Value 1 = Systemic Integral---0.999...Non-Systemic and Non-Integral

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by rr6, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. rr6 Banned Banned

    Value 0.999... Non-system( infinite ) and non-integral aka the 'perfect', mathematical circle.

    In this sense, we do not have a finite set of 360 degrees, rather we have an infinite set of degrees 0.{n}.....and never resolving it self as complete, 2D whole.

    A similarly rational, logical and common sense thought process, applies also to a 3D sphere.
    ----the illusionary(?)----line-of-demarcation--------

    Value 1.0 = Systemic( finite ) Integral

    The minimal, systemically integral, 3D( XYZ ) value 1 point, is a a finite tetra(4)hedron.

    The minimal, systemically integral, 2D value 1, is a finite, subdivided tri(3)angle, with a central( nucleated) nodal vertexial crossing/point.

    The minimal, systemically integral, wholistic phenomena, is composed of overlapping sets of radial( convergent and divergent ), and circumferential( precessional ) vectors( magnitude and direction ) as associated with geometrically visual or tactile,finite lines-of-relationships.

    With overlapping systems comes synergetic resultants ex in the following we have a red vector overlapping with blue vector to produce green vector.


    Via mathematics, we can say that, synergetically, 1 + 1 = 4, or 3 + 3 = 12.

    Via some experiences we can see that a systemically integral whole, is synergetically greater, than the sum of some of its parts.


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