Really , so nothing was actually something in the first place
first place is the wrong word, because it implies a beginning, priority. There is actually no such thing as nothing in the absolute sense, because some things (like energy in its purest form) are not even creatible. or destroyable. therefore must have always existed, impossible that this concept seems to appear for us mortals. now,
to come to the present thread's connection,
whether the energy in the Dirac sea (one pre-BB concept) was in rotating particles is another question. Or.was there a rotating cycloid during the draining through the DFirac Hole?
And nothing had nothing to do with something being , existent in the first place . If you disagree , then explain how nothing can become something .
If that "nothing"
is only energy, or
energy only based, reverting into something, namely matter, is merely a
process, that even we have replicated, and also the reverse, then there is no problem. If we can do it, it could have happened, and of course did. there is no such thing as "nothing".
A river may have a source, a flow, the heat and potential energy that creates it, does not have a source, beginning. . it is eternal. You will observe many eddies at the river's bank, examples of cycloid motions with zero velocity where water contacts sediment. similarly
time is not a river but the "stationary" first dimension, the "bank" we bank on for our precarious existence. As the many rotators, from photons and quarks to galaxies move through time (the solid ground) there have to be zero velocity contacts like in a cycloid motion.
perhaps you can offer a bright clue.