Welcome to Conspiracies

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James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
Conspiracies is the place to tell us how our governments and our scientists are lying to us about JKF (edit: or JFK, if you prefer), the moon landings, 9/11, AIDS, Obama's birth certificate, and the rest.

We won't report you to the feds, we promise. You can trust us. ;)

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this new forum, please post them here.
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We won't report you to the feds, we promise. You can trust us. ;)

What about the lizard-people???

What about the lizard-people???

For sure. I'm way more worried about them then the FEDS. FEDS ain't shit.

I think the moderator of this thread should be an off-worlder. I don't trust humans. Sorry, I just don't trust them.
Let's see, am I ready?

Tin foil hat, check!
Vivid imagination, check!
Propensity to disregard logic and reason, check!
Big bottle of pills, check!
Tin foil hat!

I think I'm ready.
For sure. I'm way more worried about them then the FEDS. FEDS ain't shit.

I think the moderator of this thread should be an off-worlder. I don't trust humans. Sorry, I just don't trust them.

Well, we already have the brain running things..

@ spud, Actually I think the problem is they stopped taking the pills, was afraid it was going to interfere with their precious bodily fluids.
Who was JKF? :p

He was that Democrat President who committed suicide by motoring through Dallas in an open top car.

Meanwhile.............. A meeting is called at sciforum Towers.

Bwarp! I hope the underlings are happy now, with their wretched Fringe Seance.
We have failed my dear moderators. Failed, and we had such dreams.
Now the amateurs and conspirateurs and raconteurs shall have free reign, alas.
Today is a day for anaesthesia.
Pour some Gin into my bottle, Stoniphi, there's a good boy.
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Obviously, this subforum is just a dis-info front for the Massad-lead NWO. Shills!
Some people say that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't acting alone.
I think he was, but he wasn't the only person shooting.
There were so many gun-happy Texans trying to pop off a shot at JFK that two or more of them tried it at the same opportune moment.
this case is a case that has a lot of people thinking who was involved who was linked with this and who is still around to suggest any type of proof that this case was either an open and shut case or a case that has those involved if still alive walking around as if they were not involved with this case:)
this case is a case that has a lot of people thinking who was involved who was linked with this and who is still around to suggest any type of proof that this case was either an open and shut case or a case that has those involved if still alive walking around as if they were not involved with this case:)

Are you part of some conspiracy group trying to destroy punctuation?
Conspiracies is the place to tell us how our governments and our scientists are lying to us about JKF (edit: or JFK, if you prefer), the moon landings, 9/11, AIDS, Obama's birth certificate, and the rest.

We won't report you to the feds, we promise. You can trust us. ;)

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this new forum, please post them here.
If the intention is to have the kinds of conspiracies you've mentioned, then the forum should be called 'disputed conspiracies' or suspected or contested.

I mean, everyone accepts that conspiracies exist. If not, such persons should be uproared over the number of conspiracy laws and, well, much of history.
Are you part of some conspiracy group trying to destroy punctuation?

Conspiracy Captain ! There is a conspiracy . They conspired against Me from the beginning it seems . Yet I be a good crack filler . Did you see that post by Arf " Induction on N " Put aside the math for a minute and look at the numbers . The same as I am always preaching . There is something there and it is chasing Me . I think you all are conspiring . All of you past and present . You got to be ! Nothing else can explain it .
Reagan did it. With the lead pipe. In the conservatory.


I agree and the pipe was lead too. I second that motion . Conservatory is spot on too and I can prove it. Coourse ( Burp, Colf hack hack , Cheep Beer) if you are American from the 70s you don't need any evidence ( You are the evidence )
Some people say that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't acting alone.
I think he was, but he wasn't the only person shooting.
There were so many gun-happy Texans trying to pop off a shot at JFK that two or more of them tried it at the same opportune moment.

That is only funny in a certain circle of people captain . Texans now might find it funny though . Like that Rick Perry Guy . I don't think Caroline Kennedy would find it all to funny . She almost got into politics this last presidential election . The Mob Ate her for breakfast . What a tasty morsel she was at that . I am still licking my lips
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