This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics, claims physicist

That's not fair, the "so worm holes must exist" conclusion I have not seen from paddoboy. If he has made such a claim, link please.
:) the god like others, has an agenda, and sees my general defence of mainstream cosmology as sacrilege as it continues to dispose of his god of the gaps argument. He is also somewhat miffed that I have played a part in most of his weird denials of 21st century cosmology being confined to the waste bin and the fringes in general.....Although that alone does not explain his continued ignorance as shown in his many posts.
No, I have not said worm holes do exist.
Of course, to cry "No scientist worth his salt has categorically denied existence of Worm Holes" is quite meaningless, given that the variant "No scientist worth his salt has categorically claimed existence of Worm Holes" has not been rejected too. So, it makes sense to ask what would be the point of this claim, if it is not to suggest that wormholes exist. But this is another question.
Wow! and you were going OK there for a while. :)
The point of the claim is that we cannot be at this stage, 100% sure either way.
So let me rephrase my little sentence.
No physicist will ever say categorically, that worm holes do or do not exist.
But that has been obvious since the OP and paper.
The God and Schmelzer:

Paddoboy's argument

No scientits worth his salt has categorically denied existence of Worm Holes, so worm holes must exist.

Can anyone tell which fallacy is this? I am not able to name it.

That's not fair, the "so worm holes must exist" conclusion I have not seen from paddoboy. If he has made such a claim, link please.

Of course, to cry "No scientist worth his salt has categorically denied existence of Worm Holes" is quite meaningless, given that the variant "No scientist worth his salt has categorically claimed existence of Worm Holes" has not been rejected too. So, it makes sense to ask what would be the point of this claim, if it is not to suggest that wormholes exist. But this is another question.

I have already observed that paddoboy's mantra is a non-sequitur irrelevance introducing a religious and or philosophical demand which science method does not make on physicists. Physicists are constrained to defer to the discovered science, not their own personal religious and or philosophical opinion as to what is possible or not in physical reality. That is why science method was invented, to remove the researchers' personal religious and or philosophical considerations. So The God is correct to extend paddoboy's mantra to reflect the implied conclusion which such religious and or philosophical mantra must offer if it is to be properly complete opinion/conclusion from its premise; ie: No categorical denial of a particular thing's existence is possible to make AND/OR obversely (by consistent logical extension), ALSO that NO categorical denial of a thing's NON-existence is possible to make (unless one consults the science). And any physicist who does consult the science in this matter must agree that such things are already categorically (I listed them earlier) ruled out as physical realities by the science itself, irrespective of paddoboy's introduced religious and or philosophical distraction which he tries to foist onto perfectly innocent objective physicists whom he obviously treats as religionists and or philosophers instead of scientists, else he wouldn't ask them to categorically deny anything without first consulting and then deferring to the relevant science on the matter. This subtle but important logical and scientific point apparently remains beyond paddoby's grasp. He is wasting his time and yours with irrelevant distraction instead of addressing and admitting the science already pointed out for him. Better to talk to a blank wall than try to make paddoboy see his own manifold errors in science and logic. Thanks anyway for your efforts though. Best.
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I have already observed that paddoboy's mantra is a non-sequitur irrelevance introducing a religious and or philosophical demand which science method does not make on physicists. Physicists are constrained to defer to the discovered science, not their own personal religious and or philosophical opinion as to what is possible or not in physical reality. That is why science method was invented, to remove the researchers' personal religious and or philosophical considerations. So The God is correct to extend paddoboy's mantra to reflect the implied conclusion which such religious and or philosophical mantra must offer if it is to be properly complete opinion/conclusion from its premise; ie: No categorical denial of a particular thing's existence is possible to make AND/OR obversely (by consistent logical extension), ALSO that NO categorical denial of a thing's NON-existence is possible to make (unless one consults the science). And any physicist who does consult the science in this matter must agree that such things are already categorically (I listed them earlier) ruled out as physical realities by the science itself, irrespective of paddoboy's introduced religious and or philosophical distraction which he tries to foist onto perfectly innocent objective physicists whom he obviously treats as religionists and or philosophers instead of scientists, else he wouldn't ask them to categorically deny anything without first consulting the relevant science on the matter. This subtle but important logical and scientific point apparently remains beyond paddoby's grasp. He is wasting his time and yours with irrelevant distraction instead of addressing and admitting the science already pointed out for him. Better to talk to a blank wall than try to make paddoboy see his own manifold errors in science and logic. Thanks anyway for your efforts though. Best.
Your observations!!!! :D:rolleyes: [hold on while I clean the computer screen of the coffee I just spurted on it in a fit of laughter]
Your mantra as an unknown, and probably rank amateur, from the realms of a public forum means SFA in the greater scheme of things....
When characters such as the god and yourself, preach continually anti mainstream science nonsense on public forums, one must conclude an agenda of sorts.......
James himself has asked you for references, links, or citations supporting your fairy tales, and all he got back was the usual confused rhetoric which meant nothing other than side stepping the issue...hence why he ignored replying to such nonsense.
You speak of addressing the science, which is quite a laugh since the facts show that you ignore the science, in preference to your own jumbled alternative proposition/s in your crusade to try and invalidate the mainstream did it with cosmological redshift, you did it with gravitational waves, you did it with DM just from the top of my head. each time you were asked for citations to support what you were claiming as "gospel" each time you failed to deliver..each time the likes of myself, PhysBang, James, Dave, had no other choice then to presume the obvious of which I have stated many times.

Now once again, no physicists has ever categorically said that worm holes do not exist or even that they do exist, [to appease our ether hypothesis poster :)]
In other words according to reputable noted professionals, and which Schmelzer has finally agreed, nothing firm on their existence or not is forthcoming at this time. Hence as per any scientific theory that was also speculative in nature, research and work to dig out the data on each proceeds as per normal in the professional ranks.....that is those ranks in which you, the god, and I do not play a part.
That you need to live with.
Here's a series of lectures by Professor Susskind....quite lengthy but also informative...

Leonard Susskind | "ER = EPR" or "What's Behind the Horizons of Black Holes?" - 1 of 2

Leonard Susskind | "ER = EPR" or "What's Behind the Horizons of Black Holes?" 2 of 2

Note the following:

Your observations!!!! :D:rolleyes: [hold on while I clean the computer screen of the coffee I just spurted on it in a fit of laughter]
Your mantra as an unknown, and probably rank amateur, from the realms of a public forum means SFA in the greater scheme of things....
When characters such as the god and yourself, preach continually anti mainstream science nonsense on public forums, one must conclude an agenda of sorts.......
James himself has asked you for references, links, or citations supporting your fairy tales, and all he got back was the usual confused rhetoric which meant nothing other than side stepping the issue...hence why he ignored replying to such nonsense.
You speak of addressing the science, which is quite a laugh since the facts show that you ignore the science, in preference to your own jumbled alternative proposition/s in your crusade to try and invalidate the mainstream did it with cosmological redshift, you did it with gravitational waves, you did it with DM just from the top of my head. each time you were asked for citations to support what you were claiming as "gospel" ech time you failed to deliver..each time the likes of myself, PhysBang, James, Dave, had no other choice then to presume the obvious of which I have stated many times.

Now once again, no physicists has ever categorically said tha worm holes do exist or even do not exist, [to appease how ether hypothesis poster :)]
In other words according to reputable noted professionals, and which Schmelzer has finally agreed, nothing firm on their existence or not is forthcoming at this time. Hence as per any scientific theory that was also speculative in nature, research and work to dig out the data on each proceeds as per normal in the professional ranks.....that is those ranks in which you, the god, and I do not play a part.
That you need to live with.
Once again the author of the above quoted post mischaracterizes and evades addressing the point. He again fails to mention my reply to James R explained that my links would be the same as paddoboy's own links (which confirm my observation was and still stands un-refuted re the observed lack therein). As for the rest of paddoboy's rant, he again confuses: claims with evidence; questions with crusade; and atheist (me) with his own 'god bothering' demons; and irrelevant and off topic issues from other threads as if relevant and on topic here. The real mystery is why the moderators have not acted before now, especially as the evidence has piled up to undeniable proportions, of his repetitious personal and other irrelevances and cluttering tactics in breach of the science method and the site rules, all the while avoiding properly addressing or refuting the actual point. The mystery of the paddoboy problem continues; while proper science discussion on this site falters due to the usual high tides of anti-science method clutter brought by that 'problem'.
Note the following:

Once again the author of the above quoted post mischaracterizes and evades addressing the point. He again fails to mention my reply to James R explained that my links would be the same as paddoboy's own links (which confirm my observation was and still stands un-refuted re the observed lack therein). As for the rest of paddoboy's rant, he again confuses: claims with evidence; .
No again you appear to be on another planet... :)
The whole subject is speculative...understand? The professionals and everyone else, other than yourself and the god, have recognised that fact.
But what I need to drum into your head, is the fact that all scientific theories have started out as speculative.
Worm holes are a prediction and solution of GR, and so far that has a pretty good track record.
Whether they really exist or not is inconclusive and no amount of word salad by yourself will invalidate that situation.
Singularities most believe do not exists, but again, the final decision as James has told you, is inconclusive.
BH's are as good as confirmed, along with gravitational radiation, and in line with any reasonable definition of a scientific theory.
The rest of your stuff is really too silly to discuss and just the expletive deleted and the god style of reversing qualities they themselves are inflicted with, onto the mainstream science adherents.
Also like the god, others have pulled you up on your rather fabricated "views" on the cosmos and spacetime in general, including rpenner for preaching nonsense.
Remember expletive deleted, scientific theories are not formulated by amateurs on public forums, no matter how hard your pretend that they are. :)
What I'm trying to say is your "preaching" and "evangelising" means nothing to most here that have any knowledge on the subject. The god of course, most have on ignore for the same repetitive agenda driven religious nonsense.
You need to do better...much better!
Note the following:

No again you appear to be on another planet... :)
The whole subject is speculative...understand? The professionals and everyone else, other than yourself and the god, have recognised that fact.
But what I need to drum into your head, is the fact that all scientific theories have started out as speculative.
Worm holes are a prediction and solution of GR, and so far that has a pretty good track record.
Whether they really exist or not is inconclusive and no amount of word salad by yourself will invalidate that situation.
Singularities most believe do not exists, but again, the final decision as James has told you, is inconclusive.
BH's are as good as confirmed, along with gravitational radiation, and in line with any reasonable definition of a scientific theory.
The rest of your stuff is really too silly to discuss and just the expletive deleted and the god style of reversing qualities they themselves are inflicted with, onto the mainstream science adherents.
Also like the god, others have pulled you up on your rather fabricated "views" on the cosmos and spacetime in general, including rpenner for preaching nonsense.
Remember expletive deleted, scientific theories are not formulated by amateurs on public forums, no matter how hard your pretend that they are. :)
What I'm trying to say is your "preaching" and "evangelising" means nothing to most here that have any knowledge on the subject. The god of course, most have on ignore for the same repetitive agenda driven religious nonsense.
You need to do better...much better!

The author of the above post seems not to understand that once the objective science itself categorically rules things unphysical in reality, then those things are no longer in the category of "valid scientific speculations"; because the objective science itself has spoken on the matter. If the author or anyone else chooses to continue 'speculating' on the possible existence of those things in physical reality, then they are effectively indulging in Sci-Fi and pop-sci etc fantasy speculations, not reality referential objective scientific speculations. The rest of his mantra can be ignored as the usual clutter based on his own pop-sci and sci-fi fantasy based mischaracterizations and subjective beliefs and confusions while insulting the intelligence of others demonstrably way more intelligent and objective than himself. We can but hope that unfortunate situation can change for the better sooner rather than later; to the benefit of proper science discussion here at this site.
The author of the above post seems not to understand that once the objective science itself categorically rules things unphysical in reality, then those things are no longer in the category of "valid scientific speculations";
The problem with you here, as in your other weird views on modern day cosmology, is that [1] unphysical does not mean unreal......a magnetic field for example.....and [2] The mention of unphysical is something only raised by yourself and consequently your own baggage.
Again no physicist has ever said that worm holes do categorically not exist, or even that they do exist.
I certainly hope that this author [:rolleyes:] has finally gotten through to you. But again, I'm not holding my breath! :)
Note the following:

The problem with you here, as in your other weird views on modern day cosmology, is that [1] unphysical does not mean unreal......a magnetic field for example.....and [2] The mention of unphysical is something only raised by yourself and consequently your own baggage.
Again no physicist has ever said that worm holes do categorically not exist, or even that they do exist.
I certainly hope that this author [:rolleyes:] has finally gotten through to you. But again, I'm not holding my breath! :)
The above quoted post's author seems to be losing it. Semantics, and non-sequitur semantics at that, seems to be his only resort now; while he evades conceding the observation and points I made to him, based on known science not his 'speculations' which science has already categorically (as per my earlier listing) ruled out as unphysical things not possible in physical reality. And what on earth is he babbling about now? I have never claimed that 'magnetic fields' are unreal or unphysical? That confused mischaracterization of what I say and what he thinks I am saying, is demonstrable proof that he is all at sea and lost the plot of what is happening in discussion and in reality. And yet again he resorts to his mantra trying to invoke hapless physicists into his own misunderstanding of the difference between scientific statements (which physicists make after referring to the science) and religious/philosophical statements (which no self-respecting physicists would even think of offering as anything other than personal opinion if the science has already spoken categorically on the matter and contradicts the claims to existence the above poster would imply by use of such a misleading and irrelevant mantra about what physicists personally say or not say). The above poster is now rolling his eyes and winking his eyes so frequently and violently that I begin to suspect his reading and comprehension are suffering accordingly, even more than usual.
Note the following:
The above quoted post's author seems to be losing it.
Considering it's you that rpenner has asked to calm down on not one, but two occasions, I am reminded of the Pot calling the Kettle Black...;)
Again all you need do to end this continuing nonsense by yourself and the god is support what you say with citation, link or reference.
Again, you fail to address the prime concerns that you seem to have, other than with your usual pre-mentioned unsupported word salad.
The existence or otherwise of worm holes is inconclusive, it's as simple as that.
Just because you keep offering some science sounding word salad you pretend will invalidate that position is of no concern to anyone really, other than those observing your antics here and that have previously commented on that behavour.
Note the following:

Considering it's you that rpenner has asked to calm down on not one, but two occasions, I am reminded of the Pot calling the Kettle Black...;)
Again all you need do to end this continuing nonsense by yourself and the god is support what you say with citation, link or reference.
Again, you fail to address the prime concerns that you seem to have, other than with your usual pre-mentioned unsupported word salad.
The existence or otherwise of worm holes is inconclusive, it's as simple as that.
Just because you keep offering some science sounding word salad you pretend will invalidate that position is of no concern to anyone really, other than those observing your antics here and that have previously commented on that behavour.
The above poster seems not to understand that merely asking someone to calm down when they were faced with unrelenting trolling and obtuse and plain mischaracterizing actions from certain posters, is hardly helpful in tackling the cause. And the fact that calm science based observations are still trolled against by the above poster using his clutter and evade and insult tactics, then it doesn't leave the above poster with even that off topic irrelevance to pursue while he evades the on topic point raised in logic and science context by me now. Is it possible, after all this time and explanation, that the above poster still not understand that once speculative thing is ruled out by the objective science itself, it becomes no longer a scientific speculation but rather a fantasy speculation?. Anything is possible with the above poster; even his scientifically categorically ruled out fantasies. What a site; that lets such 'enthusiastic' but anti-science method fantasists as the above poster clutter up science discussions/threads. The mystery continues.
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still not understand that once speculative thing is ruled out by the objective science itself, it becomes no longer a scientific speculation but rather a fantasy speculation?. .
Hence your misunderstanding! Thanks for highlighting.
Wormholes have not been ruled out by science, and still remains speculative as is evident in the reputable article in the OP, and the following reputable paper and hence open to continued research by the professionals.
You don't appear to be doing any better expletive deleted: sorry about that.

My position is that a worm hole do not and cannot exist. What is yours, pl pick one...

A. They can and they do.
B. I do not know.
C. They are proved to exist but not observed yet.
D. Well, I will change my position according to stand of reputable scientist worth his or her salt.
Hence your misunderstanding! Thanks for highlighting.
Wormholes have not been ruled out by science, and still remains speculative as is evident in the reputable article in the OP, and the following reputable paper and hence open to continued research by the professionals.
You don't appear to be doing any better expletive deleted: sorry about that.

Unicorns and ghosts also have not been ruled out by scientists.
Unicorns and ghosts also have not been ruled out by scientists.
Unicorns and ghosts and your own mythical spaghetti monster are not a part of GR or the laws of physics and exist only in your own mind...but I'm sure expletive deleted appreciates the helping hand. :rolleyes:
My position is that a worm hole do not and cannot exist. What is yours, pl pick one...
You are wrong of course. Unless you can support that fairy tale. And you have my position.
Let me again say that no physicist has claimed that a worm hole categorically can not exist...neither has any said that they categorically do exist.
As a still speculative concept [as all science theories once were] they remain open for research and potential great revelations and knowledge.
Note the following:

Hence your misunderstanding! Thanks for highlighting.
Wormholes have not been ruled out by science, and still remains speculative as is evident in the reputable article in the OP, and the following reputable paper and hence open to continued research by the professionals.
You don't appear to be doing any better expletive deleted: sorry about that.
The above poster seems to be denying or ignoring what was already listed for him as to the science which categorically rules out such things because they go against the scientific body of knowledge and logics re the physical reality. The list pointed out the scientific reasons and explanations as to why and how the things ruled out are now only unphysical fantasy etc speculations; and hence no longer scientific speculations. What does it take to get through this guy's armor built from an impressive ignorance of science methodology reinforced by his very own home grown special brand of strong filaments of fantasy? Must be worth a study by some enterprising young student in the internet related behavioral sciences.
The above poster seems to be denying or ignoring what was already listed for him as to the science which categorically rules out such things because they go against the scientific body of knowledge and logics re the physical reality. The list pointed out the scientific reasons and explanations as to why and how the things ruled out are now only unphysical fantasy etc speculations; and hence no longer scientific speculations. What does it take to get through this guy's armor
:D It takes evidence, pure and simple! While all you offer is pretentious rhetoric with no citation, link or refeence, that many posters on this forum have asked you for.
You are not doing any better...sad. :(

I asked you a valid and legitimate question which you avoided. I will put it again, pl answer.

What do you think a Worm Hole is? Try defining it in 2-3 lines of your english, no copy pastes pl.
Note the following:

:D It takes evidence, pure and simple! While all you offer is pretentious rhetoric with no citation, link or refeence, that many posters on this forum have asked you for.
You are not doing any better...sad. :(
The above quoted poster is ignoring or denying and evading the scientific evidence which I listed for him that categorically says wormholes etc could not exist in physical reality. He also still doesn't get that once the objective science itself properly and exhaustively rules those things out, then they are no longer scientific speculative things; and are thereafter only effectively unscientific speculative fantasies. Why cannot he get that at least? Mystery.