as saying them outright like you did. I'm not sure if you are aware of that or are incapable of distinguishing or why, but whatever is causing it, the fact is that you are the one doing the overt insulting and flaming.

Indeed, youth as a cause of gullibility (among other behavioral issues) would be a compassionate explanation of your behavior. Implying you may be too young to think clearly isn't insulting because it is the nicer of the options. So I disagree with origin saying refusal to answer implies you are young. Since not being young is worse (ie, if you are older, you should know better; if you are younger it is ok not to), I think not answering implies you are old enough to know better.

Also, it is important to note that not all logical fallacies are always actual fallacies. Ad Populum and argument from authority are fallacies only if abused. If used correctly, they are logically valid. Look at it from the other direction: in order for the one who stands alone to be correct, he has to be the smartest person in the group. Is that likely?


Science utilizes ad populum and the related appeal to authority: expert opinions matter more and the accepted correct answer is a matter of consensus (majority decision).

Typical sideline cheerleading, and a bizarre lesson on what a logical fallacy is?, from one of those flaming skeptics I mentioned earlier.
So I disagree with origin saying refusal to answer implies you are young.

I don't think I every said or implied that. I agree with you Russ - I was hoping he is young. Still there are plenty of older people that believe in all kinds of magical crap - I personally know several. They are fun to talk to, but they do seem to be a bit batshit crazy to me.
Lets discuss the ways in which this could have been faked...

"One of the investigators, Alan Gauld, wrote critically of how he discovered this locked box could be quickly and easily opened in the dark, which allowed for easy substitution of film rolls. This box was provided by the mediums. Whenever any other sealed container was used, no images ever appeared on the film. Yet even while acknowledging these facts, the authors of the Scole Report still maintain that the film images are most likely evidence of the supernatural"

This was taken from a skeptoid article. I cannot yet post links.
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Lets discuss the ways in which this could have been faked...

"One of the investigators, Alan Gauld, wrote critically of how he discovered this locked box could be quickly and easily opened in the dark, which allowed for easy substitution of film rolls. This box was provided by the mediums. Whenever any other sealed container was used, no images ever appeared on the film. Yet even while acknowledging these facts, the authors of the Scole Report still maintain that the film images are most likely evidence of the supernatural"

This was taken from a skeptoid article. I cannot yet post links.

"The films were purchased by a researcher who was working with us during these experiments. They were, ordered by him and sent directly to a third party, who is not involved. Here, the films remain until required. Just prior to a photographic experiment, a film was obtained by another researcher and placed immediately into a' solid wooden security box (figs. 1 & 2) which was locked using a sophisticated combination lock or a large brass padlock. The keys of this lock were then themselves locked into another guest’s car for good measure! If the combination lock was used, the combination numbers were only known by yet another third party. The box (still untouched by anyone in the group) was then placed upon the table and the experiment started.

On more than one occasion, guests were able to hold the box for the duration of the session, with a successful result. After the session had finished, the box still remained in the possession of the researchers at all times, and was sometimes taken to the processing laboratory still locked, and opened there in front of witnesses . These strict protocols may to some of you, seem far-fetched, but we all know they are essential, in an attempt to avoid any doubts in the minds of those more sceptical. If we are going to help prove that the human personality survives bodily death, we must make these experiments as water tight as we possible can. Then perhaps, these doubts will be eliminated, let us hope so."
some people interpret this to mean necromancy as in not actually the deceased but demonic entities portraying as such. I think this metaphor is evidenced especially in a physical incarnation such as this plane. Just as there is physical exchangs of dna. On the astral plane, an entity may manipulate to embody the outward body/looks, mannerisms, and persona of an original soul or person but they are not them. It is astral identity theft or impersonation. Usually it was a jealous person from a past life who coveted their life, traits etc and wanted to live in their place. When you meet someone you think you have known before, it sadly may not even be them, they are long gone. It can be an impostor or even an enemy soul to deceive. Or sometimes its legitimate.

They are usually done by the rakshasa or demon class and use soul harvesting. One way to siphon soul traits is through spiritual exploitation. They incarnate in the form of a previous person with those fragments now appendages, not the one in control. In other words, essentially, not them at all or who they used to be. It has been confiscated. Someone has destroyed your beloved and quartered them like an object to use as a beautiful cloaking device to gain benefit and lifestyle they (original) soul had in a previous existence. Your beloved is long gone and not existing as they were, can only see fragments in people.

This is why you must be wary of trusting and projection as you may get a rude awakening as it is not them and they dont love or care for you like the original person. Its just the shell or superficial characteristics and even if there is a fragment of the soul that person carries, its like an imprint and doesnt have consciousness or limited/secondary in this existence as in not the main consciousness. Its hauntingly sad. This plane is full of impostors and fake clones besides the normalcy/legitimacy incarnation after incarnation.

to rakshasa's souls are literally snacks and food. people are objects. you would think such beings would be elevated or more evolved but they are actually lower than humans. they are very base, devious and operate with no moral compass whatsoever. any outward show of ethics is just pretense or an act to fit in society.

when I have done natal charts on the people who have exploited or abused me the most, all of them were rakshasa (demon) class as in that predominated in their chart or virtually had no human in their chart. this type of patterning cannot be coincidence. the kindest and most ethical were deva (angelic) as well as manushya (human).

if a rakshasa has an evil eye toward you seriously as in lusting/jealous after your position, traits, looks, benefits etc because they result in success. they can in the astral realm after you pass from this life, try to aquire/use those characteristics in the next incarnation. this is because the demon class trumps all others here. even angels have to bargain with good or to do good here because the absolute ruler of this plane is the demonic demiurge. the film "insidious" illustrates this type of metaphor.
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Bad enough to necro a 3 year old thread... but good grief, that is some high level tripe...
some people interpret this to mean necromancy as in not actually the deceased but demonic entities portraying as such. I think this metaphor is evidenced especially in a physical incarnation such as this plane. Just as there is physical exchangs of dna. On the astral plane, an entity may manipulate to embody the outward body/looks, mannerisms, and persona of an original soul or person but they are not them. It is astral identity theft or impersonation. Usually it was a jealous person from a past life who coveted their life, traits etc and wanted to live in their place. When you meet someone you think you have known before, it sadly may not even be them, they are long gone. It can be an impostor or even an enemy soul to deceive. Or sometimes its legitimate.

They are usually done by the rakshasa or demon class and use soul harvesting. One way to siphon soul traits is through spiritual exploitation. They incarnate in the form of a previous person with those fragments now appendages, not the one in control. In other words, essentially, not them at all or who they used to be. It has been confiscated. Someone has destroyed your beloved and quartered them like an object to use as a beautiful cloaking device to gain benefit and lifestyle they (original) soul had in a previous existence. Your beloved is long gone and not existing as they were, can only see fragments in people.

This is why you must be wary of trusting and projection as you may get a rude awakening as it is not them and they dont love or care for you like the original person. Its just the shell or superficial characteristics and even if there is a fragment of the soul that person carries, its like an imprint and doesnt have consciousness or limited/secondary in this existence as in not the main consciousness. Its hauntingly sad. This plane is full of impostors and fake clones besides the normalcy/legitimacy incarnation after incarnation.

to rakshasa's souls are literally snacks and food. people are objects. you would think such beings would be elevated or more evolved but they are actually lower than humans. they are very base, devious and operate with no moral compass whatsoever. any outward show of ethics is just pretense or an act to fit in society.

when I have done natal charts on the people who have exploited or abused me the most, all of them were rakshasa (demon) class as in that predominated in their chart or virtually had no human in their chart. this type of patterning cannot be coincidence. the kindest and most ethical were deva (angelic) as well as manushya (human).

if a rakshasa has an evil eye toward you seriously as in lusting/jealous after your position, traits, looks, benefits etc because they result in success. they can in the astral realm after you pass from this life, try to aquire/use those characteristics in the next incarnation. this is because the demon class trumps all others here. even angels have to bargain with good or to do good here because the absolute ruler of this plane is the demonic demiurge. the film "insidious" illustrates this type of metaphor.
Blimey, Birch, do you have a part time-job as an African witch doctor? This is deeply weird.
That is most people's reactions to my posts but this is not my home planet and just borrowing this human vessel. what do you expect?

Ah... complete and utter insanity does make a number of your posts make more sense...

I guess you must be an extra terrestrial named Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan, then?
when I have done natal charts on the people who have exploited or abused me the most, all of them were rakshasa (demon) class as in that predominated in their chart or virtually had no human in their chart. this type of patterning cannot be coincidence. the kindest and most ethical were deva (angelic) as well as manushya (human).
Wait, you say that when you did the natal chart of those who had exploited or abused you the most, all of them had charts that showed them to be "demons", and those that helped you had charts showing them to be "angelic" or human class?
I'd have thought that something like natal charts would surely have been just subjective hocum, but your words here have gone some way to convincing me otherwise.
I mean, all of them?
All the people who have wronged you turned out to be "demons" when you did their natal charts?
That's some impressive correlation right there.

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Wait, you say that when you did the natal chart of those who had exploited or abused you the most, all of them had charts that showed them to be "demons", and those that helped you had charts showing them to be "angelic" or human class?
I'd have thought that something like natal charts would surely have been just subjective hocum, but your words here have gone some way to convincing me otherwise.
I mean, all of them?
All the people who have wronged you turned out to be "demons" when you did their natal charts?
That's some impressive correlation right there.


it's Vedic, not western astrology.
Please do feel free to explain how that makes a difference to what I wrote?

I must have dozed off. sorry. everyone has a choice, no matter what one has in their chart because everyone has some degree of all three of them, meaning even it's just the human component devoid of pure angelic, the human component still is the modality of both (angelic/demonic) and it's the part that understands right from wrong as well. rakshasas also, it's that they think of deviant alternatives. we all can do that as, again, everyone embodies some percentage of all of them. it's what you choose that you grow and develop in your character and the angelic is the 'divine' part. but sometimes, you have to use the rakshasa part in service of the angelic part. it's also 'how' and 'why' you are utilizing the various aspects of yourself.

for instance, if you go to war to defend your country, that is the rakshasa part in service of the angelic (motive) or having to kill or be killed etc. that is still not deteriorating the angelic part nor unethical. otoh, if the angelic part is sacrificed or damaged in favor of the rakshasa (motive), then it's purely offensive and criminal.
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I must have dozed off. sorry. everyone has a choice, no matter what one has in their chart because everyone has some degree of all three of them, meaning even it's just the human component devoid of pure angelic, the human component still is the modality of both (angelic/demonic) and it's the part that understands right from wrong as well. rakshasas also, it's that they think of deviant alternatives. we all can do that as, again, everyone embodies some percentage of all of them. it's what you choose that you grow and develop in your character and the angelic is the 'divine' part. but sometimes, you have to use the rakshasa part in service of the angelic part. it's also 'how' and 'why' you are utilizing the various aspects of yourself.

for instance, if you go to war to defend your country, that is the rakshasa part in service of the angelic (motive) or having to kill or be killed etc. that is still not deteriorating the angelic part nor unethical. otoh, if the angelic part is sacrificed or damaged in favor of the rakshasa (motive), then it's purely offensive and criminal.

No doubt, if you had someone whom the situation was reversed for (eg, everyone that hurt you, they had helped this person, and vice versa), they would show the same results... oh, wait, no they wouldn't!