UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

And now you take personal revenge on me by slapping on 20 warning points allegedly for 'hate speech' in another thread whereas all I did was exercise the notional free speech right to criticize brutality and greed and racism by the supposed victims of my 'hate speech'. Well Isn't that just real convenient. Actual free speech has been progressively destroyed throughout the so-called freedom-loving democracies by such special appeals to 'offensive speech,' and it's also quite in vogue here at SF.
Well you said just a few days ago you didn't want to ban me. Here's your perfect pretext to do just that now James R. I obviously don't fit in. Might do both of us a favor.
And if you complain I should have made this post elsewhere - I disagree. It's evident here's where you decided my responses to your low-level drivel needed 'punishing'.
It's sad and annoying that you never tire of bating with repetitive disingenuous questions having gotten as best as possible answers to them many times before. Or you are claiming really poor memory?
You ought to take a leaf out of my book.

I have, on many previous occasions on this forum, given my opinion on whether aliens are likely to exist. But when wegs asked me that question, you know what I did? I answered her. It's basic good manners.

It could well be that my memory is terrible, for all you know. So here's a thought: you could tell me what you think your paranormal UFOs are, or you could provide me with a link to somewhere you previously posted about that.

Mind you, I'm not that interested in what you imagine they might be.
And now you take personal revenge on me by slapping on 20 warning points allegedly for 'hate speech' in another thread whereas all I did was exercise the notional free speech right to criticize brutality and greed and racism by the supposed victims of my 'hate speech'. Well Isn't that just real convenient. Actual free speech has been progressively destroyed throughout the so-called freedom-loving democracies by such special appeals to 'offensive speech,' and it's also quite in vogue here at SF.
Well you said just a few days ago you didn't want to ban me. Here's your perfect pretext to do just that now James R. I obviously don't fit in. Might do both of us a favor.
And if you complain I should have made this post elsewhere - I disagree. It's evident here's where you decided my responses to your low-level drivel needed 'punishing'.
If you want to discuss the warning I issued to you for your antisemitic comments in another thread, this is not the place to do that. You can reply to the warning message you received, or you could start a thread in Site Feedback. Make sure you've read our posting guidelines before you keep complaining, however.
This venerable length thread has sat idle for long enough. Nothing new to report but what the following article explores (but doesn't credibly explain imo) gels with apparently disparate but actually very similar accounts elsewhere:
The author attempts to provide a 'scientific explanation' for self-starting of auto engines on departure of a hovering UFO. In terms of ionized air creating a 'start spark' across a spark plug of a suitably positioned 'just past TDC' piston in a cylinder with a surviving gasoline-air mixture that is good enough to then crank the engine back to life. No credible detailed explanation of how that could be possible given each spark plug is connected via an insulated lead to a coil or coils. It's simply not feasible an actual emf of sufficient magnitude could be generated in such a haphazard way.

More significantly, that half-baked theory ignores that the car bonnet + side panels etc. will provide a perfectly adequate Faraday Cage. Quenching any supposed highly ionized air from manifesting in the interior space where the car high-tension electricals are located. Especially given the UFO causing the initial engine failure on arrival, and self-starting on departure, is almost invariably hovering above the vehicle(s) effected throughout the ordeal. That the vehicle occupant(s) suffered no fatal or even mild burns from the supposed 'highly ionized air' is really the nail in the coffin for that 'known physics' speculation.

A purview of other incidents such as the Maelstrom multiple missile shutdown incidents in 1967, and later similar. And the startling appearance of a 2004 Nimitz incident tic tac UFO at a way point ahead of FA-18 fighter jets arriving there, and which way point was only disclosed to a very select few, just reinforces the paranormal, not nuts & bolts physical UFO, nature of such incidents. Requiring intimate knowledge + exquisite control over any and all human technology.
The author attempts to provide a 'scientific explanation' for self-starting of auto engines on departure of a hovering UFO. In terms of ionized air creating a 'start spark' across a spark plug of a suitably positioned 'just past TDC' piston in a cylinder with a surviving gasoline-air mixture that is good enough to then crank the engine back to life. No credible detailed explanation of how that could be possible given each spark plug is connected via an insulated lead to a coil or coils. It's simply not feasible an actual emf of sufficient magnitude could be generated in such a haphazard way.
I've had this happen to my car - in my driveway.
There were no UFOs (or people) present.
For all that author analyzed this account, I see nowhere where it ever occurred to him how it can happen.
But it did happen. Things do happen, mundanely.

Here's a challenge. Twenty questions - yes or no answers.
Figure out what happened to my car. I give you my word it did happen, and my word I will tell you.


My car, sitting in my driveway, in the middle of the night, spontaneously started up. No one was nearby, not even me.
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I've had this happen to my car - in my driveway. T
here were no UFOs (or people) present.
It happened. Things do happen mundanely....
More details needed. How long had the engine been off before it spontaneously self-started? Engine cold or still hot for instance?
Also, is this the kind of car you are referring to?:

Once that's out of the road, we can ask if it makes a shred of sense such an extremely rare event would just happen to coincide with a UFO visitation. And at that not only the weird spontaneous restart - but the initial electrical failure (generally not just ignition/engine failure but headlights etc - i.e. total electrical shutdown) on UFO arrival. Try that for 'it happens' coincidences.
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Hours. Cold. (It was the middle of the night.)
Well unless you'd like to admit Poltergeist activity, the only way that would be remotely possible is if you left the key in the ignition and in the on position. In the old days that would drain the battery rather fast, but maybe a thing of the past now.

PS - In last para #5104 Maelstrom should have been spelt Malmstrom. It's what comes of relying on a spell-checker above one's memory.
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Well unless you'd like to admit Poltergeist activity, the only way that would be remotely possible is if you left the key in the ignition and in the on position. In the old days that would drain the battery rather fast, but maybe a thing of the past now.
You draw conclusions too fast.
As did the author of that article.

You can't be giving up that fast.
You draw conclusions too fast.
As did the author of that article.

You can't be giving up that fast.
This thread and sub-forum is not about guessing answers to riddles/puzzles. Just explain the supposed connection of your self-starting car engine to the phenomena described in the article I linked to. I don't expect there will be any real relevance. Indeed you have already admitted there was no associated UFO presence.
This thread and sub-forum is not about guessing answers to riddles/puzzles. Just explain the supposed connection of your self-starting car engine to the phenomena described in the article I linked to. I don't expect there will be any real relevance. Indeed you have already admitted there was no associated UFO presence.
It's a case study of how poorly the attempted analysis of unusual events occur.

The credulous will hear of a car spontaneously starting and think it must be UFOs.
The analyst will not give up so easily.
It's a case study of how poorly the attempted analysis of unusual events occur.

The credulous will hear of a car spontaneously starting and think it must be UFOs.
The analyst will not give up so easily.
Playing the smartarse. OK have it your own way. The only rules here are no rules except what mods arbitrarily apply as convenient. Just remember YOU came in with a supposed counterexample, but won't explain it's relevance if any to the article contents. YOU will have to convincingly explain YOUR car's self-restarting having any relevance to total electrical failure of vehicles on UFO arrival, and, on UFO departure, spontaneous revival of electrics, allowing normal cranking restarts, car lighting reviving, AND much rarer but well reported cases of spontaneous restarting of 'dead' engines. Go for it analytics genius!
Famous ufo sighting in Levelland TX in 1957 involving multiple eyewitnesses and multiple vehicles stalling out when near the ufo.

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OK have it your own way.
Perfect. "My way" is:

I've presented an incident that is intimately related to the article you posted here. It serves as a great mock incident - a case study to see if an erstwhile sleuth is able to analyze a mystery made relevant to this topic by your submission of that article.

You asked one question in your analysis and then ... gave up? Has that exhausted your rational thinking toolkit? How well does that speak to your ability to analyze any other mysterious incidents related to UFOs, such as those elsewhere in this thread?

The processes involved in analyzing this incident will be 100% applicable to analysis of other mysterious incidents, including phenomena surrounding UFOs. You should find yourself asking the same suite of questions to rule out - and rule in - possibilities.

YOU will have to convincingly explain YOUR car's self-restarting having any relevance to total electrical failure of vehicles on UFO arrival, and, on UFO departure, spontaneous revival of electrics, allowing normal cranking restarts, car lighting reviving, AND much rarer but well reported cases of spontaneous restarting of 'dead' engines. Go for it analytics genius!
I know the explanation for a fact. That's not the point.

Consider this akin to a possible UFO incident that you are analyzing to find explanations.

Can you ask useful questions about an unusual incident to root out explanations? Or do you typically give up after one?
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Perfect. "My way" is:

I've presented an incident that is intimately related to the article you posted here. It serves as a great mock incident - a case study to see if an erstwhile sleuth is able to analyze a mystery made relevant to this topic by your submission of that article.

You asked one question in your analysis and then ... gave up? Has that exhausted your rational thinking toolkit? How well does that speak to your ability to analyze any other mysterious incidents related to UFOs, such as those elsewhere in this thread?

The processes involved in analyzing this incident will be 100% applicable to analysis of other mysterious incidents, including phenomena surrounding UFOs. You should find yourself asking the same suite of questions to rule out - and rule in - possibilities.

I know the explanation for a fact. That's not the point.

Consider this akin to a possible UFO incident that you are analyzing to find explanations.

Can you ask useful questions about an unusual incident to root out explanations? Or do you typically give up after one?
Sounding off with irrelevant insinuations, but revealing nothing useful in the process, is all you have to offer. Pretty much expected by now. Impressing no-one but yourself. Put up at last or shut up.
Famous ufo sighting in Levelland TX in 1957 involving multiple eyewitnesses and multiple vehicles stalling out when near the ufo.

Some more details of that incident:
Obviously it was no 'fireball' or humongous 'ball lightning'.

Yet another article, this time offering an 'official explanation' via Project Blue Book investigators - viz 'ball lightning & wet vehicle electrics'. Once again echoing the 'official version' vs honest investigators & first-hand witnesses in 1952 Washington Flap incidents, it's followed by a scathing rebuttal of the Blue Book 'explanations' of Levelland encounters:
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Sounding off with irrelevant insinuations, but revealing nothing useful in the process, is all you have to offer. Pretty much expected by now. Impressing no-one but yourself. Put up at last or shut up.
Bare insults are insufficient to form the entirety of an argument. Your posts have no topical substance.
So after discarding the schoolyard-like emotive spleen, all that's left is silence, which answers for you:

You asked one question in your analysis and then ... gave up?
Demonstrably, yes.

Has that exhausted your rational thinking toolkit?
It would seem, but maybe you'll surprise us all.

How well does that speak to your ability to analyze any other mysterious incidents related to UFOs, such as those elsewhere in this thread?

Can you ask useful questions about an unusual incident to root out explanations?
Apparently not, but maybe you'll surprise us all.

Or do you typically give up after one?
Demonstrably, yes.

Still, if anyone cares to try their hand at the mystery, I will provide the solution, as I said I would.
Bare insults are insufficient to form the entirety of an argument. Your posts have no topical substance.
So after discarding the schoolyard-like emotive spleen, all that's left is silence, which answers for you:

You asked one question in your analysis and then ... gave up?
Demonstrably, yes.

Has that exhausted your rational thinking toolkit?
It would seem, but maybe you'll surprise us all.

How well does that speak to your ability to analyze any other mysterious incidents related to UFOs, such as those elsewhere in this thread?

Can you ask useful questions about an unusual incident to root out explanations?
Apparently not, but maybe you'll surprise us all.

Or do you typically give up after one?
Demonstrably, yes.

Still, if anyone cares to try their hand at the mystery, I will provide the solution, as I said I would.
Mystery boy continues to demonstrate irony, and nothing else.
...Still, if anyone cares to try their hand at the mystery, I will provide the solution, as I said I would...
No-one else seems interested in your mystery guessing game. It has to be guessing since you provide a bare minimum of detail - and that at my request. And since I've already laid the minimum requirement groundwork in #5108, I'd say you are obliged to just explain your case. And THEN explain how it could credibly relate at all to the various UFO presence, initially induced vehicle(s) total electrical failures, followed by 'spontaneous' revivals upon UFO departures. Of course you will have zero chance of achieving the latter, but amuse us and give both a stab.