The Ultimate Deception: Journey Into Light or Darkness?

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Micah, Jan 13, 2000.

  1. Micah Registered Senior Member

    Why do you claim to know Jesus? Your fill up pages worth of useless doctrine that supposedly is in defense of Him, your heart is far away from the teachings and the love of christ.. you persecute the heart of those who really know and love him, you persecute those who have a heart to serve him..And you make a hypocracy of what Jesus came to do for this world.. May you come to truly know the life changing power of Christ, and the power of controlling your tongue...
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  3. Oxygen One Hissy Kitty Registered Senior Member

    Lori-If it's all a lie, you're sure taking it pretty seriously. You should know from your own faith's legends and myths that lies eventually crumble. Why does this one hit you so hard?

    I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
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  5. Lori Registered Senior Member


    Listen, I do appreciate your perspective quite a bit, as I know that I am the most untactful person that I know. And for offending any of you I am truly sorry. I could go on and on about how my lack of diplomacy and humility have caused me problems in my life and in my effort to serve God. And as a matter of fact, I plan to. To speak in the first person more often. I can say though, that I have shared a lot of personal pain with all of you in the past. Pain that I've learned from in all honestly to try to witness to the Lord. An eloquent evangelist I do not claim to be, ever, as I have only unfortunately claimed to have problems with this area of me, over and over again. Does anyone else out there ever do anything that is not right? Things that you know always end up hurting you, but they always seem to creep up on you and overcome you anyway? It's a weakness; a temptation to sin. As far as I'm aware, we all have our demons that we struggle with. I at least am honest about my own. I pray every night for help. Do you? Every night. Every day, every second, and when I don't, you see what happens. I know that I am far from the Lord in general, sometimes farther than others. As we all are. Are you aware of that yourself, Micah? I do hope so. Are you aware of that Flash? No, not at all. At least I admit it, and if you think that my admission is some excuse not to try, it is not. It is the first step in the opposite direction; to try to be honest and do better. I do not claim to be the judge of your relationship with Jesus and how well you are doing in serving the Lord. I realize, I guess from the "useless doctrine", that I am in no place to do that. I would appreciate if you would give me the same consideration. As the fact that you may not be, isn't a good way to witness to the Lord. Just like my anger and resentment is not. I'm going to try to explain this situation to you as tactfully as I can, and as you have done a good job pointing out, my feelings of anger are not right, but this is where they come from.

    You, and others, may not believe in the alien abduction phenomenon I understand. But I do. There are MANY reasons why I do think that SOMETHING is happening to most of the people who claim to have something happening. Of those reasons there is testimony, sightings, government conspiracy theories, Biblical prophecy and history, other secular prophecy and history, the present state of this world, and Flash. The whole reason that I ever visited this site, was way way before the format change, when this was a UFO/alien/science combined message board, was because from what I understood after a lot of research that I had done, was that the abduction phenomenon was not physical but spiritual in nature. And from what I could tell it was the spirit of the antichrist, which Micah, is documented in the Bible. The reason that I knew this is from examining the fruit of the abduction experience, which is extremely typically, a rejection of Jesus Christ as one's personal saviour. If you ever find any evidence of the contrary, I would appreciate you bringing it to my attention. I on the other hand, have found an absolute mountain of evidence to support my view. But that is the least of the evidence to me. Does the Holy Spirit influence you Micah? Does it urge you to speak a message? I know that it does TS, as she has confessed to us. Well, it influences me as well, to preach this message of deception. Do I preach it well? No, Jesus help me I do not at times, apparently most times. And I sincerely apologize and I pray for guidance all the time. This is not easy to talk about. But I came out here to talk about it anyway. The reception that I and my message received was far from warm and fuzzy to put it mildly. One of the first, if not the first people to respond to me was Flash. She was telling me how insane I was, and that aliens were JUST aliens, not spiritual beings. They were just like our version of ET. There were good ones and bad ones, but they were not spiritual beings. I told her right then and there exactly what would happen to an alien abductee eventually if they did not seek refuge from the Lord. I also have spoken of the CE4 abduction research group who investigates and promotes abductions that have been ceased in the name of Jesus Christ. It's no coincedence, and it's no lie. I told her that eventually it would lead to a spiritual manifestation and that it would promote an anti-christian message. Though most notably this message is usually extremely watered down to read something new age-ish like this..."Jesus was a teacher just like all the other teachers in the world. He's no better, no worse. He was guided by us, our ascended masters or whatever, but his message has been misinterpreted." They speak of Christ not being Jesus our Saviour, but of being a "consciousness" that is within us. The only thing that could come close to describing is the Holy Spirit, which they reject the notion of. They internalize the spirit, making it of themselves, not of God. It is the religion of man. The only reason that it ever escalated to the Jesus-bashing that she has chosen to come out here and relay to you all from her spirit, is because I pushed it to that level through our conversations, and my incessant pleading for her to reject them. I'm not going to go into detail, but just suffice it to say that over a long period of time now, as I have been trying to urge her to turn to Jesus for help, she has shared things with me that have scared me to death. Not for my sake, but for her own, and for the world. Many, many terrible frightening things that I have chosen not to share out of my respect for her wishes, but I have whole-heartedly offerred my prayers and any assistance that I could possibly provide to get her away from these terrible deceptive beings. All the while her telling me I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I don't understand, when it is plain as day. All of these terrible things have come to prove as manifestations of my original plea and warning against, and I have had to sit here and witness it everyday while trying desparately to reach her. Every single day for over a year. Every single day, on and on. Watching and witnessing that no matter how hard I try, how much I explain, no matter what I say, she grows farther and farther away from Jesus and into their arms of deceipt. She is a victim. And as much as it may seem to be the opposite right now, I love her very much, and I want more than anything for her to be safe, and to know how much Jesus loves her. I would give up my life right now if it would bring the salvation of her soul. I cry for her. I don't do a very good job with sorrow and frustration and I am truly sorry for that.

    I think that it's evident from Flash's posts that my original message on this board was true. I've witnessed the change on a daily basis, culmonating in the message that you see in her posts. It's also just as much evident that my warnings and pleas have been futile to this point. But I hope and I pray to Jesus with all that is in me that one day she will know that Jesus loves her, and how much I do, and that He will be there for her until the very end. And so will I. I have to go. Again, I am very sorry.
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  7. Micah Registered Senior Member

    Sister in Christ,
    We dont battle against each other, or against others that dont know Christ..we battle against the unseen forces (our enemy) that cause us to react, I too know very well how the enemy can creep in and cause dissension and cause kaos to occur. If our mission is to speak for Christ, then we must listen to the Holy Spirit, we must be slow to speak and slow to anger, this is a hard one to learn, an no friend, none of us are perfect nor will we ever be, it is our loving friend the Holy Spririt who reveals himself to the deepest part of our souls and gives us understanding, it is a desire to know God and His transforming power that begins small and keeps growing that ever changes us daily, that teaches us to listen, and to hear his voice.. Sister it is not our will, it is his, his voice, his heart, his spirit that changes, not ours.. Our life is a lesson, we are only flesh, but through Christ we learn day by day how to conquer the flesh, I learn from you you learn from me. We learn from falling down and getting back up and going to the Word of God for guidance, for strength. It is his Word that came down and became flesh and dwelt amoung us, thats where to begin, each day. It is His Word that is sharper than any two edged sword and penetrates even the hardest heart. Yes we who love Christ want to see souls free, we want for each soul to understand how much Christ loves, how much is available to each person, but even Christ gave us all a choice. Our Father knows who is his and who is not, even before the beginning of time.. Our job is just to get out of the way, to seek him and have a heart for him. God, just keep me humble.. allow us to pick each other up in love and to carry each others burdens..allow us to come together for one purpose, to glorify the king. Thank you for your honesty, you have taught me a lesson today.
    LOL In Christ
  8. truestory Registered Senior Member

    Walking "with" Jesus Christ gives us the ability to separate the sin from the sinner, the wrong-doing from the child of God.

    We are all sinners. However, making a conscious and successful effort to walk "with" Jesus Christ gives us the ability to avoid even the temptation to sin.

    None of us are perfect. There are times when we allow ourselves to get out of step with Jesus Christ. We either walk too fast or too slow. We simply need to either slow down and let Christ catch up to where we have arrived in our hurry or simply ask Him to wait for us, so that we can once again walk "with" Him.

    Sometimes we cannot see it because we have parted from Him temporarily, however, where ever Jesus Christ is, His love for us all is always at work.

    Your justice I kept not hid within my heart; your faithfulness and your salvation I have spoken of; I have made no secret of your kindness and your truth in the vast assembly. (Psalm 40:11)
  9. Lori Registered Senior Member

    Micah, TS,

    Who ever you are, I admire you. I appreciate your words and your sentiments towards me and towards others more than I could ever possibly express, especially since expression is obviously not my strong-point. I have relatively recently pulled myself out of a quagmire of pain and confusion and ambivalence by the salvation through Jesus Christ. And as you are well aware, it is difficult to finally admit that you are a sinner, but it is just as difficult to realize it in day to day life, and make changes so that you can walk that walk. I am in the process of making those changes right now. Mine are big major changes right now, and I know that it will be a life-long journey, and I know that with His help, and only His help, it will get easier. But for right now, I've got all of this baggage that I'm trying to sort out. Everyday I wake up and discover something new that is hideous about me. Don't get me wrong, it is all so worth it to me, and my faith has certainly never been stronger. It's the meaning of life, I'm just saying that life is not easy. Right now I'm the kind of person who can't get through the evening news without breaking down in tears. Who am I kidding, I can't get through a Folger's coffee commercial without breaking down in tears. Often I wonder if the majority of people out here on this board are watching the same evening news as I am. Looking out their window onto the same world as I am. I'm a strong person, I'm just being challenged to the hilt right now, and I will make it through, thanks to Jesus. I should get used to it, as we are told that as time progresses within this era, that the conditions within which we live as Christians will certainly not get any better. But I have so much hope and faith that WE can get better through our relationship with Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I need to pray more, and more, and more because it works. It's the only thing that does. So I guess that I'm kind of passing the torch for a while. I need to regroup. Please pray for me but most of all for Flash and for the world. For mercy on all of us, for truly we know not what we do.

    "Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

    I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
  10. truestory Registered Senior Member


    Just a couple of things...

    Of course my prayers are with both you and Flash... May the peace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you both!

    Where the evening news (or most news for that matter) is concerned, please keep in mind that it usually thrives on showing the results of the anti-Christ spirit. I find that focusing on the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps...

    As far as the torch goes, rather than passing it, how about we carry it together?

    Your justice I kept not hid within my heart; your faithfulness and your salvation I have spoken of; I have made no secret of your kindness and your truth in the vast assembly. (Psalm 40:11)
  11. Flash Registered Senior Member

    Wow... you are a real big person aren't you????????? The purpose of doing this was what???????????????????? Not to mention the things you posted are not total take information and fit it into
    your own F'N messed up delusional mind...not to mention all the bloody pot you continue to smoke I'm sure helps in your thought process. Yes, some of those things were said..but not in the light YOU have made it out to be!!!!!
    You take pleasure in putting others down to make you look good????? Why???? Why???? Why do you have to do this????? You are always
    blowing your own damned horn...telling others how great of a person you are. Just because your life is soooooo messed up doesn't mean you have to DOG me or any other person here to make you feel better. I pity you, Lori. What does a friend mean to you??? HUH???? Do you even have any idea?? Like I have not been here for you??????? EVERY you put it??????????? Yet, I ..up until now..have not tried to make you look like a messed up psycho. Not only did you come out on this forum and say F you for letting these people think this about e-mailed me and said the same what do I do???? I go to your rescue to try to clear your name up. After all- that is what the MOST important thing is...YOU. How others view's all about image isn't Lori? Of course I am sure this was allllllllll done in love..wasn't it???? All done for the sake of Jesus??? Wow..keep it up..I think you are getting through...this makes me want to jump on your christian band wagon for sure!! The funny thing is you told my roommates that you were NOT a christian!!! So if you are not a christian...just what the F are you??????? Some angry blabing BITC*!?!?!?!
    I can't believe you can say all that crap about me..then turn around and try to convince these people that you did it all in love!!!!!!!! I wonder...if this was done to them ...just how the heck would they feel? I will NEVER EVER trust you again. You aren't worthy of it. Damned f'n straight...gee...I didn't realize I was such a f'n burden to you....but, you need not worry about that...I will not darken your bloody e-mail rest easy.
    You did all this to try to hurt me...not to help me..and there is no way on earth you will ever convince me otherwise. I trusted you..but as the saying goes...fool me once..shame on you...fool me twice shame on me. I will NOT be fooled again!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don't come crying to me either when your true colors will show once again out here on this forum..and how others have misread your intentions ..blah blah blah... I will not defend your ass again! Why should I ??????????
    The main thing was to get YOUR point across..wasn't it?????? Convince others that
    I'm nothing but full of the bs..which you reek of!!! Let me tell you... if this is can keep it!!!! So go find out all this other alien info somewhere else...cause I will not be the one to offer it to you...and you can take that to the grave... I hope all this was really worth it, Lori... I really do... when things have died down..and you are all alone and actually think about what you have done..and how you lost a TRUE that would have defended your ass to the very day... was it worth it????????? Of course..judging from all the crap I have witnessed you doing probably won't even affect you...
    don't worry though...I'm sure you can find another PROJECT here to take on to probe and find out information. Just when you do...TRY
    to have a little courtesy for the next person...or at LEAST warn them that you WILL eventually BLAB all the crap they TRUSTED you with... You should AT LEAST be up front about that. You sure did blow my ass out of the water.... I would have never guessed you would have done this..ever!! You are nothing but a two-faced back stabbing JERK!!
    Is this why your husband chose to spend his time looking at pornography ..instead of spending time with you?????????
    Yeah, I did...I did because I had wanted you to delete the post which you put up the other day about me!! Let me tell you something...YOUR spirit sure hasn't shown a hell of a lot of peace and love here has it????????
    Also, I HAVEN'T LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Do you think coming out here and spilling dirty laundry is the only way to tell truth????? Maybe you should look the word up and find out what the true definition of it is. The only thing I hadn't done was tell
    personal crap...which SHOULD of been my choice. You complain about how you hate your job so much...I have a suggestions that would fit you perfectly...... try the tabloids!!!!! You have a wonderful knack for
    getting information and spreading it like
    wild fire!!

    DILLIGAF???? ™

    [This message has been edited by Flash (edited January 15, 2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Flash (edited January 16, 2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Flash (edited January 16, 2000).]
  12. 666 Registered Senior Member


    Just in case you forgot all ready I have read the bible many times.

    No ware did I find anything that said people let them selves be genetically altered by Satan and his boys. Where oh where did you read that????????????

    Why don't you try not saying sorry any more and do somthing about your behavior? Even sence I have come to this board you have done this. Isn't it time to stop saying sorry and time to start changing? What a concept!

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    My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.

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    [This message has been edited by 666 (edited January 15, 2000).]
  13. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member


    Well, aren't you feeling magnanamous today?

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    For starters, some of us slam the door on Jehovah's Witnesses because we're sick of hearing their crap. A front door is not an invitation to a conversion.

    Secondly, by the Grace of God, you happen to hold some of the most restrictively bigoted views on this board.

    C'mon ... you're sounding like a wolf in lamb's clothing.


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    Take a side you say, it's black and gray. And all the hunters take the hunted merrily out to play. We are one, you say, but who are you? You're all too busy reaping in the things you never sown. And this beast must go on and on and on .... Nobody gives a damn. (Floater; "Beast")
  14. truestory Registered Senior Member


    I understand that some people are filled with an angry spirit and choose to slam their door in the face of a Jehova's Witness. I also understand that there are some people who have the ability to love others and to treat them with respect. They are the one's who, if they don't want to hear what these individuals have to say, will simply say "No thank you" and close the door calmly.

    Do you understand the difference yet?
  15. Searcher Registered Senior Member


    If you haven't done so before, perhaps you might want to consider seeing a psychiatrist about these mood swings of yours?


    I'm so sorry about what you've been through here on this board. Not all Christians are like Lori. There are a few who are trustworthy when it comes to keeping a confidence, and I've actually known a couple (okay, so there's really only one who comes to mind right now). But to be on the safe side, I learned about 10 years ago to never tell a Christian anything I didn't want repeated. There are just too many of them who feel it is their Christian duty to "confess" the "sins" of their friends and even family members, as Lori has done for you on this board. Not only that, but most of them are very quick to judge you based on those shared confidences, which also automatically ends the friendship.

    I'm sorry if this sounds like "bigotry" to the Christians on this board, but like Flash, I've learned my lessons about Christian "friends" the hard way. Micah, I sense that you might be different in this respect, but due to painful past experiences with Christians, I could never again trust another Christian with my deepest secrets - not even one who seems to exude trustworthiness, like yourself. Your Brothers and Sisters have let me down too many times for that to ever happen again.

  16. ISDAMan Thank You Jesus! Registered Senior Member


    Thank you for your good imput. I am truly sorry.

    Because He lives I cand face another day,
  17. Lori Registered Senior Member


    I understand how you feel, and I reserve the right you have to tell me off, that's fine. But if you were honest, which of course is a mute point, you would have to admit that you are just as much at fault as I.

    The purpose for doing this was to argue with you regarding the message of your spirit of crap vs the message in the Bible. I gather that you don't see it that way. What did I say that wasn't true? Specifically. The pot that I smoke I would imagine does not help my thought process, but then again, it doesn't take a psychologist or a brain surgeon to figure you out. And what light was it in that some of those things were said? Am I exagerating the things that you told me, or am I actually down-playing them, and just touching the surface of the gory details? I perceive that the latter is actually true. It is very apparent that you and I have a huge difference in perception. I gather and have for quite some time, that you and I can examine the exact same set of circumstances and see two totally different things. This is true of all people. We all see things a little differently, some alot differently, it's all relative I guess. Apparently a lot of the things that you've told me that I've found to be profoundly disturbing, you think are ok, I don't know. It didn't sound like you did when you were telling me until the point where I would say, "Well, why don't you do something about it." Then everything became ok. You're answer to everything seems to be "Maybe if I ignore it hard enough, and numb myself to it, that it'll all be ok." I've told you that I feel that you're martyristic. Well, I guess that is a good thing, in the end. But it's unnecessary. It's hard for me to watch. I think that the most scared that I've ever been is when you e-mailed me with a prayer request of all things. To pray for your protection. And that was only a few weeks ago. Who did you think that I was going to pray to? Is that really what it has to come down to? Your physical demise? That's a martyr all right. It's just very hard to witness.

    You know what went wrong? I mean all this time we've been friends and talking about things with the utmost of intentions, and you may not think so, but I know so. It was all fine and I handled it until you came out here and starting arguing with me based upon what the spirit of crap had told you. Flash, you very selectively leave out a lot of stuff, and I know why you do, but it's dangerous, and it left me with no choice I think. I'm trying to sort this out but, you don't just come out here and talk about spiritual lessons you've learned from them. You come out here and slam Jesus and attack the Bible and attack THE SOURCE of my beliefs. It seems paradoxically for me that everything that is GOOD about your source is fair play, but anything that is BAD about your source is "personal". In my mind, that is arbitrary, and equates to something like my husband saying that him downstairs spanking off to porno on the internet, while I'm laying in bed crying because I'm lonely is his "personal" business, and I just shouldn't concern myself with it. That is arbitrary, and as I see, very convenient.

    If I take pleasure in putting others down, ever, which I can't say that is not possible...I really try not to do that, but I can't say that it never happens...If it ever does slip into my intent, then it never gives me any pleasure, and I can safely say that it does not, in any way shape or form, make me look good. And I can also say that was never my intent towards you. I'm not saying that I didn't hurt you, I'm saying that I must have done something wrong because it's apparent that I did, but that wasn't my intention.

    I'm blowing my horn? How? That's not the impression that I get. I feel like I do a heck of a lot more confession out here than you do. If I blow my horn, then tell me what about? My messed up life? My bad choices? My failures, confusion, regret, and pain? Yea. Whatever?? I don't think you try to make me sound like a messed up psycho, I do that just fine myself. I also don't think that I made you sound like a messed up psycho, as I don't think that you are, and never said anything to that effect. You have problems, just like I have problems, just like everyone in the entire world has problems. Some we share, some we don't, some are little, some are big, but we're all basically the same. I admit that, you don't. I try to see why, and find answers, and make changes. I don't think that you do. And that's your choice.

    Listen, if it's all about image, then I'm certainly a failure in my eyes, and everyone else's too. I'm accutely familiar with my image alright. Are you? You know, when TS was praying at you I did come to your defense in a way you know? I don't think that you're a messed up or bad person. I think that you're a great person; that you're very nice, and smart, and there are a lot of great things about you.

    That's nice. When did I tell your roommates that I wasn't a Christian? Why would they care anyway? Don't they know that's why we ever started talking in the first place? Was to debate this stuff? Why did they think? Why should I care what they think about me anyway? They never asked, I don't know them, and it didn't seem to me that anyone was real interested in getting to know me, so what is your point exactly?

    You haven't been a burden to me. I can't say that all of this has been easy for me, but I've always valued our friendship very much. Talking to you has helped me to get through some difficult times, and I appreciate it I guess more than you realize, though I thought that I had told you. All I ever wanted to do was be a friend and help. I obviously messed that up. Let me ask you something though. Do you think that maybe it's been kind of unfair for you to ask me to deal with as many secrets as you have? Well, maybe it was fair, but it certainly hasn't been easy, and for reasons that you perpetuated not me, and I messed up, but I'm not taking all of the blame for it. All I've ever wanted you to do is to be honest with yourself and with others. I feel like I've been priviledged, though I wish to God I wasn't the only one, to be the only one that you have really been able to be honest with, and I've valued that, and I screwed it up.

    I have never tried to hurt you. I'm quite sure that there are plenty of people who have very successfully, but I'm not one of them. I may have been successful in hurting you, but it wasn't my intention to. It's never been my intention to hurt you, no matter what your spirit says, or how it may seem to you right now. I think that if you think back about what my intentions have really been, you know. Do you think that I only wanted to try to protect you from some things for my own ego's sake, or do you think that I've been genuinely concerned for your welfare? Honestly?

    I'm saying the very same thing back to you. Except that next time, try not to have so many secrets that you ask that person to hold, while all the while you're telling them about how much you suffer because of them. It's like you say "I'm in pain, I'm in trouble, I'm in danger, but don't you dare tell anyone, and don't you dare try to help me or do anything about it, I just want to continue to perpetuate the situation and then tell you all about how miserable and dangerous it is." That scenario rings true not only of your spiritual safety, but also your physical safety. I don't know, I obviously didn't handle it well, but I'm not sure if you put me in the position where I was likely to succeed. I'm not trying to blame you, but it would be nice if you could see my perspective a little here.

    Maybe, but even so, I would hope that you would feel bad about saying that. I don't think I would bring this conversation to that level if you really covet your secrets so much ok? Maybe your problem IS all of your secrets.

    Ok Mr. Clinton, technically you haven't lied about anything. I believe, rather I know, that there is a way to be deceptive while using selective pieces of truth which support your position, but leaving out those pieces of truth that do not support your position (hint...this is the exact same strategy that your spirit uses to deceive you and others). You say that all of the pieces of truth that do not support your position are "personal". I think that's really convenient for you, and not so convenient for me, when you are out here attacking the source of my beliefs, telling lies about Him, misrepresenting Him, and at the same time misrepresenting your source as something that it is not, and saying sorry Lori, you're not allowed to offer up any info to the contrary because I've deemed it all to be "personal". My suggestion to you is this....if you didn't want me to mention the fact that you've been copulating with demons and producing damned hybrid children, then don't come out here and hypocritically complain that Jesus kills babies just because He's a big meanie. That's my advice to you. Do you understand me? I'm sure that your spirit would very much like it if I would sit idley back and listen to you spew a bunch of fluffy lies out here for all of these innocent and possibly impressionable people to hear and believe, without offerring any info up to the contrary, but I think that you would have to admit, knowing what you know about me and my beliefs, that is putting me in an impossible situation. So all I can say is that if you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it. If you do want to talk about it, then be prepared to talk about ALL of it, not just the good parts.
  18. Flash Registered Senior Member

    It's not even worth my effort to try to defend myself against you...doing so only brings out more crap which you post about me.
    It's not fair..and it isn't right. So I'll tell you what... you can keep your exo site..and I will move onto another..for If I say anything at all which you disagree with..then all you will do is pull so called
    truths out of you ass about me... I want no part of that at all... I feel I have a right to say what I say without having to watch my
    back from being stabbed by you. So...I guess therefore you have won, Lori... for if you can't get me to can put me in the position of wanting to leave... talk about CONTROL!!!
    I'm sorry it had to come to this...I really am...
  19. Flash Registered Senior Member

    Thank you for your kind words. I guess we both learned our lesson the HARD way, huh?
    Be careful and watch your back my friend...
    Keep standing up for yourself..don't let them
    make you back down..and do not offer any information up which you don't want spit back in your face .....
  20. Searcher Registered Senior Member


    I'm sorry you feel you have to leave exosci, as I've truly enjoyed your input here. You may not have noticed, but lately I've been weaning myself from it as well. I have chosen my spiritual path and feel the time has come to move on. Good luck to you and everyone.

    Blessed Be

  21. Micah Registered Senior Member

    Trust is sacred; just as friendship.. The debate of can a Christian be a friend or not to one who isn't, or can a Christian be trusted is all a matter of character. One who walks in Christ learns the value of truth, of character, of what it means to be honest when no one is looking.. Yet it is a process, none of us will ever be spotless, none will ever be faultless... We all have been hurt by others, but the key is to forgive. As a follower of Christ, forgiving those who hurt us and allowing Christ to fill us w/ His peace brings freedom to our hearts. It is not easy, but you can choose to ask God to help you forgive. Christ will deal with those who have wronged us.. He will also bring others into our lives, other friends that will lift us up. Life teaches us many things about ourselvs, everyone we meet shows us something about our own imperfections.. There are many here who speak from their heart, with respect, and with love.. Listen to those voices......
  22. tablariddim forexU2 Valued Senior Member



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  23. tablariddim forexU2 Valued Senior Member

    Searcher, did I detect the gist that you intend to leave the fold as well as Flash?

    That would surely sadden me.

    Why don't you instead enlighten us with your chosen method, as you wean yourself off this site {I know it's hard to get rid of this monkey) to devote more time to it, after all aren't we all here to share and dare I say it care?

    I think we have only been scratching the surface here, there are soooo many spiritual paths and ideas that haven't even been mentioned yet, say you'll stay, oh go on!!

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