The Trump Presidency

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The English and American legal systems, with which you may not be familiar, typically use what is referred to as a "reasonable person" test. There is no guessing at intention or possible evil intent. Nor is there a black-letter approach that says utterance A is wrongful, while utterance A', using a slightly different form of words, is acceptable. Instead, the law asks how an "average" reasonable person would be likely to interpret the words as written.
I've got shit to do, but this--

"this" being, putting words into my mouth

--really fucking annoys me, so I'll address it now. I was gonna take a cue from Zinoviev's methodology (thanks, Schmelzer!) (although, as I have not fully familiarized myself with such as yet, it'd probably more closely resemble very late Wittgenstein), but I haven't the time for parsing of that nature, so:

While I appreciate the frustration you were and are demonstrating I am surprised that the secret service goons haven't arrested you for falsely claiming that every one has the right to assassinate the POTUS.
And that is exactly what you claimed. "A bullet in the head... blah blah blah"

Nope. This is what I actually said--I'll space it out a bit and throw in some emphasis, so that perhaps you might actually pay attention!:
I'm fairly certain that the U.S. Constitution, somewhere in the Bill of Rights methinks, advises for such circumstances--

something about altering and abolishing a government that becomes destructive of it's desired ends,

i.e., the protection of the citizens' rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I ain't recommending anything,

I'm just saying that

I think

it's well within yours, mine, anyone's rights to forcibly remove, 'take out' (again, Trump talks about 'taking out' U.S. citizens all the time, so...) or just plain put a bullet into the heads of Trump, de Santis, or any one of these mass murderous fucks.

In fact,

I think

it might actually be our duty to do such,

not sure on that part.

Does this help?
As if any more confirmation was needed that Trump is simply a spoiled little kid, he's sulking so much that he's confirmed he won't be attending Biden's inauguration. If there was one last chance for the orange-skinned one to show the world that he can, on, well, one occasion at least, act Presidentially, he has seemingly chosen to forgo even that.
Maybe he thinks that if he doesn't go to it then it won't have happened?
Or more likely, perhaps, he sees it as his one last chance to create a headline for himself and to get his name into the history book - as only the fourth president (all others were 19th Century) who didn't attend their successor's inauguration.

"Waah! Waah! They're taking my game away from me! They're not letting me play the Ruler any more! Waah! Waah!"
What a way to end his term! :rolleyes:
As if any more confirmation was needed that Trump is simply a spoiled little kid, he's sulking so much that he's confirmed he won't be attending Biden's inauguration. If there was one last chance for the orange-skinned one to show the world that he can, on, well, one occasion at least, act Presidentially, he has seemingly chosen to forgo even that.
Maybe he thinks that if he doesn't go to it then it won't have happened?
Or more likely, perhaps, he sees it as his one last chance to create a headline for himself and to get his name into the history book - as only the fourth president (all others were 19th Century) who didn't attend their successor's inauguration.

"Waah! Waah! They're taking my game away from me! They're not letting me play the Ruler any more! Waah! Waah!"
What a way to end his term! :rolleyes:
There is a real possibility that Trump may hold an alternative inauguration. I sincerely hope that this will not happen but Trumps mental condition may oblige him to do so...
btw news here says he has been permanently banned from Twitter
There is a real possibility that Trump may hold an alternative inauguration. I sincerely hope that this will not happen but Trumps mental condition may oblige him to do so...
btw news here says he has been permanently banned from Twitter
more like he is trying to instigate a second assault on the capitol
Feel free to name those who use the term "globalists" "anti-Semitic far-right conspiracy theorists" or whatever, I don't care and will continue to use it to name that part of Western elites who want to establish their world rule,
You have also named those same elites as victims of "the globalists" - and likewise every other faction and politician and agency in US governance or economy from climate change researchers to the Secret Service.

Your globalists, like your deep State in the US, are whoever you need them to be to account for the alignment of Trump's behavior with the predictions of his worst enemies. The trouble is that by now the intersection of all the complementary sets is empty - there isn't anyone left to not be a globalist, not be in the Deep State, etc.
And the side effect of this side effect is that censorship, once it exists and at least formally tries to mimic a rule of law, will extend.
In the US under rightwing authoritarian administrations and legislatures it has quite often extended (trick - spot it?) - as recently.

In the US it has often retreated - under pressure from liberals and so forth.

A completely laughable description of those I name globalists disposed of.

Whatever, congratulations to the Dems and the deep state. "Operation Capitol" was really master class. The Dems have now not only reached that Trump has given up, they can even try to impeach him. Moreover, they have now a serious pressure instrument against all those pro-Trump Reps yet remaining in power positions. "Behave nicely, else we will think about starting investigations against you too."

That means, the Dems have now a time window where they can do what they like. I doubt that after this the Reps have a chance to win federal elections during the next 20 years. "Democracy" in the US means now that the Dems rule.
The Trump presidency is almost over.
As is, (I hope) Trump bashing.
Who are you planning on bashing for the next 4 years?

If Jo starts another war, or crashes the economy
you might
just might
have another go at in in 4 years?

Meanwhile, for the next 2 years, the Democrats have the presidency and congress.
It will be interesting to see what they do with that.(if anything)
I doubt that after this the Reps have a chance to win federal elections during the next 20 years. "Democracy" in the US means now that the Dems rule.
and perhaps consider how your diatribe against them and encouraging the Reps whilst maintaining a strong anti USA position helped seal the deal...well done! The Dem's couldn't have done it any better...
Meanwhile, for the next 2 years, the Democrats have the presidency and congress.
It will be interesting to see what they do with that.(if anything)
What I have seen are a lot of plans to prevent any chance of a Rep victory. Once the Reps can no longer block the Senate, they are now free to implement at least some of this. This includes:

- Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states with places in the Senate.
- Splitting California and maybe some other Dem state into two smaller states to get more places in the Senate for them.
- Citizenship and voting rights for illegal immigrants and incarcerated people.
- More immigration.
- Elections of the president by majority of the people, no longer by states.
- Increasing the size of the Supreme Court so that by installing new judges Dems get the majority.

I doubt anything will be done to remove the horrible security problems of the elections.
while as amusing as it is for me to see another mod publicly call out james for his dishonesty, hypocrisy, and his self righteous bullshit. and is self righteous bullshit because here you are complaining about death threats when you sat on your ass and did nothing after a right wing gun nut threatened to shoot me if he ever saw me.

perhaps letting the children se mommy and daddy fight in a thread that quite frankly should be about the recent coup attempt in dc is not in the best interest of the forum. and yes i know im probably going to get a ban for calling out his royal highness king james but fuck it this place has lost a good deal of posters due to the mods insistence in protecting its most toxic members a direction that seems to come from james himself
What I have seen are a lot of plans to prevent any chance of a Rep victory. Once the Reps can no longer block the Senate, they are now free to implement at least some of this. This includes:

- Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states with places in the Senate.
- Splitting California and maybe some other Dem state into two smaller states to get more places in the Senate for them.
- Citizenship and voting rights for illegal immigrants and incarcerated people.
- More immigration.
- Elections of the president by majority of the people, no longer by states.
- Increasing the size of the Supreme Court so that by installing new judges Dems get the majority.

I doubt anything will be done to remove the horrible security problems of the elections.

None of which will happen.
What I have seen are a lot of plans to prevent any chance of a Rep victory.
There are plans to ensure more honest voter registration and vote counting.
Such improvements would indeed reduce the chances of a Rep victory in any national election.
I doubt anything will be done to remove the horrible security problems of the elections.
That you recognize the effect such integrity would have on Republican chances of "victory" would speak well of your diligence, if I were not already cued to your source and therefore your interpretation of "security" ( dependent on the one source as you are, you likely aren't even aware of the horrible security problems that actually exist).
"Democracy" in the US means now that the Dems rule
That's one of the problems with a fascist takeover of one's political Party - even with dominant corporate authoritarian influence on the media it is difficult to overcome the effect of continual disaster on the voters' impressions. When that is combined with losing the comparative "civilization" image wars (Dems protesting:
Reps protesting: )
(The Reps have lost the popular vote in 7 of the past 8 national elections, and seem to have cheated on the 1 (2004). )

That doesn't mean "the Dems" rule, of course (which ones?). It just means the Reps cannot win a majority of the popular vote in an honestly run and counted national election. White male racial bigotry is outnumbered.
The solution might be a new Party - "the Dems" establishment may have taken over the moderate authoritarian corporate right, but there is a huge bloc of voters to the left and libertarian side of "the Dems" just sitting there for the taking.
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and perhaps consider how your diatribe against them and encouraging the Reps whilst maintaining a strong anti USA position helped seal the deal...well done! The Dem's couldn't have done it any better...
LOL, I doubt that I have some relevant influence. Anyway, I can influence only those who care about arguments, about the content. And those are such a small minority today that it does not matter at all what they think.

The Western propaganda no longer cares if their lies are at least a little bit plausible. They are certain enough that the sheeple will accept everything they tell them. I thought some years ago that those lies will lead the majority to stop believing the mass media and looking for better information in the net. That was wrong - the majority simply accepts even the most stupid lies.

In the same way I "supported" Trump I will now "support" the Dems. My favorite is AOC. Her New Green Deal will finish the US, that's why I have to support her. Ok, I'm not a socialist at all, I'm libertarian, but this has not prevented you and others here to identify me as a Rep supporter or so. No, I couldn't care less about the fate of the Reps, and if the Dems will now secure their rule in the new one-party democracy forever, I will very much support this. AOC forever, at least for 40 years.

Seriously, they have no other chance. They have to prevent the Reps from taking power again. Two-party democracy works only if the two parties really cooperate. But there is no longer any cooperation.

I see that iceaura has already, as one could predict, named the measures "ensure more honest voter registration and vote counting". :D
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while as amusing as it is for me to see another mod publicly call out james for his dishonesty, hypocrisy, and his self righteous bullshit. and is self righteous bullshit because here you are complaining about death threats when you sat on your ass and did nothing after a right wing gun nut threatened to shoot me if he ever saw me.

perhaps letting the children se mommy and daddy fight in a thread that quite frankly should be about the recent coup attempt in dc is not in the best interest of the forum. and yes i know im probably going to get a ban for calling out his royal highness king james but fuck it this place has lost a good deal of posters due to the mods insistence in protecting its most toxic members a direction that seems to come from james himself

One would think that after so many years and so many posters calling him out for his dishonesty and hypocrisy, he might pause to reflect upon why that is. But apparently not. And the number of posters who've left over the years is staggering. Sure, some of it is just natural attrition, but I also know a fair number--whom I liked very much--who left specifically due to his, heh, "moderation." I think I'm ready to follow their lead.
LOL, I doubt that I have some relevant influence. Anyway, I can influence only those who care about arguments, about the content. And those are such a small minority today that it does not matter at all what they think.

The Western propaganda no longer cares if their lies are at least a little bit plausible. They are certain enough that the sheeple will accept everything they tell them. I thought some years ago that those lies will lead the majority to stop believing the mass media and looking for better information in the net. That was wrong - the majority simply accepts even the most stupid lies.

In the same way I "supported" Trump I will now "support" the Dems. My favorite is AOC. Her New Green Deal will finish the US, that's why I have to support her. Ok, I'm not a socialist at all, I'm libertarian, but this has not prevented you and others here to identify me as a Rep supporter or so. No, I couldn't care less about the fate of the Reps, and if the Dems will now secure their rule in the new one-party democracy forever, I will very much support this. AOC forever, at least for 40 years.

Seriously, they have no other chance. They have to prevent the Reps from taking power again. Two-party democracy works only if the two parties really cooperate. But there is no longer any cooperation.

I see that iceaura has already, as one could predict, named the measures "ensure more honest voter registration and vote counting". :D

Two Party Democracy is not a Democracy at all . Its an Oligarchy ; government by the few .

Quite Honestly Democracy Needs at least , 3 to 5 , ( 5 preferebly ) official parties . Which hopefully leads to less corruption in Government . Trust matters .
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he uses libertarian as in the us venacular as opposed to normal peoples

libertarian(noun) ·libertarians(plural noun)
  1. an adherent of libertarianism.
    "libertarian philosophy"
  2. a person who believes in the doctrine of free will.
    tolerant·unprejudiced·unbigoted·broad-minded·open-minded·enlightened·forbearing·permissive·free·free and easy·easygoing·laissez-faire·latitudinarian·unbiased·impartial·nonpartisan·indulgent·lenient·lax·soft
Did you have something else in mind?

(The last time we saw old Lukey, he was a runnin down the road a rippen his cloths off and shouting "I'M FREE I'M FREE"}
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