The universal cycloid motion through time.

"stuff and space with many rotations, revolutions, having cycloid moments," river quote
yes, agreed, that was badly written should read: stuff in space , but what

if gravitational waves should turn out to be rotators, like light, or tsunamis? in their element? medium? gravity schocker turning space into a pretzel?, which then travels through spacetime at "c" ?
Pretzel = showing more than one rotation, or atleast one.
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"stuff and space with many rotations, revolutions, having cycloid moments," river quote
yes, agreed, that was badly written should read: stuff in space , but what

if gravitational waves should turn out to be rotators, like light, or tsunamis? in their element? medium? gravity schocker turning space into a pretzel?, which then travels through spacetime at "c" ?
Pretzel = showing more than one rotation, or atleast one.

Take more time to think about what you are suggesting . You can't turn space into any shape . Space has no physical qualities .
You can't turn space into any shape

read up on the warping/tensioning of spacetime, through the presence of mass, gravitational waves leaving permanent "dents. "

timespace is not only 3D xyz coordinate axis floating pristinely in nothingness.
are not gravitational fields really changed space shapes?
imagine an asymmetrical cycloid doing its number on the surrounding space fabric.
river said:
You can't turn space into any shape

read up on the warping/tensioning of spacetime, through the presence of mass, gravitational waves leaving permanent "dents. "

The pressence of the physical , mass . Without which none of these " dents " would occur .

timespace is not only 3D xyz coordinate axis floating pristinely in nothingness.
are not gravitational fields really changed space shapes?
imagine an asymmetrical cycloid doing its number on the surrounding space fabric.


Such nonsense .

How does space change shape , empty ?

The space , the volume of space , never changes . By no force nor field . Hence it has no shape in the first place . Space in and of its self has no shape . Space is about room . Room to exist . Without space or room , no thing could exist . Things , 3D things exist .
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The pressence of the physical , mass . Without which none of these " dents " would occur .


Such nonsense .

How does space change shape , empty ?

The space , the volume of space , never changes . By no force nor field . Hence it has no shape in the first place . Space in and of its self has no shape . Space is about room . Room to exist . Without space or room , no thing could exist . Things , 3D things exist .

When I was young, Albert Einstein lived in my hometown, spoke the same way. Your "room" , highlighted, was our "Raum" as in "Raumzeit" (spacetime.)
there must have been a timespace before our spacetime, containing no 3D objects,
but only uncreated energy, out of which matter was made , in the BB. Before that point in time, , It was purely wall to wall , eternal, energytime . As

it turns out, almost all matter is turning, churning, rotating, revolving. With all that rotation, think of all the cycloidal motions, with all their zero contact areas. Zero contact with the time dimension. The Ur room full of energy always.
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if gravitational waves should turn out to be rotators, like light, or tsunamis? in their element? medium? gravity schocker turning space into a pretzel?, which then travels through spacetime at "c" ?
Absurd? Silly? Pseudoscience? Shouldn't have taken nebel off of ignore?

Yes, to all these questions.

That move to a lower strata would not be unexpected, but questions are the stuff that progress is made of. For every rotation there is a cycloid somewhere, so be patient. shaff gets shafted sooner or later.
Even what is labelled pseudoscience ( like cancelled orbital and rotational velocities) could turn out to be factual after all.
When I was young, Albert Einstein lived in my hometown, spoke the same way. Your "room" , highlighted, was our "Raum" as in "Raumzeit" (spacetime.)
there must have been a timespace before our spacetime, containing no 3D objects,

but only uncreated energy, out of which matter was made , in the BB. Before that point in time, , It was purely wall to wall , eternal, energytime . As

it turns out, almost all matter is turning, churning, rotating, revolving. With all that rotation, think of all the cycloidal motions, with all their zero contact areas. Zero contact with the time dimension. The Ur room full of energy always.


What he didn't ask himself , was why the room in the first place ? What is the essence of the room its self ?
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What he didn't ask himself , was why the room in the first place ? What is the essence of the room its self ?

It would be presumptuous for us to assume that Albert Einstein did not ask these questions a priori, and that all his answers did not included a concept he entertained of "Raum", at different stages of his developments. There was the "All" , "Weltall", Weltraum" , and not to forget, he always tried to deal with " Der Alte", the ancient one, who had set up these puzzling conditions, based on Laws, Math, Physics for us.
His "Wirklichkeit " reality he worked on all his life, clearly included a pre - Big Bang space and time that was key to our present existence. Energy based existence, because of non creatable energy, eternal energy.
Rotation is one of the most efficient of energy storage and a friction free contact with a first dimension, at a cusp of a cycloid with zero contact velocity difference is the subject of this thread.
perhaps for great minds like the late A.E., too simple to matter.
It would be presumptuous for us to assume that Albert Einstein did not ask these questions a priori, and that all his answers did not included a concept he entertained of "Raum", at different stages of his developments. There was the "All" , "Weltall", Weltraum" , and not to forget, he always tried to deal with " Der Alte", the ancient one, who had set up these puzzling conditions, based on Laws, Math, Physics for us.
His "Wirklichkeit " reality he worked on all his life, clearly included a pre - Big Bang space and time that was key to our present existence. Energy based existence, because of non creatable energy, eternal energy.
Rotation is one of the most efficient of energy storage and a friction free contact with a first dimension, at a cusp of a cycloid with zero contact velocity difference is the subject of this thread.
perhaps for great minds like the late A.E., too simple to matter.


Its going to be awhile for alot of thinkers to get out of this mathematical mindset thinking Upon this Universe .

For mathematics invents this nothing into something non-sense . Nothing has to create a physical thing , which mathematics left to its self can not do . So nothing is invented to produce something . Which is wrong of course . Nothing can never produce any thing , for infinity .

Physical produces the physical . For infinity .
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Which is wrong of course . Nothing can never produce any thing , for infinity .
Physical produces the physical . For infinity .

Your retort does not address the points being made: the proposition of the OP.
It is pre-Big Beginning energy ( a kind of no-thing), that was used to produce the material, physical in 3D spacetime we live in, in our energy based world.
Some of the primordial energy is stored in the rotation of all
entities, from quarks, lightwaves to galaxy clusters.

As rotators, at some point they must have a zero velocity, cycloid cusp contact with time, as the first dimension, that we all move on/ through, - into the future.

Whether the universe will be be physical, as you assert, or just energy again @ infinite time, -- remains to be seen.
Your retort does not address the points being made: the proposition of the OP.
It is pre-Big Beginning energy ( a kind of no-thing), that was used to produce the material, physical in 3D spacetime we live in, in our energy based world.
Some of the primordial energy is stored in the rotation of all
entities, from quarks, lightwaves to galaxy clusters.

As rotators, at some point they must have a zero velocity, cycloid cusp contact with time, as the first dimension, that we all move on/ through, - into the future.

Whether the universe will be be physical, as you assert, or just energy again @ infinite time, -- remains to be seen.


Really , so nothing was actually something in the first place . And nothing had nothing to do with something being , existent in the first place . If you disagree , then explain how nothing can become something .
Really , so nothing was actually something in the first place

well, first place is the wrong word, because it implies a beginning, priority. There is actually no such thing as nothing in the absolute sense, because some things (like energy in its purest form) are not even creatible. or destroyable. therefore must have always existed, impossible that this concept seems to appear for us mortals. now,
to come to the present thread's connection,
whether the energy in the Dirac sea (one pre-BB concept) was in rotating particles is another question. Or.was there a rotating cycloid during the draining through the DFirac Hole?

And nothing had nothing to do with something being , existent in the first place . If you disagree , then explain how nothing can become something .

If that "nothing" is only energy, or energy only based, reverting into something, namely matter, is merely a process, that even we have replicated, and also the reverse, then there is no problem. If we can do it, it could have happened, and of course did. there is no such thing as "nothing".

A river may have a source, a flow, the heat and potential energy that creates it, does not have a source, beginning. . it is eternal. You will observe many eddies at the river's bank, examples of cycloid motions with zero velocity where water contacts sediment. similarly
time is not a river but the "stationary" first dimension, the "bank" we bank on for our precarious existence. As the many rotators, from photons and quarks to galaxies move through time (the solid ground) there have to be zero velocity contacts like in a cycloid motion.
perhaps you can offer a bright clue.

And nothing had nothing to do with something being , existent in the first place . If you disagree , then explain how nothing can become something .

If that "nothing" is only energy, or energy only based, reverting into something, namely matter, is merely a process, that even we have replicated, and also the reverse, then there is no problem. If we can do it, it could have happened, and of course did. there is no such thing as "nothing".

Nothing to me means absence of 3D dimensional physical properties . Breadth , Depth nor length . Nor space .

Nothing has no energy . Refer to my above statement .
Nothing to me means absence of 3D dimensional physical properties . Breadth , Depth nor length . Nor space .
Nothing has no energy

We do have energy, and it can not be created, so always existed. therefore "nothing", an urspace or urtime without energy never existed. nothing never existed.
Nothing in its purest form exists only in your imagination.
before we were, there was timespace and energytime, but no absolutely nothing. Now,
whether there was or is rotational energy, there are rotating entities and waves with their cycloid motions, zero velocity contact with time, is another, this thread's theme and question. just concentrate on that. that would be something.
We do have energy, and it can not be created, so always existed. therefore "nothing", an urspace or urtime without energy never existed. nothing never existed.
Nothing in its purest form exists only in your imagination.

before we were, there was timespace and energytime, but no absolutely nothing. Now,
whether there was or is rotational energy, there are rotating entities and waves with their cycloid motions, zero velocity contact with time, is another, this thread's theme and question. just concentrate on that. that would be something.

Highlighted agreed , except for the last highlighted statement , nothing exists in the mathematical imagination . Not in imagination of the physical understanding of our Universe .


How would you contact time in the first place ?
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nothing exists in the mathematical imagination

once you have to accept, that with uncreated energy, in whatever form, there never has been, or will be, or is now, such a thing, or condition as N O T H I N G, even possibilities, potentials and of course the embodiments of math concepts are real, exist in time. are really something, (to marvel at).

How would you contact time in the first place ?

Orbiting on my 92 trip around the sun, I feel both moving through time and also in direct cycloid cusp - like sticky , in the fleeting moment of time.
Contact with time is easy, always has happened, because the first dimension is all pervasive, I hold onto it as precious, the present is a present after all.
I hold onto it as precious, the present is a present after all.

Is 1 second ago (the past) the present? Nope.
Is .5 seconds ago (the past) the present? Nope.
Is .00000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds ago (the past) the present? Nope.

Is 1 second from now (the future) the present? Nope.
Is .5 seconds from now (the future) the present? Nope
Is .00000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds from now (the future) the present? Nope.

So just what is the "present", a point in time with no duration that we call "now?"

Or is "the present" a user defined term? Is the present the present day (which has yet to be completed)? The present year (which has yet to be completed)? The present century(which has yet to be completed) ?
So just what is the "present", a point in time with no duration that we call "now?"

Or is "the present" a user defined term? Is the present the present day (which has yet to be completed)? The present year (which has yet to be completed)? The present century(which has yet to be completed) ?

A user defined term for the present moment? yes, because we experience duration; because our perception of events takes time in our nervous system to process, and lingers. lucky us.
Galaxies have no such luck, But they and objects in it, (even in ellipticals or star clusters) have rotation.
In the rotation of a cycloid, its zero velocity cusp contact point will you find the time /moment analogy. the question of this thread. Our moments in time have zero contact duration in time, but often leaving an impression. Yet there is unrelenting forward movement, of the total. the universe , so, consider the possibility,
that in a not yet defined way, our movement through time, into the future, from our quarks, photons to galaxies, in rotation, resembles a cycloid with respect to time, the first dimension.
So just what is the "present", a point in time with no duration that we call "now?"

compare it to a wheel in motion, at the moment of contact, the rubber, when it hits the road, is both in zero contact with the asphalt, yest rotates at the vehicle's speed. ,
The oldest road in existence is eternal time, coexisting with uncreatable/ uncreated energy, itself stationary, but bearing traffic of all kinds, at all speeds, all having their zero contact during their rotations.