Were Adam & Eve The First Ever Humans?

Even Tiassa grudgingly agrees with me on the point about "pure", although it no doubt irks him no end to have to agree with me about something.

Stop making things up, James. At the end of the day, I just want you to be honest. It might still happen, someday.

Remember, James, you're the one who needs the supremacism; you're the one who requires it be here. This back and forth between undereducated religious zealots is one of the rewards of having forsaken rational discourse.

Honestly, James, the only reason you're important is that you have the power to fuck things up around here. Furthermore, you're clearly willing to use that power as such. Were it not for that, it would be easy enough to ignore you as much as circumstance allows, like Write4U, or Jan Ardena during what passes for normal times around here.

Similarly, if you think you are that manner of concern in the face of white supremacism, you haven't really been paying that much attention. My problem with you, of course, pertains to your willingness to put up cheap talking points against prejudice, like anyone can, while devoting what effort you do to justifying supremacism at Sciforums. In other words, it's only your own overstressed ego defense, this time.

No, really, think about it: You are proposing that the mere fact of you would be enough to roll me on white supremacism.

What the fuck is your problem, James?
speaking of supremacism
It seems that the book was written by a series of men with serious insecurity and ego problems.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that Lilith was created at the same time as adam and from the same clay as adam's to be adam's co-equal.
eeeeeek oh noooooooo
so out goes Lilith and we get eve created from the body of adam, which kind of makes Eve Adam's daughter
we have a special view/niche in our culture for fathers who fuck their daughters (and it ain't a niche that is honored)
So, here we have Adam and Eve
At the time of my first marriage, part of my wife's vows had to do with her honoring and obeying me
obeying me?!?
(Yeh, that was gonna happen;))
Ok more stories in the book wherein a father has sex with his daughter(s)
and the insecure (expletive) male authors made it such that the blame fell on the daughter(s)
OK the book is still a good read and has some valuable stuff in there.
caveat lector
caveat auditor
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Because of your non-acceptance of God, and scripture, you use anything at your disposal, to argue against it.
But I do accept the Bible. You're the one who tries to bend it into your own image.
Even if it makes no sense.
Yes, If the Bible makes no sense, I accept that. I don't rewrite everything I read.
Because it makes no difference to you....
That's right. I have no vested interest. I don't have any need for the Bible to make sense.
I don’t know any literature, out in the public domain, which is nonsense.
It's seldom a good idea to flaunt your ignorance. You might try Wikipedia's article on literary nonsense.
I choose to make sense of the Bible, and any other scripture, so I have a shot of understanding it.
You're failing by a long shot.
You're the one who tries to bend it into your own image.

How so?

If the Bible makes no sense, I accept that. I don't rewrite everything I read.

Can you point to where I have rewritten anything in the bible that I have read?

It's seldom a good idea to flaunt your ignorance. You might try Wikipedia's article on literary nonsense.

Name a book that has stood the test of time, that was nonsensical?

You're failing by a long shot.

I don’t think so , I am sure you don’t either.
You’re just being combative. You don’t want the bible, or any scripture to make sense because of your denial and rejection of God

“The fooldoth say in his heart, there is no God”.

Do you think that’s nonsensical?

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This whole thread.

This whole thread.

It's a fool who thinks he knows what other people think.

Sorry about the cut- off sentences. I think it has something to do with my phone.

Can you give me an example based on what I have said thus far, that is not actually written in the bible?

Can you give me an example based on what I have said thus far, that is not actually written in the bible?
That the Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 are not the same "mankind" as in Genesis 1. You can make that claim until the cows come home but it ain't in there.
Why are you so adamant that “mankind” means only two people?
No one here is. It is merely how the Bible claimed that humanity was created.

If you disagree - good for you! You are starting to place science over blind devotion to a religious myth.
No one here is. It is merely how the Bible claimed that humanity was created

But why don’t you accept that mankind is the human race, and not two people?
The bible does say mankind(the human race) was created on the sixth day of creation.

And Genesis 2 says there were two of them. Why do you have to add to that?

No it doesn’t, because the human race is more than two people. The two people thing is a different narrative, in a different section of the chapter. Why would you equate that with the creation of the human race that took place on the sixth day of the creation? :?

But why don’t you accept that mankind is the human race, and not two people?
We're not talking about reality; we're talking about what the Bible says and the Bible says two people. You asked for an example of you adding to the Bible and there it is: you're adding to the two people.
But why don’t you accept that mankind is the human race, and not two people?
Today, mankind is the entire human race. The Bible describes that Adam was created first. Then all of mankind was one person. Then he created Eve. Then all of mankind was two people. Then they had a son. Then all of mankind was three people. Etc.

Pretty simple. You have to be trying really hard to intentionally misunderstand that.
The bible does say mankind(the human race) was created on the sixth day of creation.
Genesis 1: So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
1 Timothy 2: For Adam was formed first, then Eve
1 Corinthians 15: The first man Adam became a living soul
Let's assume for the sake of argument that Lilith was created at the same time as adam and from the same clay as adam's to be adam's co-equal.
eeeeeek oh noooooooo
so out goes Lilith and we get eve created from the body of adam, which kind of makes Eve Adam's daughter
we have a special view/niche in our culture for fathers who fuck their daughters (and it ain't a niche that is honored)
So, here we have Adam and Eve

This is one of those questions of priorities.

You were so close, but really, really needed the incest line.

Oh, well.