Victor Espinoza's: Thread of Intrigue

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No, Victor... no they don't. The existence of the Photon is extremely well documented. The whole particle/wave duality is also well documented. There are no waves converting into wires or bridges... just... just stop, please.

It shows that the photon exists.

OBSERVATION: The photon is the particle carrier of all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including the gamma rays, the x-rays, the ultraviolet light, the visible light (electromagnetic spectrum), the light infrared, the microwaves and the radio waves.

HYPOTHESIS: The photon is NOT particle-carrying, of all the aforementioned forms of electromagnetic radiation.

It does not exist.

THEORY: The waves are a sea where moving the energy and the temperature, any value you need to go from one place to another without using the photon. To move the light of the Sun, the waves are created so that light will mobilize up to our planet. A Solar System is a sea made of a liquid called waves.

Very affectionately,
Víctor Elias Espinoza Guedez
May 5, 2014​
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What kind of experiment do you intend to conduct for this if I may be so bold as to ask
An infrared camera shows an image without using photons.

No, an infrared camera uses photons just as a regular camera does. In fact your regular camera picks up infrared light just fine. For a simple proof of this, point your remote at your camera in a dark room, press a button and take a picture. You will see the light from the infrared LED.

Or an even simpler experiment - get an infrared illuminator. Turn it on in a dark room. You will see a dim red glow, which is the part of the infrared light that your eye can see. Since your eye is not sensitive below about 800nm you won't see all the light, of course.

To put it in language you might understand better:

Author: Bill von Novak
Affiliations: Qualcomm, MIT

Abstract: Photons transmit electromagnetic energy

One Sentence Summary: the light is consist of the wave and the particle of photon

I discovered of what it is made the light: all of the light of photons made, since the other particles of the neutrons and protons detectable and not in the light.

Observation: The photon is the particle carrier of all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including the gamma rays, the x-rays, the ultraviolet light, the visible light (electromagnetic spectrum), the light infrared, the microwaves and the radio waves.

Hypothesis: The photon carries all the energy of the light.

Experiment: The infrared camera shows the image using the photons.

Conclusion: The light is consist of the photons as always.

Very affectionately,
William Henry von Novak
That's a convincing argument.
I wasn't seeing it in a big red on yellow way before.


Very affectionately,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
May 5, 2014


Very affectionately,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
May 5, 2014

NO... victor, you keep saying that, but you are wrong.
EVERYTHING in the ElectroMagnetic spectrum is carried upon PHOTONS. The difference, from Radio to Visible Light to X-Ray and Gamma Ray is simply the FREQUENCY:


Please... Victor for the love of sanity, just stop. Do some personal research into this before you continue with this hypothesis...
NO... victor, you keep saying that, but you are wrong.
EVERYTHING in the ElectroMagnetic spectrum is carried upon PHOTONS. The difference, from Radio to Visible Light to X-Ray and Gamma Ray is simply the FREQUENCY:


Please... Victor for the love of sanity, just stop. Do some personal research into this before you continue with this hypothesis...


The photon is the particle carrier of all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including the gamma rays, the x-rays, the ultraviolet light, the visible light (electromagnetic spectrum), the light infrared, the microwaves and the radio waves.



THEORY: Since the shine does not exist, only exist a wave of color.

Very affectionately,
Víctor Elias Espinoza Guedez
May 6, 2014​
No Victor... no... the reason you don't get that 'shine' on a photograph is because the camera only captures certain wavelengths... much like the human eye. If you were to use a broad-spectrum camera... well, one, the image file would be enormous. Two, I don't know how you would DISPLAY the outside-visible-range information without using false-color photography...three, again, we can only see a certain part of the total spectrum (a very very SMALL part at that). However, just because our narrow, limited perception cannot see it unaided does not mean that it doesn't exist, as already evidenced by much of the information presented to you.

Victor... trust me when I say the Photon exists.
2) Why do you bring up "infrared?" Do you not understand that infrared works much like visible light?

Victor does not really get this whole optics thingy.

He has stated that ojects that are far way don't just look smaller, they really are smaller.

This my friend is what you are up against. Victor wears a suit of armor that is impervious to logic, observation and evidence of any sort. I find it best to sit back and bask in the, umm, eccentricity that is Victor.
Thing is Origin, he has shown an earnest desire to learn... any shortcomings in his current knowledge CAN be filled and overcome with an honest thirst for said knowledge...
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