UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

Space aliens shouldn’t be the default position when people see flying objects that seem unusual. I’d like to think there are extraordinary
Regarding ufo reports dating back to the 1950's, scientist James Macdonald, who studied ufos under the Air Force's Project Bluebook, offers this noteworthy observation:

"The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are close-range sightings of machinelike objects of unconventional nature and unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses... When one starts searching for such cases, their numbers are quite astonishing."====James E. McDonald
Why isn't the general public being made aware of these reports, if they're coming from credible witnesses? This would help kickstart thoughtful discussions in mainstream media that to me, would be a worthwhile venture.

As an aside, I can't help but wonder if some of these UAP's will remain ''unidentified'' to the general public, perhaps for safety reasons - maybe these crafts are some type of advanced military technology that is being tested - whether that be the US military, or another country. This would seem ''extraordinary'' to me, even though it would mean these UAP's have mundane origins. Mundane doesn't have to mean birds, weather balloons, and the like.

The default position shouldn't be - if we can't identify these crafts, then we need to start considering the possibility that it's space aliens. To me, there are more realistic options to explore (like my example above), before going that route. Do we presume that only space aliens are capable of this type of advanced technology, and that the general public is privy to everything the government is doing behind closed doors?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I'd believe that the governments around the globe know more than we do about these UAP's than they're sharing, than these crafts coming from ''other worlds.''
wegs said: Why isn't the general public being made aware of these reports, if they're coming from credible witnesses? This would help kickstart thoughtful discussions in mainstream media that to me, would be a worthwhile venture.

"By the time Project Blue Book ended, it had collected 12,618 UFO reports, and concluded that most of them were misidentifications of natural phenomena (clouds, stars, etc.) or conventional aircraft. According to the National Reconnaissance Office a number of the reports could be explained by flights of the formerly secret reconnaissance planes U-2 and A-12.[2] 701 reports were classified as unexplained, even after stringent analysis.[3] The UFO reports were archived and are available under the Freedom of Information Act, but names and other personal information of all witnesses have been redacted."--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Blue_Book
Correct. This hypothesis was not accepted until the evidence for it overwhelmed the evidence for all other hypotheses.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The evidence may be abundant and clear, but the event of the Big Bang itself is no less amazing and incredible. It is counterintuitive to everything our experience shows us, that something so large and real can emerge from nothingness. Before time and space itself. Without laws of physics or causation. It just happened. That to me is the limit of credibility. If that can happen, then anything is possible.
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"By the time Project Blue Book ended, it had collected 12,618 UFO reports, and concluded that most of them were misidentifications of natural phenomena (clouds, stars, etc.) or conventional aircraft. According to the National Reconnaissance Office a number of the reports could be explained by flights of the formerly secret reconnaissance planes U-2 and A-12.[2] 701 reports were classified as unexplained, even after stringent analysis.[3] The UFO reports were archived and are available under the Freedom of Information Act, but names and other personal information of all witnesses have been redacted."--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Blue_Book
What I meant was, it’s not really part of any mainstream media conversation in terms of being considered worthy of regular news stories. All of these investigations seem to happen behind the scenes, and are posted for the general public to review but that’s not the same thing as bringing up the concept of UAP’s and having sincere discussions about them, even just once per week on any of the major news networks.

Before someone posts “well, there’s nothing to discuss,” the conversation doesn’t need to be about anything having to do with space aliens, but it would perhaps pique the interest (conceptually) of the general public when it comes to UAP’s and how these investigations are conducted. Even though these UAP’s have been identified, it still would be worth talking about.

That’s how I see it, anyways. This thread is the most sincere discussion I’ve ever seen when it comes to UAP’s, tbh.
The evidence may be abundant and clear, but the event of the Big Bang itself is no less amazing and incredible.
I'm not sure you're using "incredible" correctly, in that, given the preponderance of evidence, it is rather easy to believe it.

Also, "amazing" has a number of uses, one of which is to express surprise (e.g. at the revelation of a hitherto unknown), but another is to express wonderment. The two are different meanings and one needs to be careful about equivocating. E.g. when I said that I would be more amazed that it was alien tech than someone lying, this was the former of the two uses I have noted. However, the Big Bang being amazing is more the latter use of the word.
If that can happen, then anything is possible.
Not true, unfortunately. We are bound by the physical laws of the universe that was created at the Big Bang. It is impossible to defy those laws.
Further, there is a vast difference between "possible" and "probable". The whole debate about the origin of UAPs and what one believes about them should be a matter of probability, not mere possibility. It is entirely possible that I win the Lottery jackpot. Do I believe I will win? No, because the probability is so low.
It is entirely possible that aliens have visited Earth in the past. Probable? I don't think it is remotely probable, given the evidence available.
The evidence may be abundant and clear, but the event of the Big Bang itself is no less amazing and incredible. It is counterintuitive to everything our experience shows us, that something so large and real can emerge from nothingness. Before time and space itself. Without laws of physics or causation. It just happened. That to me is the limit of credibility. If that can happen, then anything is possible.
Sure but you are describing emotional wonderment. It's not much to do with the topic of analysis of UAPs.
The evidence may be abundant and clear, but the event of the Big Bang itself is no less amazing and incredible. It is counterintuitive to everything our experience shows us, that something so large and real can emerge from nothingness. Before time and space itself. Without laws of physics or causation. It just happened. That to me is the limit of credibility. If that can happen, then anything is possible.

I think maybe it's better to think of the BB in more generalized terms. At a minimum, 13.8 billion years ago, there was a phrase change. The Universe was very hot and has been getting cooler ever since and it has been expanding ever since.

The beginning of our Universe could have been caused by the ending of another Universe. The BB itself doesn't imply that nothing came before. There is no need to get into the unknown details of what caused the BB or what, if anything, came before. There was a phase change 13.8 billion years ago.
"By the time Project Blue Book ended, it had collected 12,618 UFO reports, and concluded that most of them were misidentifications of natural phenomena (clouds, stars, etc.) or conventional aircraft. According to the National Reconnaissance Office a number of the reports could be explained by flights of the formerly secret reconnaissance planes U-2 and A-12.[2] 701 reports were classified as unexplained, even after stringent analysis.[3] The UFO reports were archived and are available under the Freedom of Information Act, but names and other personal information of all witnesses have been redacted."--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Blue_Book

Most of the UFOs are small.
I dont think someone would like to travel in such small "space"-ship (unless they would be very small too).
So. It is much more likely that this kind of vehicle permit short travels, probably restricted to the solar system.
Most of the UFOs are small.
I dont think someone would like to travel in such small "space"-ship (unless they would be very small too).
So. It is much more likely that this kind of vehicle permit short travels, probably restricted to the solar system.

Maybe they are AI controlled unmanned probes from another planet. Maybe they are AI from our own future, after humans have gone extinct.
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Maybe they are AI controlled unmanned probes from another planet. Maybe they are AI from our own future, after humans have gone extinct.

Yes from an other planet (planet 9, X ?), not from an other stellar system.
Wikipedia said:
In 2014, based on similarities of the orbits of a group of recently discovered extreme trans-Neptunian objects, astronomers hypothesized the existence of a super-Earth or ice giant planet, 2 to 15 times the mass of the Earth and beyond 200 AU with possibly a high inclined orbit at some 1,500 AU.[7] In 2016, further work showed this unknown distant planet is likely on an inclined, eccentric orbit that goes no closer than about 200 AU and no farther than about 1,200 AU from the Sun. The orbit is predicted to be anti-aligned to the clustered extreme trans-Neptunian objects.[8] Because Pluto is no longer considered a planet by the IAU, this new hypothetical object has become known as Planet Nine.[9]

You can not travel from Africa to America with a canoe, here we have the same problem (IA or not, the ship is too small to travel inside the galaxy).
IA ? Why not, but if you think about the "men in black" that some observers have encountered, they are not IAs, only some hypnotic suggestion of "??" (automated, so they always appear to be the same because they are well suited (accepted) to human brain, in my opinion).
I sometimes suspect ufos teleport over long galactic distances by traveling thru wormholes, warping spacetime into tunnels that can be traversed in literally no time. Is there anything in physics that might keep that from happening?
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I sometimes suspect ufos teleport over long galactic distances by traveling thru wormholes, warping spacetime into tunnels that can be traversed in literally no time. Is there anything in physics that might keep that from happening?

Wormholes or warping spacetimes are almost certainly only fairy tales due to the confusion between mathematic and physical reality.
There are probably no tunnels.

This misunderstanding is due to the epistemological crisis within physic we actualy face.
In physics today,it often happens that experimental data is interpreted as proof of a phenomenon that has not been directly observed, but for which phenomenon there is a theoretical model.
With the obtained data acting thereby as proof, the model then becomes recognized as “real,” after which the theoretical phenomenon that the model describes also then becomes recognized as “real”–that is, the heretofore purely theoretical phenomenon is acknowledged as a physical reality, even though it has never been observed, by either instruments or human

This relatively new situation, in which unobserved phenomenon come to be treated as if they had been directly observed, has lead modern physics into deep epistemological crisis of which it is not yet aware.

The purpose of this article is both to identify the epistemological crisis created by this situation, as well as to present a solution to overcoming this crisis

Michael 345 said:
The small ships come from a cloaked mother (birthing parent:) ) out there

This is more likely i agree.
I sometimes suspect ufos teleport over long galactic distances by traveling thru wormholes, warping spacetime into tunnels that can be traversed in literally no time. Is there anything in physics that might keep that from happening?


Well I understand our current knowledge of physics for starter's consider those abilities to be impossible


Well I understand our current knowledge of physics for starter's consider those abilities to be impossible


What if the aliens were a thousand years more advanced than us? Maybe they discovered laws of physics we haven't discovered yet. Maybe they invented technology that seems to break the laws, like how a jet seems to break the law of gravity. Maybe they as far ahead of us as we are from cavemen.
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