Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

Oh, and why do people refer to the site as 'ground zero'? FFS, Ground zero is in Japan. get your own term. It annoys me people would seek to lessen the guilt of the USA nuking innocent civilians by stealing the name of the place where the travesty took place. Talk about burying your own shit.
Its called simple bullshit. Imagine how the familes will feel.

Too bad. And whos we?

So because some people feel bad whe should strip people of their rights? I thought you were some kinda of libertarian anarchists but your really pushing some totalitarian beliefs
It doesn't sound like a mosque. Why would a mosque have 13 stories?

Are you quite sure?



They're most likely thinking in the long term future, when 911 will be a historical event, and the emotional turmoil long since gone.


Sorry: highly unlikely.

So because some people feel bad whe should strip people of their rights? I thought you were some kinda of libertarian anarchists but your really pushing some totalitarian beliefs

Community input doesn't matter?

Well, seemingly not.

Neither - from the other thread; honestly, another complete thread? - does nuance or facts. Only emotion matters on this issue.
So because some people feel bad whe should strip people of their rights? I thought you were some kinda of libertarian anarchists but your really pushing some totalitarian beliefs
Agreed. Ever notice people like Gleen Beck say they're "Conservative Libertarians" but push ideas that are completly authortarian, like the U.S.A.P.AT.R.I.O.T. act?
So because some people feel bad whe should strip people of their rights? I thought you were some kinda of libertarian anarchists but your really pushing some totalitarian beliefs

He's a young kid with fanciful ideas. Hence his contradictory double think mindset.

I mean, only the naive think anarchy is worthy. We struggled out of it, and built civilisations, but somehow this noob thinks it's some aspiration. Well, Psycho, here's news: anarchy = shitting in the hole you just dug.
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You'll never get people like that sane. They're convinced that they can survive on their own, without, say police to keep them safe, or social security to feed them when they get old.
You'd be surprised how many tea parties are for the social security they get which is supported by the taxes that they protest.
I see the phrase "Political Elite" has become a part of the US vernacular. That's interesting. When did it happen and what does it mean? AND most importantly WHO coined it and WHY?

It's just to meme-like for my tastes.

Secondly, Americans have the right build a f*cking Mosque any where they damn well please where it's legal to build a religious institution and "Ground Zero" is not sacred.

Education people. Get some.
I thought that the Constitution allowed for freedom of religion here in America. By preventing anyone from worship we are only going against what our own laws are all about. By letting a few terrorists put fear into you and distrust of the entire Muslim nation you are only letting them manipulate you in believing whatever they want you to belive.

I wonder what the Native Americans are thinking about this. They saw the Christians murder their ancestors under the guise that God was with them.
What do they need 13 stories for?
I'll tell yer.

Story 1. The Mosque
Story 2. Book shop
Story 3. Muslim advice centre.
Story 4. Women's floor
and so on and so on.........................

Story 13. Flight Training School
What do they need 13 stories for?
I'll tell yer.

Story 1. The Mosque
Story 2. Book shop
Story 3. Muslim advice centre.
Story 4. Women's floor
and so on and so on.........................

Story 13. Flight Training School

Exactly. Soon Islam will dominate the globe. alalalalalalalalalalala! ::fires AK into the air and then holds up goat and dances::

We have seen in many instances, that this is not the case. For reference see:

The Holocaust
Pearl Harbor
The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Bombing

We need to remember these things, and need to prevent them from ever happening again.

History is never forgotten. And that's not always a bad thing.

It is not a matter of history never forgotten, It's a matter of how it is Remembered.
Exactly. Soon Islam will dominate the globe. alalalalalalalalalalala! ::fires AK into the air and then holds up goat and dances::


Story 1. The Mosque
Story 2. Book shop
Story 3. Muslim advice centre.
Story 4. Women's floor
Story 5. Goat herding for beginners. Bring own goat.
Story 6. Class. How to avoid bullet you have fired into air in celebration.